Which is still massively better than what they were initially predicted to get!
yep! labour have run a great campaign.
as for the tories, for once in my life i agree with george osborne

Which is still massively better than what they were initially predicted to get!
The pessimist in me can't help but think these kinds of polls are in part trying to set the narrative that the Conservatives need people to vote and that the Coalition of Chaos is coming or other such nonsense. It might hurt labour if anything.
I never seen an early election call backfire this hard. It would be amazing if the UK tories ended up with a minority government.
I never seen an early election call backfire this hard. It would be amazing if the UK tories ended up with a minority government.And I wouldn't assume that this poor poll will help the UK tories at this point.
A party losing seats in an election they called without an external push factor (eg. minority government collapsing) would be historically unprecedented, right?
The Times' lead story.
LDs still on 9, woop.
(I'll take my small victories)
But does Jezza put the bins out?Struggled through the One Show for that Corbyn interview. It's vacuous shite, but fucking hell is it night and day between Corbyn and May.
Who knows? But at least we know he's an actual human being instead of a politician grown in a vat underneath Westminster.But does Jezza put the bins out?
Judging by Nick Robinson on Twitter and others, I think the Yougov poll is getting lots of cold water thrown on it.
It's disturbing how many shows like that exist.
The descriptions are so incendiary but I caught five minutes of one and I actually felt empathy with the people shown - probably not the intention.
My only guilty pleasure in that vein is Can't Pay? We'll take it away!
bit late to this but people who try to justify zero hours by saying "flexibility" are so full of shit. It's not like you get to ring up and go "hey I only want to work 2 hours today. cool?" it's more like they ring you and say "we might need you between 8am-10pm can you just wait around all day" *end of the day* "we didn't need you". I'm sure it works for someone in some situation but the basic principles of it put all the power with the employer.
Look I know it's cool to get all wound up on someone else's behalf these days but the people working zero hours contracts are more satisfied than the average employee: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/zero-hours-workers-are-as-happy-as-other-employees-a6759111.html
Numbers on such contracts for their main job was 903,000 in April to June 2016, up from 747,000 in the same period in 2015
I would not consider "new research by CIPD, the professional body for HR and people development," as it is described in the article, to be unbiased.
But the TUC union umbrella group said the sample of 350 zero hours workers was far too small to be representative. It said the survey should not be used to gloss over the fact the contracts were often used as a way of keeping down wages and employing staff on worse terms and conditions.
The CIPD said the sample of zero hours workers was drawn from a survey of 2,000 workers overall and used a targeted boost taken from a YouGov panel of 600,000 people.
We are not saying that the sample is perfect, but what we are saying is this is the most reliable sample of zero-hour contract workers in the UK excluding the ONS data, CIPD said.
There are about 1.4m zero hour contracts, according to official estimates, and they appear to have become a permanent feature of the labour market in the wake of the financial crisis.
The rapid rise in insecure work in the UK is costing the government almost £4bn a year in lost tax income and benefit payouts, according to new research into the gig economy by the Trades Union Congress.
The UKs growing legions of low-paid, self-employed workers and those on zero-hours contracts earn significantly less than regular employees and therefore pay less tax and national insurance. Their relatively low earnings also make them more likely to need to rely on in-work benefits such as tax credits and housing benefit, the TUC said.
Taking those factors together translated to a loss to the exchequer of more than £75m a week equivalent to more than a quarter of Englands social care budget.
British workers face cut-rate, bottom-of-the-league protections after Brexit, with more zero-hours contracts and fewer guarantees over holiday and equal pay, the TUC has warned, as it publishes a damning report highlighting the soaring number of insecure jobs in the UK.
The number of workers without guaranteed hours or basic employment rights has risen by more than 660,000 in the past five years, the study found.
Labour said an "explosion" of insecure jobs was likely unless fundamental workers rights were protected.
And the dire situation many employees now face is predicted to intensify once the Government drags the UK out of the EU.
The Times' lead story.
This is a re-run of 1974. Except instead of dastardly trade unions, it was the Lib Dems wanting a second referendum.
Look I know it's cool to get all wound up on someone else's behalf these days but the people working zero hours contracts are more satisfied than the average employee: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/zero-hours-workers-are-as-happy-as-other-employees-a6759111.html
I never seen an early election call backfire this hard. It would be amazing if the UK tories ended up with a minority government.And I wouldn't assume that this poor poll will help the UK tories at this point.
Check out Australian politics the last couple years!
My "normal" friends view.
Yeah he ain't going to win or get close is he? This stuff actually works to put people off him.
It can be blocked at anytime within the 2 years. This is a Tory lie that they, for some reason, kept repeating. EU even said we could revoke it.
Really? So Brexit can be stopped.
But it only seems fair if we in the US are seemingly stuck with Trump you should be stuck with Brexit. We should both stay being miserable together.
Why is this legal?
OK, so let me be quite clear:
1. There is no way a coalition with the Conservative party could work. There is no way I could ever see Tim Farron stomaching being at a cabinet table with May. None. He despised the coalition. Also, Brexit - literally the main policy of our party is to not do stuff like leave the Single Market. There simply is not enough common ground to make a coalition work.
2. There is no way a coalition with Labour could work. Corbyn leads an unstable enough party as it is. Although we are happy to give thumbs up to the more centrists bits of his manifesto, he wants to raise taxes far, far too high and nationalise big chunks of the transport network. Also, he wants to go through with Brexit and leaving the Single Market. Thus, no common ground either. In addition, it would likely be a Labour/SNP coalition, and we cannot enter coalition with the SNP as we are a unionist party.
If instead the LDs hold the balance of power in a minority government situation, we can vote on legislation as it comes by the Commons, attempt to vote it down if it goes against what we want, or pass it if it's good Lib Demmy policy.
This gives the LDs a hell of a lot of power - no pacts or secret deals to allow crap legislation through.
The problem is that a Hung Commons will actually be hung between the Lib Dems, Plaid, the SNP, the NI parties, one or two Greens and an independent.
This is the parliament that has to pass the Autumn Statement (or is it a budget now, as they've unified them?) and legislation on leaving the EU.
It would be one of the most gloriously chaotic and short-lived parliaments in UK history.
Indeed - looking into it seems like a bit of 'fake news' that is taking twitter by storm. There's no way to determine his income from this information, and it seems highly unlikely it's anywhere near that high.
Unless you're a student I don't see why zero hours would be a benefit. Would rather have a guaranteed income coming in.
'Stamp out abuse of Zero Hours Contracts. We will create a formal right to request a fixed contract and consult on introducing a right to make regular patterns of work contractual after a period of time.
yep! labour have run a great campaign.
as for the tories, for once in my life i agree with george osborne
This will be interesting. There could be some major swings if people become single issue voters over the next few weeks. May is really rolling the dice here. It could blow up in her face.
When you're looking at the polls getting hopeful just remember that from the beginning the Tories said their biggest threat was voter apathy based on people assuming they'd win easily. Hey presto in the last week of the campaign suddenly it's 'possible' they might lose. The Times have cherry picked the most labour optimistic poll they could find to get their story written, it's all just part of the plan to get their vote out. Then afterwards they'll say it was the fear of the SNP running Westminster that swung it to a 14 point win for May and people will still believe the polls next time.
I hold the same belief. This story is to cause some election drama and sell papers.
When you're looking at the polls getting hopeful just remember that from the beginning the Tories said their biggest threat was voter apathy based on people assuming they'd win easily. Hey presto in the last week of the campaign suddenly it's 'possible' they might lose. The Times have cherry picked the most labour optimistic poll they could find to get their story written, it's all just part of the plan to get their vote out. Then afterwards they'll say it was the fear of the SNP running Westminster that swung it to a 14 point win for May and people will still believe the polls next time.
I don't understand why Labour would be planning this at all.
I don't understand why Labour would be planning this at all.
I don't understand why Labour would be planning this at all.