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The new policy is even worse. It is more regressive than the original!
What sort of things are making you lean Labour?
Not going to try and convince you to switch, just curious. It's going to be an insanely close run between our man and Labour.
I would absolutely vote tactically if I were in a critical race between the Tories/UKIP and another party. I happen to be in the fortunate position of being in a contested seat between quite good candidates.
I like how she's calling it fake news that this is a u-turn, just clarifying.
Clarifying a detail that wasn't in the manifesto or briefings until today hmmmmmm a liar story- SORRY typo, a likely story.
This will get spun tomorrow as a sign she's "listening to the people"
Time for the NDS?I wonder what that sounds like...
If this happens, I will be really disappointed. She actually just made the policy more regressive than before - the cap on repayments will only affect the richest, which means if your net assets exceed £100,000 but the asset repayment doesn't meet the cap, you could charged proportionally more than those above the cap. It's ludicrous, and if the media lets them dress that up as an improvement or listening to the people, I just... I'd be furious.
Time for the NDS?
You can just say "Next question", as I did for that oneSome terrible options in there. Surely there is some middle ground between "medical use" and "decriminalise ALL drugs..." in the cannabis question.
man she got wrecked, the media pulling no punches for once. this is delicious
i am alarmed to see the media do their fucking job. holy shit.
As much as I enjoy taking potshots at religion when it stands in the way of progress, the UK is leaps and bounds better than many places.
I posted this earlier in the thread, but attitudes since the 80s have vastly improved ~ http://www.brin.ac.uk/figures/attitudes-towards-gay-rights/
You'll never eradicate bigotry around religion, as the doctrines are riddled with it. That's a fools game if that is anyones ultimate goal. The best thing we can do is keep the government separated from religion, so it's solely a matter for the people, and with the people drag them kicking and screaming towards progress.
Subjecting people to being around the change they fear is the best disinfectant. For many religious minds that have been wired the way they have/indoctrinated, a lot of bigotry is like a phobia. I was rambling on about disgust sensitivity earlier in the thread, and not to do it again, but it comes into play here too (a lot of perceived "disgust" surrounds two men kissing/having sex). However, subjecting someone to exposure to their phobia often mitigates it. So, gay marriage passes, and the population gets exposed to it. What happens over time? Well, people start to realise what happens when gay people get married is... they get married. No lighting bolts from god? Nothing serious changing around them other than people being happier? Well... okay. Sure, it can take years of exposure, and in some cases, many still stay bigoted as fuck behind closed doors. Many do change though, and changing who we can is the best form of success possible for humanity. We will never completely eradicate bigotry, whether its religious or born from other sects/intolerance/cults/etc, but we can marginalise it and important, keep the government separated from the Church(es).
They did ask the right questions but May deflected well to be fair.
A Crustacean government would tax an additional one pence on every pound spent on Brain Training games and put it towards our new National Dementia Service free to all at the point of delivery.I'm not entirely sure of Mario Kart's potential contributions to dementia care, but in principle I approve.
There's been 2 "anyone that isn't Corbyn" Labour leadership elections and there isn't anyone that isn't Corbyn who is competent enough to get anyone enthused.
You can just say "Next question", as I did for that one.
The best policy is literally so simple. None of us know whether we could require dementia care in the future. We all ought to pay dementia insurance - a small premium each, in return for the insurance provider meeting the cost of our dementia care should we get dementia. But some of us have less ability to pay this dementia insurance than others, so we have to factor in payment according to need. If we did that with many different insurance companies, nobody would take on the poor or those more likely to get dementia because they would pay less in. So we need a single insurance company. But then you get monopoly problems, so we'd need to have it owned by the state.
So the end result is the state takes a small amount of money from absolutely everyone in proportion to their ability to pay, and meets the full costs of anyone who gets dementia.
I wonder what that sounds like...
Clegg on BBC News putting the boot in. Osbourne also echoing the sentiment in the Standard. May's team spent the entire weekend defending a capless policy...
This is exactly what was needed to turn this election around. Ba ha ha ha ha.
Labour politicians across the country thanking whatever deity caused the Tories to do this to themselves.
The solution for social care is taxation and merging the NHS and social care. If Beveridge was alive today it is what he would propose.
@Spuck - our target seats do include a few Labour seats but the majority are Tory seats. This definitely helps us.
Tories buy Google ads to stop people reading about controversy over new policy https://t.co/W0807RhsFO
The solution for social care is taxation and merging the NHS and social care. If Beveridge was alive today it is what he would propose.
@Spuck - our target seats do include a few Labour seats but the majority are Tory seats. This definitely helps us.
CoE still has seats in the house of lords, that shit needs to go.
Beveridge would also propose that people on JSA should have their reproductive rights removed though.
Genuine question, how does merging help outside of removing a big 'SOCIAL CARE' section from the budget pie chart that Conservatives can look at an salivate about cutting?