Trump Fires James Comey

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This is significant. This is the first time we have proof that NY State has its own investigation.

Trump can't interfere with a state investigation and he can't pardon someone from state charges.

Is it really? I thought I recalled reading something about it, but I might just be remembering something the Mensch/Taylor Twitter people said. Either way, nice to have credible confirmation.


Look guys, there are like zero people who Trump will nominate that you will like

but if he nominates a sitting republican in Congress, that's really good for us because we can take their seat


So I have a few crazy Ex Bernie Bros on my Facebook, who usually are posting some anti Clinton stuff or some pro Russia stuff during these kinds of events. Like, totally hooked on the idea that those evil Clinton supporters are just using Russia as an excuse, and clearly Russia isn't evil right?

And those e-mails were leaked, not hacked, by that guy Clinton had killed right?

Usually, when something juicy drops after a hearing or whatever, they're sharing stories and narratives clearly originating out of Russia. The last few days though? Since this story dropped?

Complete silence on the topic. Which I'm taking as a good sign.

Do you know these guys in person? One of my theories is that a lot of the most extreme Bernie Bros online as well as the people that were most extreme in trashing Bernie and his supporters were partially Russian trolls and not actual supporters.

I know super Bernie bros exist, much like PUMAs did in 2008, but I think Russia was amplifying their voice significantly in 16.


I think it's interesting that Trump mentioned earlier that Clinton should've won and that it's so hard for a Republican to be elected President because of the electoral college. Considering how his mind works, it's probably his way of saying "seriously, why didn't Clinton win? I didn't want to be President."

I also feel pretty confident that people who are mad at Trump due to policies are misguided. Not because he isn't a hateful idiot, but because it's probably Pence running the scenes and Trump just takes credit for it (like the leaked proposal to Kasich several months back).

Frankly Kasich should have taken that deal. He's about 1000x better than what we got.


Let's all get serious. Trump probably sees no wrongdoing in the relationships he has with Russia, so he's not afraid of any investigation.

The driving factor behind Donald firing Comey is Trump feeling intimidated.

Comey is huge.



Let's all get serious. Trump probably sees no wrongdoing in the relationships he has with Russia, so he's not afraid of any investigation.

The driving factor behind Donald firing Comey is Trump feeling intimidated.

Comey is huge.


Would love to see their hands side by side in comparison.


Let's all get serious. Trump probably sees no wrongdoing in the relationships he has with Russia, so he's not afraid of any investigation.

The driving factor behind Donald firing Comey is Trump feeling intimidated.

Comey is huge.


Srsly. look at this giant:





Someone get comey his beanstalk.


I just want the 2020 democrat president to fire whoever is the FBI director and replace him with Comey. Give Trump some more salt while in prison.


Look guys, there are like zero people who Trump will nominate that you will like

but if he nominates a sitting republican in Congress, that's really good for us because we can take their seat
If I were a Republican, I'd go big picture political here. I'd sweeten up to Trump, pretend I was extremely loyal. And then I'd use my position to pursue this case with the fury of a thousand suns: I'd immediately befriend myself to huge portions of the electorate as "bipartisan, country-first", gain massive profile, and would be one of the few Republicans able to take advantage of the power hole that'll come after the fall of Trump/end of his presidency.


If I were a Republican, I'd go big picture political here. I'd sweeten up to Trump, pretend I was extremely loyal. And then I'd use my position to pursue this case with the fury of a thousand suns: I'd immediately befriend myself to huge portions of the electorate as "bipartisan, country-first", gain massive profile, and would be one of the few Republicans able to take advantage of the power hole that'll come after the fall of Trump/end of his presidency.

Ted Cruz?


If I were a Republican, I'd go big picture political here. I'd sweeten up to Trump, pretend I was extremely loyal. And then I'd use my position to pursue this case with the fury of a thousand suns: I'd immediately befriend myself to huge portions of the electorate as "bipartisan, country-first", gain massive profile, and would be one of the few Republicans able to take advantage of the power hole that'll come after the fall of Trump/end of his presidency.

I have to imagine this is going in at least a couple of heads with all the investigation news now.

Ted Cruz does not attempt to be bipartisan.
There's a difference between attempt and pretend.


Ted Cruz?

I hope that's what all his pathetic ball fondling has been leading to. At least that would give some non-sycophantic reason behind his grotesque groveling he has done since having Trump publicly accuse his father of being complicit in the Kennedy assassination.

Otherwise Cruz will go down in history as literally the most worthless, spine deprived creature to ever exist on the planet outside of Amoebas. And, well, Amoeba's have more value than Ted Cruz, let's be honest.
I hope that's what all his pathetic ball fondling has been leading to. At least that would give some non-sycophantic reason behind his grotesque groveling he has done since having Trump publicly accuse his father of being complicit in the Kennedy assassination.

Otherwise Cruz will go down in history as literally the most worthless, spine deprived creature to ever exist on the planet outside of Amoebas. And, well, Amoeba's have more value than Ted Cruz, let's be honest.

How is it that his wife hasn't left him yet? Can't be too pleased about him cozying up to a man who insulted her looks.


Did Obama ever play Comey in basketball?

Apparently Comey wanted to but decided not to because even that, he thought, would create the appearance of partisanship. While clearly an intelligent and seemingly scrupulous man, his most boneheaded moves came not from the drive for independence and non-partisanship but for the drive to appear independent and nonpartisan.


How is it that his wife hasn't left him yet? Can't be too pleased about him cozying up to a man who insulted her looks.

The constant fear she must live with of him consuming her soul to feed to lord Cthulhu himself is probably enough to get her to stick around. That and being a fundamentalist can get you to do anything, pretty much.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
youre joking
no im not joking. I've only finished season 3. We had a thread earlier this week where the title was changed for a spoiler that happened in like season 2 or 3 of breaking bad. And the show's been over for almost 4 years. I asked why, and people were all like it only takes a minute to not spoil something. But here we are in a completely unrelated thread with spoilers.

A spoiler for the first 15 minutes of a 73 hour series. How awful.

you need to re-check the post i quoted, i edited it.


How the hell Comey is that tall and didn't become a professional athlete of some sort and instead ended up working for the government is one of the great mysteries of our time.


sparkle this bitch
If I were a Republican, I'd go big picture political here. I'd sweeten up to Trump, pretend I was extremely loyal. And then I'd use my position to pursue this case with the fury of a thousand suns: I'd immediately befriend myself to huge portions of the electorate as "bipartisan, country-first", gain massive profile, and would be one of the few Republicans able to take advantage of the power hole that'll come after the fall of Trump/end of his presidency.

Shame about those 60 million voters who see no wrong with Trump. Just constant winning.


yeah, because that worked wonders for the democrats last time!

The FBI is not about politics. Comey was in a bad situation and chose the option which would have a smaller negative effect on the credibility of the FBI.

Comey may have reopened the investigation, but it was Chaffetz who leaked the memo, and Weiner who caused all of this.


Unconfirmed Member
I think comeys hands might be bigger than trump himself.
I can't wait until all this shit is over and scooby-doo pulls off Trump's mask and reveals... another smaller Trump. A true small man with a giant chip on his shoulder. Out to get back at the world that always looked down on him.
Hands were real the whole time because it's hard to do stuff with gloves on.

"I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for these meddling kids Jim Comey and Obama's "wire-taps"!


The other frustrating thing about Trump is that I had a political podcast in my queue from two days ago and it's completely irrelevant now. I just deleted it in disgust, lol.
I just want the 2020 democrat president to fire whoever is the FBI director and replace him with Comey. Give Trump some more salt while in prison.

I mean, I'm all in favor of making Trump enraged, but let's not forget that Comey did screw the pooch pretty hard last year. Firing Trump's pick simply because he was Trump's pick is good enough without putting the guy who put Trump in office back into power.


I was on mobile with gifs off and still knew what scene it'd be from the post naming the movie lol

I saw It Follows in theatres and people gasped. It was great.
The creature changing its appearance for every encounter was so unsettling, it keeps the viewer on their toes, for sure.
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