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Ubisoft seeks to replicate the success of Ghost of Tsushima in Japan with Assassin's Creed Shadows


Lol samurai's are not alive when ghost of tsuima take place, that's alone put Assassin's creed shadows above ghost, honour weapons used in ghost of tsuima are not that time period
Yeah we know about GoT inaccuracies
m.. but since you played already Shadows tell us how it is


Writes a lot, says very little
It may be, but Sucker Punch poured a lot of heart int
lol ok bud

We are not going to leap to disrespect other teams based on historical accuracy, only to then ignore it cause you like another team...

So this whole bullshit on "heart" or "soul" stop.

Give us a measurement that can be talked about instead this whole slander thing as its almost as if you wish to only make this a big deal cause you hate another team or something.

So I don't know 100% all involved in both games, but I'm not going to question either teams desire to make a game based on their work ethic solely cause I like one team more or something. You are looking to argue something based on PERCEPTION of how the public views either team or game, not based on anything factual or objective.

The end goal of both games was to make money, they didn't just make Ghost Of Tsushima for free for all or something lol
She is not a samurai. She has excelent sword play, learned from her late husband and she refined to exerce her revenge. But she is not a samurai.

lol They probably mean Tomoe.

If you are hoping for something where they are 100% accurate or some shit, I'd stop now lol I think some of you merely assumed this based on disliking Ubisoft without actually looking into Ghost Of Tsushima. Both are taking artistic liberties, but it seems based on Ubisoft's track record, they likely will make the most accurate world, as Ghost already misses on some big elements.

Like certain aspects of the whole Samurai code stuff and buildings that didn't even exist or the actual landscape, bombs used, other weapons that never existed
About Shadows being more authentic... I doubt it

What would be more inaccurate then all those weapons that didn't exist?

The story in both games is fake, that is understood as we are talking about a fucking game with time travel.

No one is making some claim that time travel, monsters, the creed shit is real so, its why I didn't say much about the story as neither game is telling some documentary or something.

The accuracy can only really be measured by the world itself and Ghost already by default has fucked up several major elements that Shadows doesn't seem to be having an issue with as it set in a time frame where lots of those ideas already exist to even play with.
Nobunaga did a lot of terrible stuff, no way Ubi will make Yasuke agree with all that on their game.
Sure, but I don't think anyone is arguing either game's story is a history lesson, merely the world itself.

Ubisoft's teams do a great job in creating those worlds, same as Sucker Punch, but enough issues with how Ghost Of Tsushima was made points to Shadows likely being more accurate with that world by default.

That is simply my observation

and dear god, Japan doesn't fucking care about half the shit people are crying about in this thread btw. This is a fucking VIDEO GAME, this same country has anime like this lol


^ lol Japan don't care bud...stop.

This man was a demon in Onimusha 1 lol

Yet Japan happen to live thru the "outrage" the horrrorrrrr


Fuck both!

Listen, we never getting a sequel to this game cause Elder Ring's success lol
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Writes a lot, says very little
It's not bullshit at all.

Grand Theft Auto is art.

Watch_Dogs is a product.

Ubisoft games are rarely not a product.
Art is all of what you listed.

Being a product, doesn't not mean something isn't art.

Going to have to put you on that ignore man, this makes no sense to try to define such things based on being triggered or not or something. I can hate a game and still understand its art regardless of if i hated it or not and never seek to bash a team solely based on such a thing.

Be better.

Have a good one.
She isn't a samurai either. She is a master at archery, like her master is.

She is.


lol, i mean...did you not know this?


The nicest person on this forum
I don't think sekiro is historical accurate tho
What game is….but I would say Sekiro is more true to its time period more than those two games.

Ghost feels like made by people who over romanticize Japanese history.

Listen, we never getting a sequel to this game cause Elder Ring's success lol
Gets sequel or not, that doesn’t change the fact how good Sekiro is.
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Is ubisoft hiring? I managed to get 65/150 on my final exam. I am ready to show them I can do the job for them. They can also get the brownie points for my color.


Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.

I'm a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!


Writes a lot, says very little
What game is….but I would say Sekiro is more true to its time period more than those two games.

Ghost feels like made by people who over romanticize Japanese history.

Gets sequel or not, that doesn’t change the fact how good Sekiro is.

That is...amazing game. I wish that team was bigger so we can get both an Elder Ring sequel and Sekiro 2 or something (I'm even ok with a different main character or something)

Like Maiko: Shadow's Die Twice lol

I feel, ranked solely based on time period stuff

1. Shadows (as its world setting isn't really fantastical in anyway (that we know of lol)
2. Ghost (there is some fantasy stuff and inaccuracies)
3. Sekrio , many world elements are completely fantastical and deep fantasy vs like a dream sequence

If ignoring all obvious fantastical elements imho

1. Sekiro might tie with Shadows as outside of the fantasy stuff, they both support lots of ideas of the time, architecture, design etc
2. would be Ghost based on lots of what we've covered in this thread. Ghost feels like game about the Mongol invasion, by a team that loves the Edo period more lol
She is not, I played the game. Its in the first paragraph of the link you gave. What you are talking about is the character she is based off.

So she is based on a samurai and her actions in the game don't actually support them NOT seeing her as a samurai, regardless it shows clearly both teams have their artistic interpretation on things
Sure, but not in Japan it won’t.
I don't even know if thats the case either.

The game when open for pre-orders was number 1 in Japan....

So...I don't know if Japan cares about any of this as much as twitter folks as I don't see a metric suggesting they are offended to the degree folks may think. I don't know how big AC is in Japan compared to the rest of the world, but if Japan is buying some game about Samurai, I don't see any evidence they will stop at Ghost Of Tsushima cause someone is triggered about Shadows.

Why would they pre-order this to such a degree?


So...I'm not sure Japan cares as much as people might be trying to force this idea.

We'll see when it releases, regardless its looking like it will likely outsell Ghost Of Tsushima right out of the gate world wide.
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AC head producer, Karl Onnée in Japan:

Nani the fuck did you just fucking iimasu about watashi, you chiisai bitch desuka? Watashi’ll have anata know that watashi graduated top of my class in Nihongo 3, and watashi’ve been involved in iroirona Nihongo tutoring sessions, and watashi have over sanbyaku perfect test scores. Watashi am trained in kanji, and watashi is the top letter writer in all of southern California. Anata are nothing to watashi but just another weaboo. Watashi will korosu anata the fuck out with vocabulary the likes of which has never been mimasu’d before on this continent, mark watashino fucking words. Anata thinks anata can get away with hanashimasing that kuso to watashi over the intaaneto? Omou again, fucker. As we hanashimasu, watashi am contacting watashino secret netto of otakus across the USA, and anatano IP is being traced right now so you better junbishimasu for the ame, ujimushi. The ame that korosu’s the pathetic chiisai thing anata calls anatano life. You’re fucking shinimashita’d, akachan.


What would be more inaccurate then all those weapons that didn't exist?

The story in both games is fake, that is understood as we are talking about a fucking game with time travel.

No one is making some claim that time travel, monsters, the creed shit is real so, its why I didn't say much about the story as neither game is telling some documentary or something.

The accuracy can only really be measured by the world itself and Ghost already by default has fucked up several major elements that Shadows doesn't seem to be having an issue with as it set in a time frame where lots of those ideas already exist to even play with.

Sure, but I don't think anyone is arguing either game's story is a history lesson, merely the world itself.

Ubisoft's teams do a great job in creating those worlds, same as Sucker Punch, but enough issues with how Ghost Of Tsushima was made points to Shadows likely being more accurate with that world by default.

That is simply my observation

Well, Ghost of Tsushima is a fictional story based on a true history, everything other than the setting is fictional, all the clans, characters, decisions and etc are fictional, the weapons and equipments being inaccurate doesn't bother me.

While AC Shadows has most of the characters being based on real people, I personally don't really care if they decide to make Nobunaga a demon lord that can fly and shoot lasers from his hands (which would actually make the game more interesting to me (Onimusha ftw))....

However, I really dislike when a character based on a real person (or not) doesn't act faithful to the source material. This for me is just the one thing I can't tolerate.

For me, the characters actions have to be faithful to the source material.

Yes Nobunaga was evil, if he was able he would summon demons to conquer the world. Onimusha is realistic.

So yes, if Yasuke doesn't end up being extremely loyal to Nobunaga, for me, the game will be more inaccurate than Tsushima...

Anyway, I hope I am wrong and Ubi can deliver a game that I will enjoy. But I have my doubts.
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The nicest person on this forum
Ghost feels like game about the Mongol invasion, by a team that loves the Edo period more lol
Because Ghost was more interested to be Kurosawa movie rather try to follow it’s time period which is why in my opinion the world feels fake, it’s like I’m watching a play.
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lol isn't Ghost Of Tsushima filled with inaccuracies though?

Shadows might end up having the more authentic world by default of actually being in a period where those ideas are even existing in, in Ghost, lots of shit they just added even though in 1274, some of those things didn't even exist.

Its like Sucker Punch wanted to make a game about a bunch of concepts that didn't exits yet, but also realllllly wanted to do one about the Mongol invasion lol
Didn't SP stated as much and even said that they went "over there" and "asked for permission" to create an original story that takes/uses inspiration from its history? I remember reading/watching something like that.

Either way, no matter how much better Ubisoft could make AC:Shadows, they'll do their best and go to even greater lengths to fuck it up... As usual.

In fact, I think they sort of did already. *IMO* This one goes hand to hand with the next Dragon Age: Gayguard or whatever they're calling it now.


Writes a lot, says very little
edited correction. Aion is correct in this regard.

My mistake.

I really dislike when a character based on a real person (or not) doesn't act faithful to the source material. This for me is just the one thing I can't tolerate.

Ok, but...like this is a video game, for fun... you should like neither of theses fucking game as none of the games we even talking about go 100% based on anything historical. I don't even know if any game set in those times has ever been made that even makes the claim of about faithful to like exact things that occurred or something.
Yes Nobunaga was evil, if he was able he would summon demons to conquer the world. Onimusha is realistic.


What on Earth? lol

Look man, I hope you enjoy those games, but I don't see a reason for anyone to go into playing games with this type of mindset or something.

They are fake. They are fictional, they are made to entertain. If some of those elements in Ghost didn't bother you or even Onimusha, I think you'll be fine with Shadows tbh.
Because Ghost was more interested to be Kurosawa movie rather try to follow it’s time period which is why my opinion the world feels fake, it’s like I’m watching a play.
Truth. I feel like they needed to go with the Mongol invasion, but the team LOOOOOVES Edo time frame and Kurosawa and you can see that deep influence in the work, even if the very thing they are saying regarding its actual setting and story don't fit the actual iconography of the world. Even the buildings are from time periods from Edo time frame. So Im sure they have a passion about that time, but the work itself should also represent the very settling and story they are telling us

Thats like me making a Mafia game set in the 1930s, but because I fucking LOVE 1970s music, we'll....just sneak that sucker in there and some M-16s lol Its not saying I don't love the Mafia lore, merely that such a passion can be misplaced if the setting and story and time frame are ignored to fanboy over that lore in place of being accurate.
Christian Bale Idk GIF

Thanks for asking... I have so much work to do tomorrow and here I am talking about Nobunaga shooting lasers.
lol yessssssssssssssssss I forgot about all of that lol He did what all great Capcom bosses do, transform into a more cumbersome, slower version...but buffer with powers lol

Didn't SP stated as much and even said that they went "over there" and "asked for permission" to create an original story that takes/uses inspiration from its history? I remember reading/watching something like that.

Either way, no matter how much better Ubisoft could make AC:Shadows, they'll do their best and go to even greater lengths to fuck it up... As usual.

In fact, I think they sort of did already. *IMO* This one goes hand to hand with the next Dragon Age: Gayguard or whatever they're calling it now.
lol yea I don't know about all that. I believe the spoke to historians, but that isn't unusual as that is what Ubisoft does with a lot of their games like the AC series

So to my understanding, neither needed permission lol, but both had historians as when they are doing different armor, weapons, buildings etc the will reference lots of designs and have historians involved, but that happens a lot with time period stuff, like WWII games or WWI stuff like we saw with Battlefield 1.

I think you might be thinking of them referencing historical elements when they go to Japan to collect assets, like the behind the scenes type stuff, but wasn't something like asking permission or something.
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lol yea I don't know about all that. I believe the spoke to historians, but that isn't unusual as that is what Ubisoft does with a lot of their games like the AC series

So to my understanding, neither needed permission lol, but both had historians as when they are doing different armor, weapons, buildings etc the will reference lots of designs and have historians involved, but that happens a lot with time period stuff, like WWII games or WWI stuff like we saw with Battlefield 1.

I think you might be thinking of them referencing historical elements when they go to Japan to collect assets, like the behind the scenes type stuff, but wasn't something like asking permission or something.
Ah got you, yeah I guess it's like with pretty much any game nowadays, you do research, take pics and talk to people, collect data on whatever you're doing in order to have as much historical accuracy as you want/need.

Nothing out of the norm really.

Thats like me making a Mafia game set in the 1930s, but because I fucking LOVE 1970s music, we'll....just sneak that sucker in there and some M-16s lol
I think I laughed too hard at this.

Mobsters going in with M1A1s and the police running with plate carriers and Spear LTs 🤣😭
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? Yea..thats actually not true at all.

It is based on an event that occurred as yes, the Mongols did invade Japan...everything else is fictional

Maybe I am just tired, but aren't we agreeing here?

Like, I said: Ghost of Tsushima characters are fictional.

Anyway, you're probably right and I am just nitpicking, maybe is just me trying to rationalize my hate and distrust on current ubisoft.


Writes a lot, says very little
Maybe I am just tired, but aren't we agreeing here?

Like, I said: Ghost of Tsushima characters are fictional.

Anyway, you're probably right and I am just nitpicking, maybe is just me trying to rationalize my hate and distrust on current ubisoft.

You are correct.

This was my mistake, (twas me who was tired lol)

Historical event, fictional characters

I think if you like Onimusha, Ghost etc, you'll be at home with Shadows. I don't buy everything from Ubisoft, but this is a day 1 for anyone who loves Samurai type games as we don't get enough of em to pick and choose some times. Knowing how they move on, we may never get another Samurai one from them, at least not in a long time.

El Muerto

Rise of the Ronin was a better Ghost of Tsushima. May not been as pretty, but it was less pretentious and never got boring. Combat was way better too. I dont think Ubisoft can top either one.


Even before burning so many bridges, The game won't even be any good to even think of replicating the success.

Ubisoft does one innovation per franchise and calls it...two decades! fuckin hell.
It will still sell good around the world.


I hope the game bombs hard. They fucked Splinter Cell, Settlers, and Divison. I hope they get bought by Embracer Group at this point, just to spit in their face.

I'm sure AC:Shadows will be super mid like the other AC games. Riddled with bugs that will never be fixed and gigantic maps with rubbish to do. Stupid climbing riddles. Mini-games no one ever asked for. And don't forget the super-looking armor you can buy in the in-game store with MTX for your unique iconic single-player experience.

The game will probably sell double-digit millions outside of Japan, though. Sigh


Games gonna get 7 or 8 out of 10 on all sites. It's not going to innovate on the AC formula enough to keep people who've played the other ones involved in the mind numbing Ubiquests and vacant eyed npcs. Nothing exciting or shocking will occur in the story. There will be no difficulty. Everything screams catered to casuals, flashy fluff, and bloat. It's still going to be mechanically sound despite it's horrendously stupid story.
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