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Transformers |OT| Transform and roll out...


I have become a huge fan of third-party stuff, but I have to admit to being mildly disappointed with Not-Superion.




The individual robots are great, and I love how big they are, but the combined mode is really fiddly due to Silverbolt's ratcheting hips. Very hard to get them to hold a pose that isn't practically a spreadeagle posture, so that's why he's in such a weird pose there. Trying to cover up the odd leg placement.

In the end I'm happy having five kickass Aerialbots, but this is not the kickass Superion most were looking for. Also the goofy chest and awful head mean the Wings of Uranos add-on kit is going to be a requirement later this year. Ah well. That F-15 is still beautiful.


That definitely wasn't cheap!

But it does take me back, I remember way back when my father bought me the Aerialbots all together, that was like Christmas. I loved them so much, especially as I always had an affinity for all things that flew and were jets. Fucking loved them in other words. Sadly over time things broke, got lost or otherwise which made me sad. Always loved them and never forgot.

Definitely a beloved childhood memory.

Escape Goat

I just finished the 3rd season of Transformers Prime. I really hate those kids. I hate humans in Transformers. During my viewing I realized that cartoons aren't for me anymore. I'm too old and I am not the target audience. I read that some fans were concerned the next series would be "more kid friendly" and I'm shaking my head wondering how much more kid friendly can you get? Transformers Rescue Bots I guess is one extreme.


Read the current comics, no humans.

All bots!

And some aliens.

Okay one human in Last Stand of the Wreckers but that's it.



Please for the love of god Hasbro, please release a new generations Galvatron.

Since they're releasing figures based on their IDW appearance they could release that Galvatron and I'd happily pay for it.

Fuck the Henkei!/Universe version, it falls apart if you so much as even look at it.

Mike M

Nick N
Please for the love of god Hasbro, please release a new generations Galvatron.

Since they're releasing figures based on their IDW appearance they could release that Galvatron and I'd happily pay for it.

Fuck the Henkei!/Universe version, it falls apart if you so much as even look at it.
Sadly, it's also probably the best figure that classic Galvatron has ever gotten. The Energon figure was OK, but he had that ridiculous swan jet mode, and while the original idea of Galvatron with dual shoulder mounted cannons sounded awesome in theory, it didn't work so great in practice.

I'd buy the shit out of this version, even if his alt-mode is a teensy bit lacking.

Energon Galvatron doesn't work to bad either if you modify the living shit out of it.

Looks amazing, but it's hard for me to accept a non-transforming transformer =p

Just think of it as Masterpiece ActionMaster Prime! Heh heh.
Missing the blue forearms though.


That Energon Galvatron looks pretty fucking legit. I like it.

With the new "thrilling 30" line, I'm really hoping Hasbro give the green light to a new Galvatron. If they can do justice to Springer then Galvatron should be a home run easily.

God damn that Springer is the sex. One of my favourite triple changers followed by Octane/Tankor (no fucking idea why I like him to be honest) and Astrotrain.


It depressed me that I missed out on Cyclonus, Scourge and even Galvatron some years ago. I always wanted those and when I finally saw what I missed I was ticked.

Mike M

Nick N
Scourge came out after I had stopped collecting, but I seem to recall not being super enthused about Cyclonus. I don't think he stayed together very well in vehicle mode or something, I don't remember. Galvatron had issues of his own, and I thought it was kind of weird that he was an otherwise fairly realistic tank with a weird bright orange space cannon turret.

What I'd really like to see is a modern rendition of Punch/Counterpunch outside of the 2010 convention exclusive redeco of the Classics Sideswipe/Sunstreaker. Admittedly, that was a pretty good pick to make though, but ironically I don’t think they did as good a job at differentiating the bots as they did on the original toy (Plus, it never saw wide release). Basically only the head and chest are different, but on the original, each robot mode had different head, chest, shoulders, arms, legs, etc.


The concept of turning into two fairly different robot modes was awesome, and I felt that it was ridiculously well executed given the general level of sophistication in toys back then. He arguably hasn't quite been matched since.

I think the next attempt at this concept was Armada Sideways?

An interesting experiment (Return of the double agent AND a Headmaster to boot), but such a shitty, shitty toy. Stupid looking motorcycle, terrible articulation, ridiculous beer-can-with-antlers normal robot mode head, the official transformation of the Minicon heads had the legs in goofy positions (Though they looked OK if you folded them down). The combining the Minicons into a rider for the motorcycle worked out OK though.


Energon Rapid-Run was no better.


Cybertron Sideways was an awesome figure, but the “faction switching” gimmick basically amounted to whether or not he had his blades out, he was still clearly the same robot.


Animated Shockwave was probably the most extensive attempt at it since the original Punch/Counterpunch, complete with different vehicle modes. If a reimagined Punch/Counterpunch also had the ability to have two different car modes, I’d shit myself.


Scourge came out after I had stopped collecting, but I seem to recall not being super enthused about Cyclonus. I don't think he stayed together very well in vehicle mode or something, I don't remember. Galvatron had issues of his own, and I thought it was kind of weird that he was an otherwise fairly realistic tank with a weird bright orange space cannon turret.

Even if not the best I got good memories of them from child hood, the third (wasn't it the third?) season of them showing up on TV I thought was better than the previous two and felt better written (mostly). That and they appeared to be a threat. Plus I loved the fact Galvatron would even beat the hell out of his own troops who still remained loyal and even killed one of the sweeps with a blast to the face. Compared to the Autobots the Decepticons were far more interesting overall. Seeing them on Charr after the movie helped reinforce that. Plus I loved Galvatron's little speech when they came and found him after being tossed through Unicron.

So yeah, I always kinda wanted some good versions of them and kinda missed the chance which annoys me.
Perhaps its just me but I can't stand the RID/Armada/Energon/Cybertron robot designs. Just a bunch of useless blocky junk all over. Hate them more than the movie designs aesthetically.

It was worse in the show. The characters could barely move they were so thick. Made it unwatchable for me (among other reasons).

Mike M

Nick N
Say what you want about RiD, but I loved Ultra Magnus in it, and Omega Prime is one of my favorite combinations. I love to see a super expensive version of Omega Prime.
RiD's original molds were all pretty awesome, I don't think you'll find anyone who--

Perhaps its just me but I can't stand the RID/Armada/Energon/Cybertron robot designs. Just a bunch of useless blocky junk all over. Hate them more than the movie designs aesthetically.

It was worse in the show. The characters could barely move they were so thick. Made it unwatchable for me (among other reasons).


Well, I would point out that Armada through Cybertron were super heavily informed by G1design aesthetic, which are full of blocky, chunky robots. That didn't translate to the cartoon, where all the robot designs were essentially humans wearing cardboard boxes on their arms and legs, where as since then there's been much stronger resemblence between their appearance in the show and on the shelves.
The blocky design is part of the reason I like the RiD designs. I never watched Armada or Energon. I did watch Cybertron, which was ok.

BTW, can someone explain why we got that Unicron Trilogy? It wasn't very well loved and I only saw Cybertron. There was originally a lot of hype over Armada, but people end up hating it.


BTW, can someone explain why we got that Unicron Trilogy? It wasn't very well loved and I only saw Cybertron. There was originally a lot of hype over Armada, but people end up hating it.

While I wasn't around at the start, as I really got into the community after Energon, I guess when we first saw the Armada concepts of truly G1 inspired vehicle and robot designs for all characters, with both sides being vehicles instead of animals people were really happy. But as we actually got to handle the toys, we came to hate them. Plus the shows were awful, especially energon (didn't see Armada). Kicker was the worst thing to ever happen to the series.

Mike M

Nick N
The blocky design is part of the reason I like the RiD designs. I never watched Armada or Energon. I did watch Cybertron, which was ok.

Ironically, of the original molds that came out of RiD (Of which there were only six), half of them were the Autobot brothers, who were more of the Beast Wars Neo school of design of "shell formers" than the blocky stuff.

BTW, can someone explain why we got that Unicron Trilogy? It wasn't very well loved and I only saw Cybertron. There was originally a lot of hype over Armada, but people end up hating it.

It was supposed to be the start of a unified product line available on both sides of the ocean at relatively the same time with the same show supporting it. Hasbro did the designs, Takara did the engineering and was responsible for the production of the show. By the time Cybertron rolled around, they had ironed out most of the kinks in the process, but Armada was a terrible start. In order to get the show stateside, they used rough draft animation and rushed translations that were *always* riddled with mistakes. Energon was a bit better on the animation front, but suffered from being pretty incomprehensible a lot of the time (Why are cars driving through space?!).

Cybertron was relatively mistake free to my recollection, but Takara had produced the show as a reboot of the entire franchise, and Hasbro had considered it a continuation of the Armada/Energon arc, which led to some disagreements in continuity in the show.

While I wasn't around at the start, as I really got into the community after Energon, I guess when we first saw the Armada concepts of truly G1 inspired vehicle and robot designs for all characters, with both sides being vehicles instead of animals people were really happy. But as we actually got to handle the toys, we came to hate them. Plus the shows were awful, especially energon (didn't see Armada). Kicker was the worst thing to ever happen to the series.

Nah, people hated Armada from the first sight of the toys. Armada was known to be in development since the start of RiD, and it was supposed to be the fusion of the strengths of both Hasbro and Takara. We were hoping that we were going to get toys as awesome as Super Fire Convoy and fiction as good as BW. Instead we got the worst show in the franchise history, and toys that were a decided step back in many regards.

We went from this:

to this:

The reaction wasn't pretty.

Beth Cyra

I still say that parts of Armada are very awesome. However the weird translation issues (Hearing Prime yelled Jet Convoy during a Power Link will forever be an awkward experince for me.) and the decision to stuff three Kids in the lead role and trying to teach the Autobots about building a fucking base bring it down.

However it had some amazing character updates like Blurr and Jetfire, as well as a very unique and enjoyable change to Starscream. Honestly I still find the good parts of Armada to be much more enjoyable then the garbage that was Cybertron/Superlink and Cybertron.

Might as well ask her, any chance of Rumors of the next Prime repaint? Ultra Magnus is my favorite (but I love the Twin concept between him and Prime) and I'm dying for a MP Prime 2.0 recolor.


Might as well ask her, any chance of Rumors of the next Prime repaint? Ultra Magnus is my favorite (but I love the Twin concept between him and Prime) and I'm dying for a MP Prime 2.0 recolor.

The designer in charge of the MP line has said that his top 3 characters he wants to do are Ultra Magnus, Jazz and Bruticus. He even has a kitbashed Magnus on his desk, with G1 Magnus armor adapted to fit on an MP-10. They're running a poll currently in Japan to determine what the next Convoy/Prime MP figure should be, and several of the options are trailer combiners (Powermaster Prime/Ginrai, Star Convoy, Galaxy Force Convoy), which says to me that the option is on the table. I will be somewhat surprised if we don't hear news of a proper armored MP-10 Magnus permutation within the next year.

Beth Cyra

The designer in charge of the MP line has said that his top 3 characters he wants to do are Ultra Magnus, Jazz and Bruticus. He even has a kitbashed Magnus on his desk, with G1 Magnus armor adapted to fit on an MP-10. They're running a poll currently in Japan to determine what the next Convoy/Prime MP figure should be, and several of the options are trailer combiners (Powermaster Prime/Ginrai, Star Convoy, Galaxy Force Convoy), which says to me that the option is on the table. I will be somewhat surprised if we don't hear news of a proper armored MP-10 Magnus permutation within the next year.
I will drop whatever I have to for that. Granted I will never armor him up, but to combine that beautiful mold with Ultra colors will be worth it.


MP Bruticus?

As in the complete set of Combaticons?

So he says. Probably be looking at limbs about the size of MP Sideswipe/Red Alert and an Onslaught about MP Grimlock size or a bit smaller. Not too different from the scale of the MMC Predacons. It would be pricey, but not impossible.

And if it doesn't happen, there's always the third party Warbotron set that's on the way.


Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
So he says. Probably be looking at limbs about the size of MP Sideswipe/Red Alert and an Onslaught about MP Grimlock size or a bit smaller. Not too different from the scale of the MMC Predacons. It would be pricey, but not impossible.

And if it doesn't happen, there's always the third party Warbotron set that's on the way.

Holy wow, that looks amazing. Third-party stuff can be amazing.


The designer in charge of the MP line has said that his top 3 characters he wants to do are Ultra Magnus, Jazz and Bruticus. He even has a kitbashed Magnus on his desk, with G1 Magnus armor adapted to fit on an MP-10. They're running a poll currently in Japan to determine what the next Convoy/Prime MP figure should be, and several of the options are trailer combiners (Powermaster Prime/Ginrai, Star Convoy, Galaxy Force Convoy), which says to me that the option is on the table. I will be somewhat surprised if we don't hear news of a proper armored MP-10 Magnus permutation within the next year.

Do want.

The next MP's after Prowl and co. are Wheeljack and Bumblebee yeah?

Might be a good while before we see a Bruticus then, if it happens.

Mike M

Nick N
Hands are a little big, but otherwise that looks amazing.

God I wish these third party outfits could afford the scale and affordability of the genuine article. I'd love to see another transforming robot line on the market.


Did MP -2 actually perform well? I've always feared that it didn't and Magnus would be on the chopping block.

It sold out of its single run, and remains one of the hardest to find MPs in the line. I don't think Takara considers it a failure at all, but I believe the guy in charge of the MP line wants to do a proper Magnus with trailer, because the fanbase has been fairly vocal about being tired of Magnuses just being no-frills white repaints of Optimi.

Beth Cyra

It sold out of its single run, and remains one of the hardest to find MPs in the line. I don't think Takara considers it a failure at all, but I believe the guy in charge of the MP line wants to do a proper Magnus with trailer, because the fanbase has been fairly vocal about being tired of Magnuses just being no-frills white repaints of Optimi.
I bet they are. I know I'm a very small minority who prefers the Twin/Brother aspect of Prime and Magnus.

So long as its like G1 and he is in the Exoskelloton then I'm happy to pay the extra for the Armor.


I bet they are. I know I'm a very small minority who prefers the Twin/Brother aspect of Prime and Magnus.

I like the notion that they're brothers and that Magnus uses the armor to differentiate himself from and prevent comparisons to his super-famous and super-successful sibling.

What was it that made you such a die-hard fan of non-armor Magnus? I know the Scramble City and post-movie Japanese shows implied that Prime and Magnus were related, but if I remember right the "white version of Optimus inside the armor" aspect of Magnus wasn't referenced in any fiction until the Dreamwave comic series.

Beth Cyra

I like the notion that they're brothers and that Magnus uses the armor to differentiate himself from and prevent comparisons to his super-famous and super-successful sibling.

What was it that made you such a die-hard fan of non-armor Magnus? I know the Scramble City and post-movie Japanese shows implied that Prime and Magnus were related, but if I remember right the "white version of Optimus inside the armor" aspect of Magnus wasn't referenced in any fiction until the Dreamwave comic series.
Well I also liked to believe that when Magnus died he didn't Gray out, because it was Magnus on the inside Prime/Dion was the one killed and the External Shell was just that, a shell.

As for why I like it so much? I don't know. I guess it partly has to do with me and I like to believe it's one of the reasons the Matrix would reject him.

It also has to deal with the fact that several interesting ideas have come out with each new Toy release to justify it. Love both Alternity extra as well as the little story with War With In Magnus. Plus the Dreamwave did it so well it just cemented my love for the concept.
I never liked the idea that Prime and Magnus were brothers. Why are they brothers and almost no one else? Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, fine, but why not the 'Con Seekers? .and what does that even mean, brothers? Did they come from the same cyber uterus? Eh.

RiD's original molds were all pretty awesome, I don't think you'll find anyone who--


Well, I would point out that Armada through Cybertron were super heavily informed by G1design aesthetic, which are full of blocky, chunky robots. That didn't translate to the cartoon, where all the robot designs were essentially humans wearing cardboard boxes on their arms and legs, where as since then there's been much stronger resemblence between their appearance in the show and on the shelves.

I felt the robot designs were moving too much towards needless complexity. the G1 robot designs had a simplicity that gave them charm and character. RiD debuted and it became let's see how many pistons and valves we can shove on the character. It's the same problem I have with the live action movie designs.

I love the new Animated/TFP toyline - they went back to a simplicity with the designs, much more sleek lines and less blocky crap.


I never liked the idea that Prime and Magnus were brothers. Why are they brothers and almost no one else? Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, fine, but why not the 'Con Seekers? .and what does that even mean, brothers? Did they come from the same cyber uterus? Eh.

James Roberts in the IDW comics had a pretty good take on the "how can robots be brothers" thing, involving cloned or shared sparks. This has varying effects, from simply resulting in two robots who share a close sibling-style bond to two robots who can actually feel and see what the other feels and sees on a semi-regular or constant basis. In extreme cases of shared sparks, killing one of the robots will also kill the other.

Beth Cyra

I never liked the idea that Prime and Magnus were brothers. Why are they brothers and almost no one else? Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, fine, but why not the 'Con Seekers? .and what does that even mean, brothers? Did they come from the same cyber uterus? Eh.

I felt the robot designs were moving too much towards needless complexity. the G1 robot designs had a simplicity that gave them charm and character. RiD debuted and it became let's see how many pistons and valves we can shove on the character. It's the same problem I have with the live action movie designs.

I love the new Animated/TFP toyline - they went back to a simplicity with the designs, much more sleek lines and less blocky crap.

Alot of it for Prime/Magnus comes back to Optronix (sorry I refuse to the other name, it's just dumb) and Dion both being upgraded by Alpha Trion. That and the shared Prime figure between Prime and Magnus.

Plus in a lot of aspects Prime and Magnus are very similar, so the relationship seems much more real then say something like the Seekers, it's just that Prime and Magnus take certain aspects of the Autobot way of life to their extremes.

Because I'm in the need for more Magnus in my life, I decided to order TPB of MTME 1 and 2. Do I need anything else to get into this series? Any chance there is that Prime/Magnus dynamic or have they completely dropped it after Dreamwave's collapse?
James Roberts in the IDW comics had a pretty good take on the "how can robots be brothers" thing, involving cloned or shared sparks. This has varying effects, from simply resulting in two robots who share a close sibling-style bond to two robots who can actually feel and see what the other feels and sees on a semi-regular or constant basis. In extreme cases of shared sparks, killing one of the robots will also kill the other.

Haven't read much of the newer IDW run..I mentioned this in the other Transformers thread but the early stuff was just awful. No direction or ambition, terrible composition, insistence on shoving every character into the same rigid archetypes from G1. It was painful to read. I remember going through Megatron Origin and being completely frustrated visually. Whoever wrote it needed to take a class on framing and how to direct the eye. Had to force myself to finish it. Great concept with terrible execution.

I've been told it's improved greatly since then, so maybe i'll give it a second shot.


Alot of it for Prime/Magnus comes back to Optronix (sorry I refuse to the other name, it's just dumb) and Dion both being upgraded by Alpha Trion. That and the shared Prime figure between Prime and Magnus.

Sadly, at a panel at a con in recent years, Hasbro definitively said that while Orion Pax was rebuilt into Optimus, Dion was not rebuilt into Magnus. I always liked that fantheory, but oh well.

Because I'm in the need for more Magnus in my life, I decided to order TPB of MTME 1 and 2. Do I need anything else to get into this series? Any chance there is that Prime/Magnus dynamic or have they completely dropped it after Dreamwave's collapse?

Optimus' and Magnus' paths do not cross in the MTMTE series until the current Dark Cybertron crossover that's happening in the issues on-shelves now. They are not brothers in the IDW continuity (and it's hard to say whether Magnus actually has the white Optimus robot in his armor...this is actually an ongoing argument among fans, but as far as I'm concerned, if the alt-mode has a white cab, it's inside the red-and-blue armor body in robot mode...otherwise, where does it go?), at least as far as has been mentioned. They know each other and Magnus is greatly respected as the Duly Appointed Enforcer of the Tyrest Accord, and is actually one of the only Cybertronians that non-Cybertronian alien races respect, because he enforces law against his own kind. Aliens in the IDW universe kind of see the Transformers as warmongering monsters, and it's hard to argue against that when you think about it.

Haven't read much of the newer IDW run..I mentioned this in the other Transformers thread but the early stuff was just awful. No direction or ambition, terrible composition, insistence on shoving every character into the same rigid archetypes from G1. It was painful to read. I remember going through Megatron Origin and being completely frustrated visually. Whoever wrote it needed to take a class on framing and how to direct the eye. Had to force myself to finish it. Great concept with terrible execution.

I've been told it's improved greatly since then, so maybe i'll give it a second shot.

Haha, yeah, Megatron: Origins was basically a complete trainwreck. The IDW universe has had its rough spots, but currently the ongoings of More Than Meets The Eye and Robots In Disguise are seriously the best TF fiction ever produced. If you want to get into it, I recommend picking up these trade paperbacks:

The Last Stand of the Wreckers
More Than Meets The Eye 1-4
Robots in Disguise 1-3
Transformers: Dark Prelude

LSotW is not directly part of the ongoings, but what happens in it is very connected to several characters and events in MTMTE and RiD. After that read MTMTE book 1, which actually begins with a one-shot issue called The Death of Optimus Prime, which sets up the situation the two series jump off from.

All you really need to know about what came before that is that whole bunch of really stupid "chaos dimension" crap happened, a giant chaos monster made of Decepticon corpses attacked Cybertron, and everyone teamed up to stop it. Megatron was killed, Cybertron was revitalized/rebooted after millions of years of dormancy, and sent out a signal to all Cybertronians that it was time to come home. So while MTMTE is about Rodimus leading a crew of misfits to find a mystical group of ancient Transformers who may or may not exist, RiD is about the characters who stayed on Cybertron dealing with the thousands of non-aligned Cybertronians returning home, and the tensions that creates along with the now-conquered Decepticons.

Also, two character background notes:

Cyclonus is not a creation of Unicron (and indeed Unicron has not been seen in IDW), he is an ancient Cybertronian who left on the original Ark to find...something with Nova Prime. Galvatron was also on that ship, and is unrelated to Megatron.

Ironhide was killed on Earth during the now-defunct ongoing series several years ago, but awoke on a ruined Cybertron with no memory of the last 4 million years. Turned out his spark had been saved and put in a new body with memories from the last backup Primus/Cybertron made of him, which was before the Transformers left the planet. So to him, the now-ended war's origins are much fresher, and he has had a vision of a far-future time in which Transformers have colonized most of the galaxy and everything is at peace. The catch? He's the only Autobot still alive, and he A) Doesn't know why and B) Thinks that means he is invincible due to destiny.

It's really good stuff. Give it a try.


If you want to know if Magus is basically a white Optimus in the IDW line or not then here is your answer:

Magus is totally NOT a white Optimus or any version of him.
My tru mp soundwave should be arriving soon, can't wait. I hope there are more tapes on the way (the post movie ones)

One thing I really want is a decent G2 Megatron.
I love that design for some reason


As far as the TF comics go, check the OP and follow the modern era reading list-
1- Last Stand of the Wreckers
2- Transformers: Chaos Theory (Or at least Transformers #22 and 23)
3- Transformers: Chaos
4- Transformers: More than meets the eye series
5- Transformers: Robots in disguise

Which brings me to this:


I say skip the hell out of Chaos and Chaos Theory. They're pretty awful in general and nothing happens that you can't pick up on from the early MTMTE/RID TPBs.


I say skip the hell out of Chaos and Chaos Theory. They're pretty awful in general and nothing happens that you can't pick up on from the early MTMTE/RID TPBs.

James Roberts co-wrote Chaos, so that's one reason to read it =P


Avoid the mini involving Galvatron, is that Chaos Theory?

The artwork was beyond horrible.

Nope Chaos Theory was Rodimus meeting the green alien and Wheelie then return to Earth to tell everyone about Galvatron's plan.
The one involving Galvatron was Heart of Darkness/Chaos IIRC.
...and yeah i remember dropping because of the art too =P

Beth Cyra

If you want to know if Magus is basically a white Optimus in the IDW line or not then here is your answer:

Magus is totally NOT a white Optimus or any version of him.

This totally saddens me and lessens my hype for getting into the TBP. Well I will probably lose hype anyway now that I have all the White Prime Mode Magnus' anyway.


Bane was better.
I just finished the 3rd season of Transformers Prime. I really hate those kids. I hate humans in Transformers. During my viewing I realized that cartoons aren't for me anymore. I'm too old and I am not the target audience. I read that some fans were concerned the next series would be "more kid friendly" and I'm shaking my head wondering how much more kid friendly can you get? Transformers Rescue Bots I guess is one extreme.

I hate PRIME. While I enjoyed all the robot stuff with the lore and could even tolerate the kids, whenever the show made it feel like the kids owned the robots, or the TFs were the kids' pets, I couldn't stand it. Clearly a show for children. It's almost poke-formers.


While I disagree how childish the show is, I agree that they tried too hard to make the kids seem useful, especially Miko beating up cons at the end.
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