What England votes for England gets. If you cunts don't want Tories don't vote Tories. It's not our job to bale you xenophobic backwards looking nostalgia seeking cunts out of voting against your best interests. Man up.
So we should subsume our own political viewpoint to bring you twats to the light? Man up. What England wants England gets. Politics is a contact sport, it's not as if Labour up here is playing nicey nicey. The SNP like any other party is looking votes in the constituencies in which they're standing.
The SNP shouldn't unilaterally disarm against one party just because the English electorate is as thick as shit.
Calm the sauce kmag, even I don't go in this hard lol. What you have to remember is there is a lot of pent-up angst that Scotland doesn't
fall in line. You've got both Conservative rUK mad many of us don't treasure the Union, and Labour rUK mad we don't automatically fall in line and vote Labour (and the Union part too). You should be used to being spat on from all angles at this point, even although the party you vote for is arguably one of the most progressive and forward-thinking in the UK. So time to chill and laugh it off when it devolves to "fuck the SNP/fuck the SNP voters".
Ultimately, a lot of the "hate" really
should be aimed at Conservative voting rUK, not SNP voting Scotland. As I mentioned earlier given the slim pickings of progressive parties in the UK people really shouldn't find it hard to understand why Scots vote SNP. As much as there is a resurgence of Corbyn
love right now, even the Labour party still has things going on some Scots do not like. Trident for one. Corbyn is one man behind a whole party. A lot of the rUK desperately pushing for Labour to oppose the Tories is understandable (I'd very much prefer it myself), but Scottish Labour is pretty damn awful so why expect the people of Scotland to just fall in line behind Dugdale when there is another credible choice? The SNP have historically attempted to work with Labour and been met with hostility too, so the party is still going to attempt to challenge Labour. They may be
all the rUK has right now, but they're not all Scotland has.
Let us not forget Labour still played the "game" around Brexit as well (including Corbyn's weak ass Remain support).
But to be fair/rounded kmag, even people outside of Scotland (a few posters on the last page) have echoed that it would be nice if "the SNP" were UK wide. No point in losing your cool just cause Crab wound you up

He's a Welsh "Labour" voter I secretly think might vote Tory in the booth (come at me Crab).