I'm hyped for the Datsun brothers this month. They small but they Fierce!
Think I'll grab Prowl first. Not sure which of the other two bro's I want.
I'm hyped for the Datsun brothers this month. They small but they Fierce!
I went to my local comic book store and I only now know Regeneration is a continuation of the Marvel G1 comics with the old art style and Simon Furman. Woah. Paperback so bought.
Think I'll grab Prowl first. Not sure which of the other two bro's I want.
Think I'll grab Prowl first. Not sure which of the other two bro's I want.
..just checked - it's the MP SoundwaveAn extra what? MP Soundblaster?
I want a Masterpiece Huffer. He became my favorite after watching those Dr. Smoov videos. "heh he , thanks a lot Wheel Jerk"!
I'm hyped for the Datsun brothers this month. They small but they Fierce!
Bluestreak and Smokescreen.What's the name of the other 2? I forgot what their names are but I easily recognize Prowl.
I saw that! Thanks. Here is my concern, and I wonder if you guys ever get this. For example QuakeWave. I feel that as soon as I decide to purchase him, Takara will announce their own Shockwave Masterpiece! Do you guys ever get that? I'm almost sure I'll purchase this Huffer, because I doubt he is of priority to the MP line.
I suspected it with QuakeWave, but I don't think an official MP Huffer is in the cards any time soon. I never did get QuakeWave, because I'm pretty sure a Takara version will be along in the next year or two.
Also, Jazz. I wonder if Porsche are giving them shit. Then again, I believe Lamborghini is part of the same parent company.
Watching TF media there's always been a question i've had that I wanted to bounce off of you guys.
Why do the Decepticons follow Megatron? What did he do that managed to coerce the lion's share of an entire planet to follow him unquestionably?
The new continuity has tried to explain this with the caste system, but what of G1? There's no way Megatron managed to convert all of those Decepticons with just the robo smasher.
The best theory I can come up with is that Cybertronians are war mongers by nature, and as a result they would naturally gravitate towards who they believe to be the strongest and most cunning. This fits along with the books.
I'm still surprised that Sideswipe got the MP treatment before Jazz, I always thought that Jazz was more popular. If the problem is with the licence it could make sense, after all that's the only reason I could think of for Bumblebee not getting the MP treatment yet either.
Bluestreak and Smokescreen.
Talk about crazy designs.
And for those who don't get it, it's Waspinator from Beast Wars and him as Thrust from Beast Machines in a crazy merger of the two.
Yeah, I can see a Shockwave figure coming eventually, I mean we already have the top three 'cons available in MP form. Other than Galvatron and Cyclonus I don't think he has any competition.
It's creative.
Makes me wonder if they'll do some other "mergers" of bots that changed.
Or just merge some together to get crazy results.
Just curious bust has Erector ever got his name changed?
Actually, wouldn't this be indicative that the supporting fiction would be set post Beast Machines? That's the first official story set after, yes?
No idea what else they could extend this idea to, though, Wapinator's situation at the end of BM was kind of unique. Repaint Max B as Silverbolt? Thrustor as another version of Dinobot?.
I'm not sure, there are so many cannons out there where and how some connect is almost X-Men crazy when you try to keep track of them. Okay it's actually simpler then that but when you include things like this it can be confusing.
Well they can always do Rhinox/Tankor and Silverbolt/Jetstorm
Or hey....what about a certain Megatron/Ratchet figure based off a popular TF Marvel comic? Yeah some people would say huh what about a Megatron/Optimus hybrid since those are the two big ones from each side but hey if we go by history....
Who're the villains in TF4?
My crazy idea for a TF movie rebootmake the Decepticons the terror of the universe, who destroy any civilization that get in their way. Decepticons just exploit and take any planet's resources they come upon, and of course you can them be sadistic homicidal maniacs, ala Overlord or the DJD.
...and of course make Megatron THE evil of all evil; he's so terrifying, Earth would fire all its nukes at him even if it meant slowing him down for just 1 second, if the missles won't kill him.
Autobots on the other hand have taken it upon themselves to help any civilization combat the Decepticons, but with some twists:
Earth would be just another world they must prevent the Decepticons from conquering, among the many hundreds (if not thousands) that the Decepticons are after. Having experience with past alliances, the Autobots are very hesitant to offer some of their technology to their allies in order to combat the Decepticons because, once the Decepticons leave, they would use this new tech for their own agendas.
I'd also save Megatron for the 2nd movie and build him up in the first.
Main Autobots for the 1st movie would include Hot Rod, Arcee, Wheelie and a few others that act as the Scout team.
The Decepticons on Earth are the advance party, and include Starscream and his Seeker team- Thundercracker, Skywarp, Slipstream, Dirge, Ramjet and Acid Rain, with Acid Rain being the comic relief but has very few scenes. Their 'science' division would include Airachnid and Black Arachnia, with some other Decepitcon heavy hitters.
The story would borrow elements from the IDW comics as well as some characterization.
That's it off the top of my head ATM =V
Anyone own Genesis? Shit looks hot but I haven't had the spare cash to drop on it. The reprint that's due imminently looks pretty damn fantastic though and I am tempted.
Eh, it's a pretty minor one long since spoiled by the toy line.Box art is kind of a spoiler, isn't it?
I'm just not the world's biggest fan of the train alt mod at all and dislike this Omega's legs.
Box art is kind of a spoiler, isn't it?
I'll reiterate what I asked before though. New place I just moved into. Re-evaluating my shelving options. What sort of shelving does everyone here use?
It's a celebration 30 years in the making! Relive the landmark comics that helped define the legacy of Transformers and read along with the creators that made these great comics as Jim Sorenson provides insight from a range of writers and artists that breathed life into the denizens of Cybertron. From Marvel to Dreamwave to IDW and other iterations in-between, this book is a must have for TF collectors!
I use the basic Ikea Detolf for my collection, though I use it to tore my other stuff, not just The Transformers.
I've seen some people using the Idea Hemnes or Billy, as well as more creative options, that all depends on you space and budget.
Yeah, Detolf is what I rock for larger pieces, I find it feels a bit cramped when doing tonnes of smaller deluxe class figs though, and wonder if it's better to straight up go uncovered shelves. I'll have to give it some thought.
Have you tried looking into those clear plastic cubes? Might help you with the deluxe class figures problem.