Ratings are out.
This is the first decrease since the wacky VOD release of episodes 3 and 4 created an artificial decrease in week 2.
Fucking shit those numbers are terrible. What is wrong with people.
Ratings are out.
This is the first decrease since the wacky VOD release of episodes 3 and 4 created an artificial decrease in week 2.
Fucking shit those numbers are terrible. What is wrong with people.
Fucking shit those numbers are terrible. What is wrong with people.
Oh, while I'm thinking over unsolved mysteries from the original series that probably will never be solved.
Who do we think the Hooded Figure is we see a few times during Season 2 of the show? You only see him twice, during the scene when Major Brigg's disappears in the flash of light and during this scene where we see the figure abstractly and in his hood is the moon:
But I don't think it's ever revealed who it is, and I kind of doubt Season 3 is going to ever explore it.[/QUOTE]
Wasn't it also referenced a couple times with people sneaking around in the woods and seeing someone but it not being shown?
Been a little while since I actually watched the series through.
Fucking shit those numbers are terrible. What is wrong with people.
Can you blame them? It's an esoteric show.
Oh, while I'm thinking over unsolved mysteries from the original series that probably will never be solved.
Who do we think the Hooded Figure is we see a few times during Season 2 of the show? You only see him twice, during the scene when Major Brigg's disappears in the flash of light and during this scene where we see the figure abstractly and in his hood is the moon:
But I don't think it's ever revealed who it is, and I kind of doubt Season 3 is going to ever explore it.
Oh, while I'm thinking over unsolved mysteries from the original series that probably will never be solved.
Who do we think the Hooded Figure is we see a few times during Season 2 of the show? You only see him twice, during the scene when Major Brigg's disappears in the flash of light and during this scene where we see the figure abstractly and in his hood is the moon:
But I don't think it's ever revealed who it is, and I kind of doubt Season 3 is going to ever explore it.
Also holy hell at this Tweet: https://twitter.com/ThatsOurWaldo/status/879736182363607040
The two relevant clips:
(reminds me of some stuff people pointed out in the original series could very well be hinting towards the woodmen and the nuclear explosion.)
Oh, while I'm thinking over unsolved mysteries from the original series that probably will never be solved.
Who do we think the Hooded Figure is we see a few times during Season 2 of the show? You only see him twice, during the scene when Major Brigg's disappears in the flash of light and during this scene where we see the figure abstractly and in his hood is the moon:
But I don't think it's ever revealed who it is, and I kind of doubt Season 3 is going to ever explore it.
It's kinda weird how this used to be the most hokey out-of-place visual, but now.... yeah, that would fit right in on Twin Peaks (if someone were to just slow the scene down tenfold).
Fucking shit those numbers are terrible. What is wrong with people.
Oh, while I'm thinking over unsolved mysteries from the original series that probably will never be solved.
Who do we think the Hooded Figure is we see a few times during Season 2 of the show? You only see him twice, during the scene when Major Brigg's disappears in the flash of light and during this scene where we see the figure abstractly and in his hood is the moon:
But I don't think it's ever revealed who it is, and I kind of doubt Season 3 is going to ever explore it.
See you in 12 days.Dafuq did I watch, how blind can you be to defend shit like this last episode. I'm out, the attempt to bring the series back failed. Nothing willl be resolved like the last time and shit will only get more random at this point.
I watched the entire show in the past 3 months because my girlfriend had never seen it and wanted to catch up before season 3, so I've seen it twice in the past five years. Since Season 3's release, I have been spending up to an hour a day commenting and doing research about this show, here and on Reddit and other forums and in wikis and obscure old interviews. I have never seen this guy in my life. I guess I was asleep during all of his appearances, both when I originally watched the show and when I watched it this year? I don't see how that's possible, but, maybe.
Are you trolling?
I watched the entire show in the past 3 months because my girlfriend had never seen it and wanted to catch up before season 3, so I've seen it twice in the past five years. Since Season 3's release, I have been spending up to an hour a day commenting and doing research about this show, here and on Reddit and other forums and in wikis and obscure old interviews. I have never seen this guy in my life. I guess I was asleep during all of his appearances, both when I originally watched the show and when I watched it this year? I don't see how that's possible, but, maybe.
Are you trolling?
Hooded Figure snip
In various occult movements, Secret Chiefs are said to be transcendent cosmic authorities, a Spiritual Hierarchy responsible for the operation and moral calibre of the cosmos, or for overseeing the operations of an esoteric organization that manifests outwardly in the form of a magical order or lodge system
Dafuq did I watch, how blind can you be to defend shit like this last episode. I'm out, the attempt to bring the series back failed. Nothing willl be resolved like the last time and shit will only get more random at this point.
Wasn't it also referenced a couple times with people sneaking around in the woods and seeing someone but it not being shown?
Been a little while since I actually watched the series through.
Waaaaait, I don't remember any of this! What the hell.
Having already read TSHOTP, I decided to quench my thirst with the audiobook version which, terrible VO for Cole aside, is great so far.
Much is made of two characters in the woods and abductions - The Giant/????? and a man-sized owl-looking creature. I wonder if we might see a retcon of the hooded man into the owl man.
Also, ratings schamtings. As long as there's no danger of the plug being pulled early, I don't care.
I thought this was referring to how long BOB has been residing in Leland.
Somebody associated with the White Lodge. Maybe the Giant?
It's kinda weird how this used to be the most hokey out-of-place visual, but now.... yeah, that would fit right in on Twin Peaks (if someone were to just slow the scene down tenfold).
As for the mystery of it, it seems like something Mark Frost could return to in the Final Dossier. The man sure likes his cults and secret societies.
I watched the entire show in the past 3 months because my girlfriend had never seen it and wanted to catch up before season 3, so I've seen it twice in the past five years. Since Season 3's release, I have been spending up to an hour a day commenting and doing research about this show, here and on Reddit and other forums and in wikis and obscure old interviews. I have never seen this guy in my life. I guess I was asleep during all of his appearances, both when I originally watched the show and when I watched it this year? I don't see how that's possible, but, maybe.
Are you trolling?
Ratings are out.
This is the first decrease since the wacky VOD release of episodes 3 and 4 created an artificial decrease in week 2.
I kinda remember the second gif, first one not at all.For the amnesiacs among us:
1. Call for help.
2. The robed fella shows up when Major Briggs disappears, then later they do the stylized flashback when he remembers seeing the petroglyph in a dream.
I'm having some weird thoughts.
- We know the Giant comes from the "White Lodge" (this hasn't been confirmed but let's use the name to represent the white tower on the rock).
- We saw that BOB comes from the creature called "Experiment" (he's either her offspring or an embodiment of her essence), who at the time of the nuclear test appears to live in a black void.
- In present day, we've seen the Giant appear inside the Red Room.
- We've also seen that beyond the Red Room's curtains is a black void.
- We've also seen that BOB was, for a time, apparently under the command of The Arm, who seems to be a friend to The Giant (they appear together in the S2 finale).
What I'm getting at is that sometime between 1945 and the 1980s there may have been a "colonization" of the Black Lodge by the White Lodge's inhabitants, whereupon they enslaved BOB to do their bidding. As part of this colonization they altered the Black Lodge's appearance, making it more "homely" by adding curtains and furniture.
Perhaps they did not anticipate the Black Lodge's corrupting nature or its ability to produce doppelgangers, which (along with the Woodsmen, disciples of BOB) are now leading towards BOB achieving independence from the White Lodge spirits.
From the opening flash-forward scene of Season 3, it seems that BOB (or the "Experiment" or one of the Black Lodge bug frogs) will soon infiltrate the White Lodge, which I can assume would be profoundly bad for all of us. "It is in our house now."
I don't think we've seen The Giant or ??????? in present day Red Rroom in the current series.
Knowing Frost and all the occult influence he brings to the show I think the hooded figure is likely a representation of the Secret Chiefs.
For the amnesiacs among us:
1. Call for help.
2. The robed fella shows up when Major Briggs disappears, then later they do the stylized flashback when he remembers seeing the petroglyph in a dream.
We don't even know if The Giant and ?????? are one in the same entity.I don't think we've seen The Giant or ??????? in present day Red Rroom in the current series.
The whole people are streaming it thing is an illlgical argument. People stream everything. That doesnt mean the people watching live for all TV shows are shit. Yeah more than 0.25m people watch it but you can compare the ratings to the ratings for other showtime shows and compare popularity easily.
Streaming matters a great deal because Showtime is a premium subscriber platform. We know for a fact that Twin Peaks led to the biggest single day boost in subscribers in Showtime history. The subscriber numbers mean more than a night of viewers.
The whole people are streaming it thing is an illlgical argument. People stream everything. That doesnt mean the people watching live for all TV shows are shit. Yeah more than 0.25m people watch it but you can compare the ratings to the ratings for other showtime shows and compare popularity easily.
I'm having some weird thoughts.
- We know the Giant comes from the "White Lodge" (this hasn't been confirmed but let's use the name to represent the white tower on the rock).
- We saw that BOB comes from the creature called "Experiment" (he's either her offspring or an embodiment of her essence), who at the time of the nuclear test appears to live in a black void.
- In present day, we've seen the Giant appear inside the Red Room.
- We've also seen that beyond the Red Room's curtains is a black void.
- We've also seen that BOB was, for a time, apparently under the command of The Arm, who seems to be a friend to The Giant (they appear together in the S2 finale).
What I'm getting at is that sometime between 1945 and the 1980s there may have been a "colonization" of the Black Lodge by the White Lodge's inhabitants, whereupon they enslaved BOB to do their bidding. As part of this colonization they altered the Black Lodge's appearance, making it more "homely" by adding curtains and furniture.
Perhaps they did not anticipate the Black Lodge's corrupting nature or its ability to produce doppelgangers, which (along with the Woodsmen, disciples of BOB) are now leading towards BOB achieving independence from the White Lodge spirits.
From the opening flash-forward scene of Season 3, it seems that BOB (or the "Experiment" or one of the Black Lodge bug frogs) will soon infiltrate the White Lodge, which I can assume would be profoundly bad for all of us. "It is in our house now."
Very true, but Showtime's CEO has also commented that Twin Peaks Season 3 has brought more new subscribers for them than any other series, which in the end is what they care about more than viewership.
Yes and the viewer numbers are an indicator of the popularity of the show. And that popularity is an indicator of the number of people subscribing. I don't doubt showtime got a good number of people taking out free trials and such for the debut episode. And obviously not everyone watching the show watches it live. But it obviously isn't being watched by as many people as Dexter or probably not even Shameless. Trying to say the ratings are an indicator of nothing is burying your head and ignoring every other show on premium cable that has a lot of live viewers.
from what I have heard it's doing extremely well on streaming services, and Showtime is happy with it.
Also people are shit taste.
Yeah I'm tilting towards that being the Owl Man.
Sure. If they become paying subscribers and subscribe for the entire run. But theres no reason why Twin Peaks should be this special show where the extreme minority watching it lives.
For the record I dont care; it doesnt matter as a viewer at all. Its just silly seeing the same argument repeated over and over. Twin Peaks isnt very popular and thats ok.
So I decided to watch the 'atomic blast' and the 'Purple ocean tower' side-by-side and it's not even funny how things line up. Now I'm not sure if this holds any story meaning, probably not, but artistically it is amazing (or maybe I just want to see things that aren't there). Synced from 'blast' and 'red droplets':
Start of blast, falling droplets
Enter atomic blast, moving up tower
Start 'atomic tunnel blasts', entered tower
First image of the convenience store, alarm goes off
End of convenience store scene (to the experiment), Giant enters projection room
Blast imagery reappears, Giant watches blast
Falling droplets, Giant starts levitating
Scene transitions to ocean, Dido enters the room
Moving up tower, creation of 'Laura' begins
Alarm goes off, picture of Laura appears
Giant turns off the alarm, 'Laura' creation scene ends
Giant climbs stairs, egg appears
Giant entirely climbed stairs, bug entirely exited egg
Giant watches blast, Girl/Boy appear
Image of Bob appears on Giants projection, Girl finds penny
Dido enters room, Woodsmen appear
'Laura' creation start (gold light), Woodsman ask "got a light?"
Dido kisses orb, Boy kisses Girl
'Laura' send to earth, Woodsman goes to radio station.
Egg pops, Receptionist pops
Bug scene ends, start poem
Woodsmen appear, Bug reappears
"Got a light?", Bug enters mouth
Couple drives off (scene ends), Bug swallowed
Boy kisses girl, credits
And it's not just any random Woodsman, it's the one who originally appeared in the cell.It seemed obvious before, but one of the actors who played a Woodsman last night confirmed that the black ghosts in the jail cell and in the morgue were also Woodsmen.
Not gonna lie, I'm a little disappointed to see him running around like that. His stillness was such a good gimmick!
No UFC cross promos with Bisping was a missed opportunity smh
Fucking shit those numbers are terrible. What is wrong with people.