Trump Fires James Comey

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If you want a look at how the right views trump. I prefer red state. It's actually pretty mixed, and they now have editorial commenters essentially calling for his impeachment (or at least suggesting that he will end up impeached).

However you slice it, I think the worm has started to turn, even among his base. The Donald Reddit is definitely curated in a way to remove dissent.

So I have a few crazy Ex Bernie Bros on my Facebook, who usually are posting some anti Clinton stuff or some pro Russia stuff during these kinds of events. Like, totally hooked on the idea that those evil Clinton supporters are just using Russia as an excuse, and clearly Russia isn't evil right?

And those e-mails were leaked, not hacked, by that guy Clinton had killed right?

Usually, when something juicy drops after a hearing or whatever, they're sharing stories and narratives clearly originating out of Russia. The last few days though? Since this story dropped?

Complete silence on the topic. Which I'm taking as a good sign.


Kills Photobucket

Sure, that's a reasonable position. At least if you ignore everything else being reported since the firing.

Long as Congress stonewalls a prosecutor, it doesn't really matter what is reported.

1. We know Trump's corrupt. Reporting is basically just preaching to choir.

2. Trump's supporters are idiots, and think it's all a witch hunt, and that's the only group of people Republicans care about. Which leads to...

3. Congress don't care.
Long as Congress stonewalls a prosecutor, it doesn't really matter what is reported.

1. We know Trump's corrupt. Reporting is basically just preaching to choir.

2. Trump's supporters are idiots, and think it's all a witch hunt, and that's the only group of people Republicans care about. Which leads to...

3. Congress don't care.

I love how you completely failed to defend your position that Comey is a loyal traitor.
I thought responding to a story that he's "declining" to testify made my reasoning clear.

But sure, he's declining just to get his notes together on the issue...

You have to ignore everything else being reported to draw that conclusion. As I said already. Sure, if you ignore that Comey is reportedly furious at the White House. Sure, if you ignore that Comey completely denies Trump's version of events about dinner.

If he was loyal, like Flynn, his dismissal would have looked very different, and there wouldn't have instantly been sources close to Comey rushing to tell the press that the White House's version of events was complete garbage.


Kills Photobucket
You have to ignore everything else being reported to draw that conclusion. As I said already. Sure, if you ignore that Comey is reportedly furious at the White House. Sure, if you ignore that Comey completely denies Trump's version of events about dinner.

If he was loyal, like Flynn, his dismissal would have looked very different, and there wouldn't have instantly been sources close to Comey rushing to tell the press that the White House's version of events was complete garbage.

Sorry, but "I'm furious at Trump, but am unwilling to tell what I know" isn't filling me with confidence. If he gave a shit he would tell all before Trump puts a stooge in place to put a quick end to the investigation.

I'll put "Comey telling all" right next to the Trump opposition research, and Half Life 3 on the release calendar.


Sorry, but "I'm furious at Trump, but am unwilling to tell what I know" isn't filling me with confidence. If he gave a shit he would tell all before Trump puts a stooge in place to put a quick end to the investigation.

I'll put "Comey telling all" right next to the Trump opposition research release, and Half Life 3 release on the calendar.

What month is paul Ryan?


I think it's interesting that Trump mentioned earlier that Clinton should've won and that it's so hard for a Republican to be elected President because of the electoral college. Considering how his mind works, it's probably his way of saying "seriously, why didn't Clinton win? I didn't want to be President."

I also feel pretty confident that people who are mad at Trump due to policies are misguided. Not because he isn't a hateful idiot, but because it's probably Pence running the scenes and Trump just takes credit for it (like the leaked proposal to Kasich several months back).
Sorry, but "I'm furious at Trump, but am unwilling to tell what I know" isn't filling me with confidence. If he gave a shit he would tell all before Trump puts a stooge in place to put a quick end to the investigation.

I'll put "Comey telling all" right next to the Trump opposition research, and Half Life 3 on the release calendar.

There is a large distance between 'Comey telling all' and 'Comey is a loyal traitor'. The guy just got fired. Give him time. In the meantime, enjoy the information we get from sources close to him.


Sorry, but "I'm furious at Trump, but am unwilling to tell what I know" isn't filling me with confidence. If he gave a shit he would tell all before Trump puts a stooge in place to put a quick end to the investigation.

I'll put "Comey telling all" right next to the Trump opposition research, and Half Life 3 on the release calendar.

Do you think Comey knows things the rest of the FBI doesn't?


Kills Photobucket
There is a large distance between 'Comey telling all' and 'Comey is a loyal traitor'. The guy just got fired. Give him time. In the meantime, enjoy the information we get from sources close to him.

Again, the information is just preaching to the choir so long as Congress refuses to act on it.
Sorry, but "I'm furious at Trump, but am unwilling to tell what I know" isn't filling me with confidence. If he gave a shit he would tell all before Trump puts a stooge in place to put a quick end to the investigation.

I'll put "Comey telling all" right next to the Trump opposition research, and Half Life 3 on the release calendar.

Ehh I think you're off base here. We already know that Comey is very cognizant of public perception; right now he's in control of the situation, so from that perspective he has no reason to make an impromptu testimony if it could somehow hurt the public perception of the investigation. From what I've heard about Comey, he gives a shit about justice and doesn't like to dive into the political aspect of his (previous) role at the FBI.


Comey fires Trump!

Trump is currently speedrunning it, but in our dreams karma has already Comeyth.

With glorious sound of justice:
(Couldn't resist as I love that montage)
As I am sometimes want to do, I checked in to see what Fox News was saying today, in light of the official party line that they had been towing up until the Lester Holt interview getting completely shredded and I stumbled on this piece from someone who is clearly not a fan of the democrats and who clearly wants Trump to do as well as possible.

In the end, if Trump is proven right, and there was no information sharing or collusion between his campaign and Kremlin-allied entities, the president’s intemperate comments will not add up to much.

All this will have been is a sorry incident in which a frustrated commander in chief lashed out against his critics, making his reputation and his staff collateral damage in the process. Also harmed will have been Trump’s agenda and the already weak bonds of trust between him and his fellow Republicans in Congress.

And that’s the best case scenario.

No matter how much his supporters want Trump to succeed, if they can’t be clear-eyed and plainspoken about the current situation things are going to get worse, not better.

The undisciplined, erratic approach to a scandal that represents mortal peril for this presidency is not primarily the fault of bad staff work, the “lying press” or Democrats. It is primarily the fault of a president who steadfastly refuses to empower his staff, show respect for the separation of powers or exhibit patience.

An interesting read I thought.
Again, the information is just preaching to the choir so long as Congress refuses to act on it.

Moving the goal posts after the other team scored, doesn't change the score on the board.

You called Comey a loyal traitor.

He isn't.

And clearly whether Congress act on anything or not has ZERO bearing on this patently false charge.


Kills Photobucket
Moving the goal posts after the other team scored, doesn't change the score on the board.

You called Comey a loyal traitor.

He isn't.

Well, if he ever testifies and helps bring down Trump, I guess I'll be proven wrong.

Him staying silent, just helps Trump in my view.


I believe this is the reporter explaining that the "Citizens' Council" is an anti-black group, not its literal name.

I know. The point was that there were openly racist motherfuckers even back then supporting this exact type of fuckery. History repeating itself. They just need to get rid of the Watergate in that article and it could have been written today.

Does that change his point?

She, but it's not like I'm expecting anyone to keep track of genders here, so worries. :)


I find it odd some people are jumping on Comey for not appearing in a closed door meeting. The GOP has shown they are riding the trump train until the wheels fall off you think some trump stooge wouldn't tip him off on just what the fbi has found? Sounds like a great way to for the investigation to get compromised or blown up completely. Comey is playing it smart lay low and let his guys back at the bureau put work in. I'm sure Comey will speak at some point but I don't think he will while there is a chance him doing so will put the investigation at risk. There are bigger things at stake here than some if you peoples need for instant gratification.


Well, if he ever testifies and helps bring down Trump, I guess I'll be proven wrong.

Him staying silent, just helps Trump in my view.

How? Unless you actually think he was personally investigating him and found things he didn't tell anyone else. Which, I mean, he obviously didn't do.
I find it odd some people are jumping on Comey for not appearing in a closed door meeting. The GOP has shown they are riding the trump train until the wheels fall off you think some trump stooge wouldn't tip him off on just what the fbi has found? Sounds like a great way to for the investigation to get compromised or blown up completely. Comey is playing it smart lay low and let his guys back at the bureau put work in. I'm sure Comey will speak at some point but I don't think he will while there is a chance him doing so will put the investigation at risk. There are bigger things at stake here than some if you peoples need for instant gratification.
Exactly. That is there to gain by revealing their findings so far when they are still collecting evidence? While it's very much in the air if the FBI sting the other day was related to this, it's an example of tactics that are easier for the FBI to use when their targets don't know where they're looking.


The Washington Post might be outdoing the Onion.

Washington Post said:
I would recognize a crisis if it were happening.

When the president seized me, stunned me with his venom and covered me with digestive fluid from his chelicerae, I was initially taken aback, but I reassured myself with this thought: President Richard Nixon never did that.

I know history.
Wow I went on r/The_Donald for the first time. If there was ever a pool of human excrement, this would be it. It's like youtube comment section in /r form.

The Donald is the biggest safe-space on the internet and I don't think they'll ever have the self-reflection necessary to realise that. Anything which doesn't boil down to GOD EMPEROR TRUMP or TAKE THAT LIBERAL CUCKS earns you a permanent ban there, so you're left with only the worst of the worst of Donald trump supporters and conservatives. And that pool ain't too fresh to begin with.


I know. The point was that there were openly racist motherfuckers even back then supporting this exact type of fuckery. History repeating itself. They just need to get rid of the Watergate in that article and it could have been written today.

One major difference is that the modern news media would be too cowardly to refer that group as "anti-black". It would probably be described a "controversial right-wing activist group" or some shit.
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