Trump Fires James Comey

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Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Posted in the Raid thread:

Interesting thread on Twitter that makes alot of sense.

THREAD: 1.Buckle up, get your coffee, spark dat spliff, pour your wine. Here we go. The FBI raid of Strategic Campaign Group yesterday was a

2. two pronged attack. One Manafort & Stone are both linked to that firm by way of their old lobby firm BKSH. BKSH went on to become what

3. Prime Policy group which is the firm Manafort was using to work with Ukraine. Prime Policy Group helped Victor Yanukovic a Putin bag man

4. Get elected. Prime Policy also put out a press release some time ago stating Manafort, & Stone were Trump campaign advisors. Lots of

5.Evidence was taken yesterday. Hard drives, files, etc. Manafort still has not registered under FARA which makes me think he may have

6. Flipped on Trump. But I'm not 100%. He's fallen off of everyone's radar for a while. Here's where it gets interesting. Strategic Campaign

7. Also has ties to Trump & the Taj Mahal casino. Strategic Campaign registered with Maryland lobby website on behalf of Prince George's

8. Racing Ventures. PGRV is also known as Penn Natl Gaming. A man named James Perry ran PNG before he went to work for Trump. Perry worked

9. for Trump Entertainment Resorts. One of which was Trump Taj Mahal. All of this happened ONE DAY after the Senate Intel Committee asked

10. Treasury Dept. to release info on all of Trump's finances. See where I'm going here? Follow the money. The money will lead them to the

11. truth. Taj Mahal was a money washing front for the Russian mob for YEARS. Trump is starting to come undone. He has never before acted so

12. Nervous and unhinged in a public area before because he knows they are on the money trail. There are 2 EXCELLENT expose's done by a

13. Dutch news team documenting the money trail very well. I will post links. I highly suggest you take the time to watch them. There's a

14. Man subject in the story named Felix Sater. He's a lynchpin in the money laundering operation. Read about him, and his daddy. As recent

15.Last year Sater worked for Trump as a senior advisor to his company. All roads lead to the money

16. Trump cannot stop or interfere with the investigation the NYS AG has opened on him. Schiederman is a rabid pit bull and has a hard on

17. For all things Trump. Get familiar with the term "Enterprise corruption" you'll see it's important. Trump's presidency is already dead

18. He knows that. That's why he's behaving the way he is, and explains his latest twitter melt down. At this point it's just a matter of

19. how much longer he's there. I'll post links shortly. @realDonaldTrump can you feel me now? Harder? Deeper? #GsUpHoesDown

And here's the links to the Dutch story.
this is ridiculous, if you have this much to write, get a fucking domain name and start a website or something.

Jon Snow equivalent must be an outsider (bastard),

thanks for the untagged spoilers in a completely unrelated thread on a show thats still airing.
I admittedly follow Mensch and co. on Twitter as well, and sometimes her sources pan out... but not a chance on this one.

As unlikely as it is, I was more interested as it would be a quick way to determine her credibility either way. Though she still seems weirdly confident it's going to happen as of the last hour. Again, taking this with lots of salt.



He made it up

He's wants to put comey in a bad spot, by making shit up. Amazing


As unlikely as it is, I was more interested as it would be a quick way to determine her credibility either way. Though she still seems weirdly confident it's going to happen as of the last hour. Again, taking this with lots of salt.

could u imagine though

seeing Sessions in handcuffs being thrown into a black FBI van

mmmhhhhh if Mensch really does have legit sources, god i hope they're right on this
could u imagine though

seeing Sessions in handcuffs being thrown into a black FBI van

mmmhhhhh if Mensch really does have legit sources, god i hope they're right on this

I just want someone to do a photoshop gif of the perp walk, and have the cookie monster take the kebler elf to the court room



"I didn't ask the question but I think it's a good question and that it should be asked and that's why I asked it."

"I can't say anything about the public threat I made to the FBI Director that I fired this week because my staff informed me today that it looks bad when I threaten people."


There really is no need for a special Prosecutor as long as things continue to operate properly. A Special Prosecutor would reset everything back to day 0 and start over.

If Trump makes a move further than it may come to appoint where it is required but if the FBI is pushing on and things are as advanced as suggested it would be foolish to have the Trump Administration appoint a special prosecutor.


Following Louise on twitter is like being on some wonderful drug where everything she says is everything I've ever wanted to hear. If I weren't married already I would probably propose via DM.
that trump would be a horrible poker player. he cant even keep a poker face, let alone a simple lie together for more than 5 minutes


When the big arrests happen, if they happen, it wont be during the day. and it wont be one by one.

It'll be 3 am when marshalls, fbi, and alphabet agencies arrest a ton of people. imho and everyone will wake up to breaking news

They'll go full Daredevil -
"I didn't ask the question but I think it's a good question and that it should be asked and that's why I asked it."

"I can't say anything about the public threat I made to the FBI Director that I fired this week because my staff informed me today that it looks bad when I threaten people."

lol perfect. Someone really needs to add "Bigly Words" as a language on Google Translate.
Honest question.

So I've been watching TV for about 20 mins and there's one thing that confuses me.

How many times do the Democrats have to get burned and played before they give up on Republicans? Are people that gullible that they believe better nature will prevail? It's not a very pragmatic thing to do.

And if Republicans have been silent all day, then what makes anyone think they care? I wouldn't hold my breath until proven otherwise but the persistence by Dems is simultaneously​ sad, scary, and impressive.



I mean, we knew this back in January.

Remember the whole charade press conference where he had a lawyer get up in front of manilla folders full of fake papers, to say how he isn't violating the emoluments clause? People outed that lawyer and her firm, which are the same as this. Though I think people did digging and said that they have offices all over the globe with a branch in Russia.


Following Louise on twitter is like being on some wonderful drug where everything she says is everything I've ever wanted to hear. If I weren't married already I would probably propose via DM.

Now you know what it's like to be in the mindset of a Fox News-watching Breitbart-reading Drudge-F5ing right-wing drone.


They either have what they need or it's a display of the loyalty Comey refused to give.

if Rosenstein was so pissed off that Comey's firing was more or less blamed on him, why would he do a complete 180 like that to appease Trump? i don't buy it. i don't think Comey wanted a special prosecutor because he has full faith in McCabe and the rest of the FBI that they're far enough along in this investigation to get somewhere and i think Rosenstein knows that.


Now you know what it's like to be in the mindset of a Fox News-watching Breitbart-reading Drudge-F5ing right-wing drone.

Ha ha for real. My brain is like "hey, didn't she say some infuriating shit a little while back? Don't you have her logged in the memory records as being some kind of asshole for something?" and then my pleasure center is like "Hey shut the fuck up, we're trying to get high over here."


I mean, we knew this back in January.

It's also sensationalized. The law firm those lawyers work for have offices all over the world. The one in Moscow got some type of award from a company headquartered in London honoring it as the best in Russia. The lawyers who work for Trump likely have little to no contact with the Russian office. It's just not all that significant.


Following Louise on twitter is like being on some wonderful drug where everything she says is everything I've ever wanted to hear. If I weren't married already I would probably propose via DM.

She hates BLM, OWS, SJWs, and loves Milo & Murdoch. She's scum of the highest order and is hated in her home country.


It's also sensationalized. The law firm those lawyers work for have offices all over the world. The one in Moscow got some type of award from a company headquartered in London honoring it as the best in Russia. The lawyers who work for Trump likely have little to no contact with the Russian office. It's just not all that significant.

Yeah, see the edit I made.


Ha ha for real. My brain is like "hey, didn't she say some infuriating shit a little while back? Don't you have her logged in the memory records as being some kind of asshole for something?" and then my pleasure center is like "Hey shut the fuck up, we're trying to get high over here."

The tough thing about having such a clear enemy is that it's easy to believe anything that tears them down. Just gotta stay objective.



Ok, a few things just from reading that excerpt:

- He clearly did ask that question, because he first responds that it's not inappropriate instead of denying that he asked it, he only denies when she asks directly.

- He apparently equates loyalty to him as loyalty to the country.

- His tape tweet was nothing but an empty bluff and that's why absolutely no one, from Spicer to himself, will address it.


Having literally finished reading 1984 for the first time a couple hours ago... I'm very afraid where our society is going.
That whole speach from O'Brian was shilling when thinking about how many leaders / rich people would probably agree with it and welcome this.

Read "Brave New World" next.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
"it depends on how you define loyalty"

Get fucked, Donald.


I don't know how anyone can take anything said by Congress, Trump, Trump's cabinet, the FBI, or most of the press seriously anymore. It's all a puppet show.


Source: Rosenstein told lawmakers and staff he plans to allow FBI investigation to move forward, uninhibited by pressures from White House
Breaking: Dep AG Rosenstein sees no need at this point for special prosecutor in #Russia probe - sources tell @evanperez @mkraju

Reflects poorly. The subject of Rosenstein's recommendation letter used in Comey's dismissal was "Restoring Public Confidence in the FBI". The letter was written by Rosenstein either voluntarily or under pressure from Trump and Sessions. Either situation demands a special prosecutor at this point. That is, if Rosenstein gives a shit about "public confidence" in anything or if he understands that he is vulnerable to pressure from the WH, then this is his cue to recommend a special prosecutor.


I don't know how anyone can take anything said by Congress, Trump, Trump's cabinet, the FBI, or most of the press seriously anymore. It's all a puppet show.

So you give yourself free will to believe whatever facts align with your cynical world view, and any that don't are part of the show.


Read "Brave New World" next.

Already read that in class a long time ago, which is why I hadn't read 1984 at the time, both being close. I guess 1984 is a bit more shilling with how fast The Party seized absolute control vs the more gradual (iirc) take over in the brave new world.
Wow I went on r/The_Donald for the first time. If there was ever a pool of human excrement, this would be it. It's like youtube comment section in /r form.
its neither good or bad.

Him testifying would've done nothing, as the FBI has all the same info he has and he wouldnt be able tot alk about it anyway.

at worst, the trump admin could claim a bitter comey falsies his testimony
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