migration targets only exist to convince the racists to vote Tory instead of UKIP
also I see one of the policies to leak so far is restricting free school meals. maybe they can send the kids off to the local food bank.
All I did was make a joke about someone possibly claiming it sounds like a conspiracy and you actually followed through with it here.
Farron is one of the few MPs to give a toss about trans rights and one of the few MPs to be outspoken against the gay blood ban, he even submitted a bill to have it repealed. The Lib Dems aren't saying job done after equal marriage and will keep campaigning for the much less sexy/vote winning aspects of LGBT equality. I don't care what his kooky religious views are, his actions and Lib Dem policy are more important.
You're being unreasonable.
I get all that. But I can't get past his 'kooky' and very illiberal views. It's the bloody liberal party FFS. This talk of we're all sinners, in 2017, fuck off. Wouldn't trust the man to run a bath.
Should every Labour politician that's openly religious be hauled onto television and grilled in the way Farron has been, with their own parliamentary record on these matters completely disregarded?
See my edit. Yes basically. I have no truck with mixing religion and politics.
I get all that. But I can't get past his 'kooky' and very illiberal views. It's the bloody liberal party FFS. This talk of we're all sinners, in 2017, fuck off. Wouldn't trust the man to run a bath.
For the avoidance of doubt, i won't vote for any party with an overtly religious leader. We need full separation between church and state.
But he's not. The only reason his religion gets brought up is because people keep bringing it up.
He's a near perfect example of separation of church and state, in that he keeps his own religious views separate from his views on politics/governance. He's actually an ideal Liberal in that sense.
See my edit. Yes basically. I have no truck with mixing religion and politics.
He's not separating church and state in any way. I can't trust a man who won't answer this easy question.
I can see this argument FWIW. I think that can be puritanical, though. Is all faith a problem in politics, or is it just Christianity, as it's less of a minority belief in Britain?
I definitely think it would be wrong to hound a muslim Lib Dem candidate on their private religion, for example. That's clear cut.
Imposing faith on politics is saying "this word 'marriage' means a divine consecration of union by God AND CANNOT BE SEPARATED FROM THE LEGAL DEFINITION ARGLEBLARGLERARR". That was what Simon Hughes did and I have major trouble with.
Having faith would be what I think Farron does - he occasionally says something religious, but by-and-large he tries to keep off the topic.
A liberal believes that a rational assessment of if something actually causes harm is all that is required to decide if something should be permitted by society or not. I've yet to see good evidence of Farron not doing that, and that's why it gets my goat when people say he's not being liberal.
Inevitable given they're the last to unveil their manifesto. They'll get more coverage again tomorrow regarding social care policy. Some grumpy rich pensioners moaning that they might lose their winter fuel allowance. But the policy ringfencing £100k of assets and no longer typically needing to sell a home to pay for care will certainly go down well with older voters, and with their sons and daughters awaiting their inheritance! Also UKIP voters will love the new right wing migration policies.The Tories collapse to a 13 point lead.
Westminster voting intention:
CON: 45% (-4)
LAB: 32% (+1)
LDEM: 8% (-1)
UKIP: 6% (+3)
(via @YouGov / 16 - 17 May)
I think being opposed to homosexuality is pretty harmful when leader of the main "liberal" party in the UK.
Jezza-sama!The Tories collapse to a 13 point lead.
Westminster voting intention:
CON: 45% (-4)
LAB: 32% (+1)
LDEM: 8% (-1)
UKIP: 6% (+3)
(via @YouGov / 16 - 17 May)
Looks like the days of people thinking the Tories are better than Labour in every policy area may be over:
Oh God it's happening again
I'm stuck in a loop
Look - I'll let the acting chair of LGBT+ Lib Dems explain it better than I ever could.
Maybe that doesn't change your mind, but I'm actually tapped out talking about this - there's no more ways I can say "he's not a homophobe".
The crux of my argument is that you can be a Christian and be supportive of LGBT rights. It's not always fair to try and make a Christian confront how they are contradicting their religion live on national television. It's too close to the nasty smear politics of the USA, and above all I don't think it's true.
I respect his beliefs but I won't vote for anyone or any party led by someone with overt religious beliefs. He's welcome to his beliefs, but I think they​ have no place in UK politics in 2017.
Kinda ironic considering the porkies Cameron told over the Government's budget when comparing it to a household or paying off a credit card. From the same woman who brought you "Brexit means Brexit" and "red, white, and blue Brexit" too.People are rightly sceptical of politicians who claim to have easy answers to deeply complex problems. It is the responsibility of leaders to be straight with people about the challenges ahead and the hard work required to overcome them, she will say.
More elderly people will have to pay for their own social care in the home and lose universal benefits under a new Conservative policy which, Theresa May will say on Thursday, is difficult but necessary to tackle the crisis in funding.
Introducing the party's election manifesto, the prime minister will say it is the ”responsibility of leaders to be straight with people about the challenges ahead" as she unveils a controversial policy that would reduce the value of estates that many people hope to pass on to their children.
Media update: Dave have their political show Unspun starting now for an election run, twice weekly.
Also ITV's debate is tomorrow, I know, I forgot too. No May/Corbyn, but not empty chairing, they'll send spin doctors but only for the shitty spin rooms. ITV not allowing anyone but leaders. Full update - https://www.theguardian.com/politic...ders-to-itv-debate?CMP=twt_a-media_b-gdnmedia
Without free school meals I'd have gone without proper food many a day at school, child poverty was difficult enough for me and I grew up under New Labour, I couldn't imagine doing it under Tory rule, and five more years is a sad prospect.
The Mail have gone with "YOU WON'T HAVE TO SELL YOUR HOME" as their headline to try and get out ahead of the incoming shit storm when people read the details and see that under the Tory policy they're actually just deferring the cost until you die and you'll probably end up selling your home.
the comment section isn't happy if you want a laugh. Looks like they might have finally pissed off their core support.
The Tories collapse to a 13 point lead.
Westminster voting intention:
CON: 45% (-4)
LAB: 32% (+1)
LDEM: 8% (-1)
UKIP: 6% (+3)
(via @YouGov / 16 - 17 May)
Looks like the days of people thinking the Tories are better than Labour in every policy area may be over:
I agree with this, but hadn't especially had to apply this to Farron in my mind because I was never going to be voting Lib Dem anyway.I respect his beliefs but I won't vote for anyone or any party led by someone with overt religious beliefs. He's welcome to his beliefs, but I think they​ have no place in UK politics in 2017.
Eh? What is Corbyn doing not attending? He was making a ruckus about May not doing it.
"I am not attending if May does not."
Someone at Labour probably made the calculation that the only person who benefits from the TV debate if Corbyn showed up is Farron, much like 2010. It's cowardly, but starving the opposition of oxygen is good campaign policy if nothing else.
Tory policies out so far are grim. Has May really thought her strategy through? Olney called her a "lunch snatcher" ffs.
The shifting polls are reassuring.
So, realistically what could Farron do to convince people he wasn't a homophobe?
Well someone finally releasing that Farron-Opik sex tape would do it.
Oooh Death Tax is back!
Shows you how confident May is that she's prepared to go after your inheritance. Will be funny to watch the fall out as Tory voters get mad and Labour voters stay oddly quiet as they quite like the idea.
It's only a death tax when Labour propose it. It's 'you don't have to sell your home' when the Tories propose it.
But that only worked because "snatcher" rhymed with "Thatcher"! Could she really not come up with one that rhymed with "May"?!
If you agree with Theresa May, you'll never get a lay.
I've done it. I've cost the Tories the election.
That's oddly specific.Not true, though! "If you agree with May you'll get sucked off by a cute posho redhead in a stable before she demands you help her give the middle finger to her dad for sending her to boarding school by doing her in the arse on top of the dining room bureau. Bae."
Not true, though! "If you agree with May you'll get sucked off by a cute posho redhead in a stable before she demands you help her give the middle finger to her dad for sending her to boarding school by doing her in the arse on top of the dining room bureau. Bae."
This social care reform seems to be going down like a diarrhoea-filled balloon.
Why are the Tories pledging anything? They don't need to do anything to win this election.
I was thinking this, but the part I don't understand is why they even want to implement such unpopular policies? I can't see any personal gain in it, do they just believe that these are good policies?Because the lead is so great, they can put a list of their more dubious policies in the manifesto then whenever they get any push back when they come up in the Commons, it'll be "manifesto commitment", "the will of the people", "people knew what they were voting for"
It might cost them 20 seats or so, but it'll make their lives easier (and everyone elses worse) in the long run.
It's damn good news for us in our Tory-facing seats. Means testing winter fuel allowance is fair and we agree. Selling your loved one's future inheritance to pay for your own social care is cruel.
The grey vote will not be pleased.
I was thinking this, but the part I don't understand is why they even want to implement such unpopular policies? I can't see any personal gain in it, do they just believe that these are good policies?
Maybe everyone is trying to throw this election so that the other side gets the blame when Brexit turns to shit.Maybe they don't want to win outright and want a coalition of concrete to build the strong and stable future on.