I find it amazing how all the parties except the Tories plead with voters to do anything to keep the Tories out of power, but all separately bleat that they won't form a coalition nuh uh, never. It's like, fuck sake, why not. I'd vote for that. Call yourselves the Rebel Alliance and job done. I don't think Farron realises that people weren't pissed off at the Lib Dems for forming a coalition, they were pissed off that they formed one with the Conservatives.
Formal coalitions deals before the election is stupid. That is second guessing the public. Once the votes are counted then deals can be made.
For a 3rd party like the Lib Dems it would be foolish to say they would always support a Labour govt because it calls into question their entire existence.
If you just casually listen to Andrew Neil interviews all you really take in are his constant interruptions and nonsensical soundbites. What value is that supposed to impart on us? The Tim Farron interview was like listening to the 7-way debate at its fucking worst.
He constantly interrupted with "You want to end encryption"! Andrew Neil probably doesn't even know what encryption is, or else he would realise just how silly the question actually is.
What am I meant to glean from watching some old dude constantly interrupt his interviewee with nonsensical questions?
When the neighbours have different views
But the constant iteration that they're not going to form coalitions both demonises the idea and then makes them look like right cunts in the event they do form one. It'd be better to just say they're amenable to forming one, especially for the smaller parties. If voters knew and thought it was a possibility it could encourage those to vote who are feeling a bit hopeless.
When the neighbours are resorting to trolling
Nothing wrong with confidence and supply minority administrations. SNP did it for years in Scotland with little issue.
But then I guess it would take MPs becoming adults rather than sniping children to work together and get things done.
We badly need some new political interviewers.
Apparently the top banner is now gone.
Dude just shouts and interrupts he is really bad. Then you have Paxman who is just the same.I've never actually looked at Andrew Neil's history before. I didn't realise he was editor of the Sunday Times and chairman of Sky at one point.
I've never actually looked at Andrew Neil's history before. I didn't realise he was editor of the Sunday Times and chairman of Sky at one point.
Not really surprised.Skimming over the /r/ukpolitics thread and it's mostly just people being angry at Andrew Neil.
With that said it's even more puzzling May fumbled his softballs.
yes i know that sounds gross
I am growing to like the Economist.
She's trying to make a Tory ad in front of 100% of YT vidsI wonder if Theresa May is on the phone using her considerable influence and negotiating skills to get Trump to reconsider destroying the planet
Nope, I didn't.Lol, this thread was loving Neil when he interviewed May, I wonder what changed.
Skimming over the /r/ukpolitics thread and it's mostly just people being angry at Andrew Neil.
Lol, this thread was loving Neil when he interviewed May, I wonder what changed.
I did love that the Eye reprinted this constantly for about 20 years
Got any good stories?I worked in their offices for a while, it was certainly eye opening. Late stage capitalism at its 'finest'.
We badly need some new political interviewers.
you'd be wrong. Automation is already on its way and will render the current model irrelevant.
Plus no way around doing that age change without increasing unemployment.
It should be posted whenever someone mentions Neil.
Got any good stories?
If you haven't already, watch this: https://youtu.be/7Pq-S557XQUYeah, I'm kind of an 'auto-sceptic'. I don't think it's going to replace all jobs, much as I'd love to be sat at home cashing my UBI cheque and catching up on Game of Thrones. It's been "on it's way" for a good old while and we've got more people employed than ever.
Here is Corbyn being interviewed by Robert Peston.
A very enjoyable read. Corbyn takes every question head on and gives direct answers. Let me be clear, he is no Maybot.
Yeah, I'm kind of an 'auto-sceptic'. I don't think it's going to replace all jobs, much as I'd love to be sat at home cashing my UBI cheque and catching up on Game of Thrones. It's been "on it's way" for a good old while and we've got more people employed than ever.
Q. Is leaving second best?
JC: Leaving is what the decision is. Lets move on from there.
Umm...you want to leave a comment with that so that people know your point?
there's being a robot and then there's playing the game. being naive will just get you eaten alive by forces that don't want you to succeed.Well, not always direct answers:
Q. Is leaving second best?
JC: Leaving is what the decision is. Lets move on from there.
I prefer him by a mile to Maybot but let's not exaggerate.
The problem with that question is that, having campaigned to stay, he can't really answer it, can he? If he says brexit is great, he looks disingenuous and flip-floppy. If he says it'll be terrible, he looks like the wrong person to be dealing with it.
I mean, what can he really say?
If you haven't already, watch this: https://youtu.be/7Pq-S557XQU
I'll be honest, I burst out laughing during that Farron interview.
"Mr Farron, please be quiet... "
"This is not a party political broadcast"
And my old favourite:
"... Get to the point"
I still think Farron is a decent bloke though.
I received a UKIP leaflet some time ago- in London. Can't imagine that will be popular here.
I got one...in Islington. Yeah.