Trump Fires James Comey

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Scooplet by @NYTmike: Comey wants to testify, but insists it be in public. Watch this space:

Cracks knuckles. Let's dance.

Oh Jesus more twitter rumors. Real article soon plz .

I saw It Follows in theatres and people gasped. It was great.
The creature changing its appearance for every encounter was so unsettling, it keeps the viewer on their toes, for sure.
Ruined individual strangers walking alone at night for me. Hadn't had a 4th wall breaking horror experience since marble hornets


I'm sure it's been covered in this thread but did Trump just admit in the Lester Holt interview that he asked Comey if he was under investigation?


Oh baby, I don't want to get excited...but I can't help it :(

Yeah, even though he's not employed by the government anymore, Comey will obviously not be allowed to say anything real meaty since it's still an active investigation - but it could be fun just for to see him refute more of Trump's bullshit claims about him.


I'm sure it's been covered in this thread but did Trump just admit in the Lester Holt interview that he asked Comey if he was under investigation?

There is a real formula for any Trump question you have.

1. Of any of the possible outcomes to your question, which leads Trump to look most incompetent?

Whatever that answer is, it will always be right. In this case, the answer is "yes". Seriously, plug this in to any future Trump inquiry. PM me if this ever fails to be true.
This is like straight up WWE now! Any new thing that happens might as well be entrance music playing with everyone freaking out.

***Comey's theme erupts from the PA****

Crowd goes nuts.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Comey called the fuck out of Manbaby's bluff. I love it.

Obviously the 'threat' tweet was nothing but 'grandstanding' by Trump to look tough and attempt to fool his supporters and the country into thinking this is the one time in history he's right. It's incredibly sad that he continues to think shit like that will work on anyone but his most loyal dumbasses.


I'm really hoping for the latter (knowing we won't get the former).

Senator Feinstein: Mr. Comey can you go into a bit more detail about your dinner with President Trump following his Inauguration?

Comey: If I can recall, I had my lamb medium rare with a pesto glaze. President Trump had a Kobe Beef steak, well done, with ketchup.

Senator Feinstein: Was it Hunts or Heinz ketchup?

Comey: I can now confirm that President Trump likes Hunts ketchup more than Heinz.

Senator Warner: I'm going to be sick.

Senator Graham: Thank you Mr. Comey. It is now imperative that this Congress bring charges against President Trump for perjury. In past testimony, the president had made statements that he only used the best ketchup for his steaks. Given Mr. Comey's testimony today and the confirmation from former Director of National Intelligence, Clapper, it is clear that President Trump uses the worst ketchup on his steaks; and should be impeached immediately.


Comey called the fuck out of Manbaby's bluff. I love it.

Obviously the 'threat' tweet was nothing but 'grandstanding' by Trump to look tough and attempt to fool his supporters and the country into thinking this is the one time in history he's right. It's incredibly sad that he continues to think shit like that will work on anyone but his most loyal dumbasses.

Yeah. It came off as a threat, but it was just a way to refute the idea that he asked for loyalty from Comey. He didn't think he'd get called out on it.


Apparently Comey wanted to but decided not to because even that, he thought, would create the appearance of partisanship. While clearly an intelligent and seemingly scrupulous man, his most boneheaded moves came not from the drive for independence and non-partisanship but for the drive to appear independent and nonpartisan.

Hoisted with his own petard...


It's all just hearsay that Comey would testify publicly, isn't it? The closest I could find was a "personal associate" or something like that.


It's all just hearsay that Comey would testify publicly, isn't it? The closest I could find was a "personal associate" or something like that.

It's elevated beyond "hearsay" when the NY Times Michael Schmidt reports on it. He is known to be a solid reporter. This isn't gossip rag stuff.


Unconfirmed Member
It's all just hearsay that Comey would testify publicly, isn't it? The closest I could find was a "personal associate" or something like that.
Typically the fact that this appeared in a NYT article rather than just a tweet by someone means they have somehow corroborated or confirmed the statement.

It doesn't 100% mean that Comey feels this way, but you should feel pretty comfortable that the NYT corroborated a) this person said Comey wanted to testify publicly and b) this person s actually a close associate in a position to know such a thing. If the NYT is doing its job that is


Junior Member
What can he even say that isn't confidential? When would this even be?

He could directly contradict Trump on his assertions made on TV. Trump opened himself up by talking about his conversations with Comey which in theory could eliminate any ability for Trump to claim privilege.


What can he even say that isn't confidential? When would this even be?

Nothing classified but he can go on the record under oath about the conversations he's had with the president. Since Trump brought them up the White House apparently cannot raise executive privilege and keep him from talking about it.


Since this is already so surreal, it can only go one way: Comey brings Trump down and somehow works his way to become president.

In all seriousness though, Comey is becoming a very popular figure. He could definitely run in 2020 if he wanted to. His conservative views aside, having someone competent as president feels like an unobtainable fantasy at this point.
What can he even say that isn't confidential? When would this even be?

Because Trump talked about the dinner first, there isn't any executive privilege. Comey can't talk about the investigation itself but he is free to give his account of his interactions with Trump.

Comey is a private citizen who has every right to refute what the President has claimed about him.
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