Going back to Maddie, I would like some resolution but I think this show with its unpredictability has made me give up on a concrete explanation of anything at this point. Feels like we are going to have to interpret stuff after this season.
Maddie appears in the Lodge in Episode 29, and does not have the Doppelgänger eyes.
Really wish people would stop referring to Cooper as Dougie.
Well to be fair, she appeared before the first doppelganger appeared (The Arm's), and others appeared without the white eyes.
Which ones? Leland's, Cooper's, Laura's and The Arm's all had them.
He was always the coolest.
Going back to Maddie, I would like some resolution but I think this show with its unpredictability has made me give up on a concrete explanation of anything at this point. Feels like we are going to have to interpret stuff after this season.
Maddie appears in the Lodge in Episode 29, and does not have the Doppelgänger eyes.
Hey has it been two weeks yet? Asking for a friend.
(it's okay to cry)
(also, R.I.P. Donna)
That's great. We never see her that close right? Gonna have to watch Episode 29 on the big screen later.
There's no mention of her at all, it's weird. Granted she was involved with several terrible sub plots in season 2 and I have no interest in seeing those play out, but still.
Wait it's on a two week break? After that episode? Oh my god.
There's no mention of her at all, it's weird. Granted she was involved with several terrible sub plots in season 2 and I have no interest in seeing those play out, but still.
Rewatching the whole show after it's over (again) will certainly be a doozy.Also holy hell at this Tweet: https://twitter.com/ThatsOurWaldo/status/879736182363607040
The two relevant clips:
(reminds me of some stuff people pointed out in the original series could very well be hinting towards the woodmen and the nuclear explosion.)
Episode 29? What?
Season 2 finale. Lynch/Frost only ever names the episodes by number.
Also holy hell at this Tweet: https://twitter.com/ThatsOurWaldo/status/879736182363607040
The two relevant clips:
(reminds me of some stuff people pointed out in the original series could very well be hinting towards the woodmen and the nuclear explosion.)
Even weirder: Her Father has already been on it,
Also holy hell at this Tweet: https://twitter.com/ThatsOurWaldo/status/879736182363607040
The two relevant clips:
(reminds me of some stuff people pointed out in the original series could very well be hinting towards the woodmen and the nuclear explosion.)
We don't, but her eyes are noticeably brighter.That's great. We never see her that close right? Gonna have to watch Episode 29 on the big screen later.
Bob's actor even has his own picture with white eyes, but he doesn't appear in the episode with those eyes.
Also holy hell at this Tweet: https://twitter.com/ThatsOurWaldo/status/879736182363607040
The two relevant clips:
(reminds me of some stuff people pointed out in the original series could very well be hinting towards the woodmen and the nuclear explosion.)
We don't, but her eyes are noticeably brighter.
You can see a snippet of a deleted scene from the season 2 finale in the Blu Ray boxset menu video on the 10th disc showing Bob saying "Fire walk with me" with doppelganger eyes.
Do you mean her "dad" or Ben Horne?
Haha remember that plot point that Horne was her real father? Season 2 reeeeeally sucked at points.
The shows ratings came out today. It ranked 90th of all shows seen on cable on Sunday night. A total of 264,000 people watched it. Thats fewer than the previous week by about 30,000. So even the lure of Laura Dern and an episode with familiar faces wasnt enough to keep up the paltry ratings to this point.
Ratings are out.
This is the first decrease since the wacky VOD release of episodes 3 and 4 created an artificial decrease in week 2.
Ratings are out.
This is the first decrease since the wacky VOD release of episodes 3 and 4 created an artificial decrease in week 2.
Really interested in seeing the drop off after this episode.
I would guess a lot of people that were somehow still on the fence are out after that episode.
The Woodsmen gave me flashbacks to the man in the alley in Mulholland Dr. *shudder*
The Woodsmen gave me flashbacks to the man in the alley in Mulholland Dr. *shudder*
This is what it reminded me of right away, which made me completely forget the Woodsmen and associate them with some kind of dread or misery and being "knowing" similar to how the person behind Wiggly's was shown to be.
I would think the drop-off would be bad regardless due to the break.
If it doesn't count streaming numbers, then I might venture to say that those numbers are irrelevant. And to quite honest, I don't need them to know I'm having the time of my life with this show.
But still, thanks, Bam.
As Mulholland Drive was originally supposed to be a Twin Peaks spin-off, in my mind the hobo from that film is basically the Woodsman. They look insanely similar to each other, but we don't really see enough of the hobo in MD to say much more.
Yeah, that's true. More just interested in the drop off due to the episodes content. Before I watched it all I saw were twitter reactions of the episode being "Out there."
I think their pointless regardless because it's all going to air regardless and we were likely never going to get more. They're still interesting though.
I don't think it was meant to really be a "spin-off" more that it just arose out of the idea of trying to spin things out from it. I think they had the idea of Audrey going to Hollywood and Lynch just got lost on the idea and turned it into something else.
Really interested in seeing the drop off after this episode.
I would guess a lot of people that were somehow still on the fence are out after that episode.
It became it's own thing and is not related, but the origin is there. More so I think the possibility is there since being frank, there's a LOT of signs part of what Lynch is doing is making tings related to things he never got to make. This season has seemingly pulled from elements from several of his scrapped projects, not just unused ideas from Twin Peaks Season 3's original concept, but there's been direct references to things from Ronnie Rocket, Saliva Bubbles, and the like. So I wouldn't be surprised if some things from the original television series of Mulholland Drive ended up popping in this series too.