*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6 Offseason Thread

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Linda defended the rape because she didn't consider it rape, not because she knows something about Winds. She has a long history of arguing husbands taking their marital "rights" in the bedroom is not rape in medieval times. Long before the show aired she was arguing that Robert never raped Cersei, because our modern concept of rape did not exist in the period of time GoT occurs in (real life example would be War Of Roses era).

She has a long history of arguing against certain aspects of feminism and diversity.

The bold isn't true. In fact, she says it is "very obviously" a rape.


I wonder how much attributed to Linda isn't true.

I don't know much about them other than their reviews but I like their reviews. They don't seem so terrible.


They've talked about the marriage traditions of stripping the bride and groom a few times before dumping them on their wedding bed.

If the end result is rape then does that make the former sexual assault?

How far does the GAF rabbit hole go?
I wonder how much attributed to Linda isn't true.

Most of what is attributed to her is true. The poster you quoted might not have been correct on that particular line, but she's defended the sexual violence in GRRM's universe plenty of times.

I don't know much about them other than their reviews but I like their reviews. They don't seem so terrible.

Their reviews are fairly tame, and Elio generally is more diplomatic in how he expresses himself. However, Linda can be downright vicious, and often goes crazy on people who disagree with her opinions. I'm sure if you invest some time into researching, you'll find some statements of hers, or exchanges between her and others. As I mentioned earlier, she's gone full Trump mode when they cast actors of colour or with accents in roles where the book describes them as white or blonde or what have you. I specifically remember her outrage at Xaro Xhoan Daxos and Salladhor Saan, and I believe she also was very opposed to Syrio Forel's actor.

The fact she also often contradicts herself doesn't help her matter
(for instance, she is very outspoken against fan fiction, especially ones with Mary Sue characters, but she has no problem with roleplaying in the ASoIaF universe and has several Mary Sue characters on that front)


Yes, it's called Stockholm Syndrome.

Why are you still saying she only feels suicidal because of the harsh traveling? I already gave you the quote of her thinking that he "rode her as relentlessly as he rode his stallion." You don't think that has something to do with the pain or her wanting to die? Clearly Drogo is not a gentle and kind man or whatever someone was saying here, since he was causing her this pain, and she felt she couldn't tell him "No."

Their first night in the show is exactly how their relationship was in the books after that bizarre unbelievable creepily written out of place first night of her getting wet for him.
Nothing about how Drogo treats her before or after suggests he thinks of her as an object. He's shown as being gentle and obeys/bends for her several times. He didn't know she was in pain and she is 'greatful' he doesn't see her tears. There isn't enough detail to know why she doesn't say no or want him to know she is in pain. Perhaps she didn't want to be seen as weak or feels like she owes it to him.

As soon as her skin toughens and riding is not painful her feelings change completely, what you quoted is misleading. If you cant be bothered to read the whole chapter, the page before and after would do too.

One way the show could have done it was to really build up the marriage as something terrifying that Dany is desperate to get out of. While also showing how awful Visersys is and his influence on her. Either way, this incredibly low on my list of issues with the show, its mostly fine. I just don't agree that its an improvement.


Most of what is attributed to her is true. The poster you quoted might not have been correct on that particular line, but she's defended the sexual violence in GRRM's universe plenty of times.

I thought she got all hot and bothered because people were saying that GRRM glorifies rape and sexual violence in his books and therefore encourages/fans the flames of rape culture. And her reply was that his depiction of sexual violence wasn't a normalization it was just a fairly factual depiction of what life was like in medieval times, and that back then those things regarding marital rites weren't considered rape -- at the time.

So isn't it less about defending sexual violence than rejecting the notion that the books encourage it?

Or did she just go cray and do something nutters?

I also remember something about calling her racist when she said that black skin did not equal olive skin with regards to the outrage that the Dornish characters weren't all africans. On that front she was right, olive skin is predominantly Mediterranean with only some dark brown included. Not to mention that the Dornish characters from the books that were cast for the show were the coastal Dornish...which aren't dark skinned.


Most of what is attributed to her is true. The poster you quoted might not have been correct on that particular line, but she's defended the sexual violence in GRRM's universe plenty of times.

Is it just that he has a right to show it in the books because that's how the medieval times were? Based on her calling the Sansa/Ramsay scene very obviously rape, it doesn't appear that she's in support of a husband taking a wife against her will.

Their reviews are fairly tame, and Elio generally is more diplomatic in how he expresses himself. However, Linda can be downright vicious, and often goes crazy on people who disagree with her opinions. I'm sure if you invest some time into researching, you'll find some statements of hers, or exchanges between her and others. As I mentioned earlier, she's gone full Trump mode when they cast actors of colour or with accents in roles where the book describes them as white or blonde or what have you. I specifically remember her outrage at Xaro Xhoan Daxos and Salladhor Saan, and I believe she also was very opposed to Syrio Forel's actor.

I have to look at it. She could just be the the type of fan that complains about the color of Dany's eyes or whether a character has a beard in the show that they didn't have in the books.


I looked up Linda a while back when some people brought her up. She definitely said some messed up things and seemed like a bit of an unhinged person. I felt bad for her.


You're personally attacking her because she personally attacked someone because they personally attacked her because...

Break the cycle.

I can assure you that she immediately jumps to personal attacks at the slightest bit of criticism of her opinions and/or her website. I know because I've been personally attacked by her myself. She's a mean-spirited and irrational person. For proof, you can read her Tumblr.

You're personally attacking her because she personally attacked someone because they personally attacked her because...

Break the cycle.

Ok, the difference is she does it directly. I've had a conversation on Twitter with her before where I was very civil, simply asking her questions, but she quickly devolved into personal attacks.

Once again, it's totally justified.
Non-news of the day:

- WiCnet: Who’s gonna die in Game of Thrones Season 6? Poll results
- Watchers notes that the red carpet premiere is on Sunday and that a lot of the cast is headed to LA for the event

- WiCnet: All Fifty Episodes of Game of Thrones, Ranked (note: this is a slideshow)

Their top 10 if you don't want to click through:
10. The Dance of Dragons (S5, E9)
9. Blackwater (S2, E9)
8. The Laws of Gods and Men (S4, E6)
7. The Mountain and the Viper (S4, E8)
6. And Now His Watch Is Ended (S3, E4)
5. The Children (S4, E10)
4. Baelor (S1, E9)
3. The Watchers on the Wall (S4, E9)
2. The Rains of Castamere (S3, E9)
1. Hardhome (S5, E8)
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (S5, E6) is their pick for worst.

EDIT: Looks like there will be a live broadcast of the red carpet stuff on Facebook this Sunday if you're into that sort of thing:
The #GOTPremiereLA red carpet event will be broadcast on Facebook at 5PM Pacific time (8PM EDT) this Sunday night!


That title definitely sounds like Mel raises him and maybe even dies herself in the premier. I wonder how the hell they're going to keep that a secret if they're going to be playing the episode in a theater on Sunday. Are only cast and crew going to be in the screening or something?

Kind of surprised to see no change to the main cast list from last season, minus removing Kit Harrington and Stephan Dillane. First season no one's angled for a promotion into main cast I can recall.

Sean C

That title definitely sounds like Mel raises him and maybe even dies herself in the premier.
The promo photo of Mel was identified as being from 605, so she's not going anywhere soon.

Kind of surprised to see no change to the main cast list from last season, minus removing Kit Harrington and Stephan Dillane. First season no one's angled for a promotion into main cast I can recall.
Pryce and Rigg weren't regulars last year.


The promo photo of Mel was identified as being from 605, so she's not going anywhere soon.

Pryce and Rigg weren't regulars last year.

Pretty sure Rigg has been listed as a regular for a while now, even though she's not in the opening credits, and Pryce was only omitted from the regulars list because he was still in the "new cast" list.

I didn't know that they had IDed the episode numbers for the promo shots though. If that's the case it pretty much kills any spec that Mel has to die to raise Jon.


The first chapter's POV always dies, right? I'm guessing Mel is the POV for TWOW.

GRRM has actually confirmed that the Winds prologue is in the Riverlands. Jeyne Westerling is appearing, but not necessarily the POV herself. Most people think it's going to be a Brotherhood raid on the convoy that Jaime sent to take Jeyne and Edmure to Casterly Rock as prisoners.


Is all the talk about Jon coming back started by book readers? Or did show-only watchers have that opinion, too? His importance as a character doesn't seem nearly as present in the show so I'm curious if this is just an opinion that leaked out through osmosis.
Is all the talk about Jon coming back started by book readers? Or did show-only watchers have that opinion, too? His importance as a character doesn't seem nearly as present in the show so I'm curious if this is just an opinion that leaked out through osmosis.

Nah, it seems to be as apparent to people that haven't watched the books from my experience.
Is all the talk about Jon coming back started by book readers? Or did show-only watchers have that opinion, too? His importance as a character doesn't seem nearly as present in the show so I'm curious if this is just an opinion that leaked out through osmosis.

Huh? Jon had a protagonist staredown with the big bad in last season's big climatic episode, if anything his importance is even more apparent in the show.
- Watchers with a S6 behind the scenes video from Spain (some spoilers/confirmation of various things)

What was the red wedding description again? The Starks and Freys join houses?
Good memory!
Robb (Richard Madden) presents himself to Walder Frey (David Bradley), and Edmure (Tobias Menzies) meets his bride. Jon (Kit Harington) faces his harshest test yet. Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright) discovers a new gift. Daario (Ed Skrein) and Jorah (Iain Glen) debate how to take Yunkai. House Frey joins with House Tully.


Is all the talk about Jon coming back started by book readers? Or did show-only watchers have that opinion, too? His importance as a character doesn't seem nearly as present in the show so I'm curious if this is just an opinion that leaked out through osmosis.

The thing about Jon Snow, for me at least, is that he is the central figure of the entire Wall plot line. Unlike the other characters, everything we learned about the wall so far would be pointless and none of the characters could fill that gap (I'm talking about the wall itself, not what's beyond it). It's kind of like the situation with Dany. There's no point to put so much effort on a character that dies a relatively inconsequential death. That's why I believe he's not going to stay dead.

Never mind the other stuff regarding his parents and whatnot.


Their top 10 if you don't want to click through:Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (S5, E6) is their pick for worst.

Really, Watchers on the Wall? It has scale, I'll give it that, but it's an awful waste of budget compared to other two major battle scenes. Between the two climactic season 4 episodes Episode 8 was so much better.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
My recap of my rewatch:

Goddamn Carice van Houten is so fine...


that clip proves what we have known for so long

they are protecting Jon from the Nights Watch as they seem intent on burning his body before Mel revives him

lol @ olly being present


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
The one thing I'm wondering: Where's Dolores Edd? Did I miss him being on the boat with Sam, or sent away to another keep?
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