I never said that?
I never said that?
wonder how this will end>>>
I never use PayPal so I don't know how it works. How would a kid load their PayPal with money?
But if you own Amazon shares, they are basically working for you.Even if they can work for 10 years only (and it is more than that) they are gonna earn more money than me and you combined in our lifetime my dude![]()
I saw her on someone else's stream once in a "normal" outfit and without makeup (I suppose) and her face looked a bit strange to me.Wait...what?!
If you carefully think about it, it actually does line up to some is interesting how society and media (particularly movies and games) has become more hesitant about over sexualizing women but streaming platforms and social media has seen a boom in women using their sexuality to garner huge audiences and become social media stars. These two components of our culture are going in opposite directions and I wonder why.
Sounds like a cool movieGirls in bikinis talking shite = softcore porn??
Fucking hell, wise up will ye, pearl clutching cunts with a Bible in one hand and an AR15 in the other....
This is not going last long lol, lefttees will shutting this down in no time lol
Leftees are pro sex workers and pro female empowerment over the patriarchy and male gaze, they are exactly who enacted this policy. They only oppose female sexualization when it done at the behest/hands of male producers/directors/creatives. The Dead or Alive polygonal meshes can't "consent" like these titty streamers, and that's not a joke or hyperbole, that's actually verbatim their argument. "Yas queen, get dat money" is their response to this kind of content.
This thread has nothing to do with politics. Please take that garbage elsewhere.Lefties are the ones saying it's fine lol. The angry incels are all righties.
Lmao that you think this is remotely true. I present to you resetera for reference. I'll leave it at that though. Not looking for a ban.Lefties are the ones saying it's fine lol. The angry incels are all righties.
Girls in bikinis talking shite = softcore porn??
Fucking hell, wise up will ye, pearl clutching cunts with a Bible in one hand and an AR15 in the other....
Maybe I'm just a pervert but I don't see why people are upset about this stuff.
Whoa, whoa, check your privilege, chud.I briefly tuned into an Amouranth stream for strictly clinical purposes, and I've gotta say, reading some of the users messages (the ones that weren't in Spanish or Arabic) and seeing the amount of fucks not given at all behind her cold dead eyes while she just carried on ignoring all of the objectification and vitriol kind of impressed me for a moment. Before I snapped back to reality and realized she's probably making more money than I'll ever see, including trips to the bank when the vault is open, and she's doing it by "playing," a retry screen on Pokémon Snap in an inflatable indoor pool.
The only one scammed is me, by life, for being born with a bodangly. Those don't make money. But let's give the hot tubbers a break. I'm an expert, and honor is a big part of it, or whatever. I'm gonna go drink now.
So this is how Twitch will ultimately die out, I can see why a lot of people are coming back to Youtube.wonder how this will end>>>
wonder how this will end>>>
Id rather have kids go to free porn websites than give money as a simp to have their username on some dumb girl bodyI never gave a fuck. Do I watch those streams and pay money for subs etc? No. In general all I spent on twitch is my free monthly prime sub for some of my fav game/art streamers.
But I never had a problem with women exploitig the platform and them simps. Give them their category and let tnem make that easy money. As a kid I have seeked out soft core porn films on tv late at night when my parents where sleeping that showed more than these tub streams. And it's even easier nowadays, just go on instagram or twitter.
Pearl clutching about some thots in tubs is hilarious.
The only problem I have with twitch is their willy nilly enforcing of rules. Treat everybody equally without preference when it comes to giving out bans etc. and all would be fine.
P.S. I rather throw 10 bucks a month on BangBros, EvilAngel etc. and get some good quality pron instead watching Amouranth on a inflated banana in her bedroom. xD