*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6 Offseason Thread

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It looks like there are more men defending the body than there are trying to get into the room. I hope Davos doesn't die.


Nice clip. I love the Onion Knight. I'm pretty excited for the season. It's nice to not know what is going to happen.


Guys, I think my cynicism is gone. This feeling is weird... could it be excitement?

I've started to convince myself that season 5 was bad because half of it was taken up by them doing the quickest, easiest thing they could think of to jettison any book material they had set up in the first four seasons but were now uninterested in developing in seasons 6-8, so now season 6 will actually be a story they're interested in telling and will be good. Like, season 5 felt ominous as it was coming in a way the season doesn't. I can't put my finger on why, but it's there, somehow. Anyway, get hype.
I've started to convince myself that season 5 was bad because half of it was taken up by them doing the quickest, easiest thing they could think of to jettison any book material they had set up in the first four seasons but were now uninterested in developing in seasons 6-8, so now season 6 will actually be a story they're interested in telling and will be good. Like, season 5 felt ominous as it was coming in a way the season doesn't. I can't put my finger on why, but it's there, somehow. Anyway, get hype.

Good point. They wrote season 5 as the next to last season (i.e., before the agreement to do 8), right? Would explain all the bullshit shortcuts they took.


Good point. They wrote season 5 as the next to last season (i.e., before the agreement to do 8), right? Would explain all the bullshit shortcuts they took.

It seems like they shifted from 7 to 8 during the course of writing season 5. They probably knew all the things they were going to cut and figured it would be enough to save them a season, but then even after cutting as aggressively as they could it still didn't work out. And now that they've allowed themselves some extra time, season 6 seems to be doubling back on a lot of cut content to hopefully bring forward some of the elements season 5 was lacking.

I also think it's possible that almost all of the cuts tie into the probably necessary decision to cut Aegon. Like we could get Winds and it'll turn out that Sansa marries Aegon, Stannis marches south and fights with Aegon, and Barristan defects from Dany to Aegon, and then it'll suddenly make sense why all those characters had to be abruptly dropped or radically altered. Whatever the reason, the cutting appears to be largely done now, so that hopefully the plot going forward can be more well reasoned.


I still feel indifferent about both the new season as well as the new book
but the main reason why season 5 was the worst, yet, was because it was based on worst books, yet, the same reason why season 1 and 4 were the best so far.

if things start getting exciting again this season because of the greater arcs I will be pleasently surprised, but I am not getting my hopes up, yet
but the main reason why season 5 was the worst, yet, was because it was based on worst books, yet, the same reason why season 1 and 4 were the best so far.

Funny how despite taking so little from the books and changing so very much, GRRM still manages to be to blame for season 5 being a dud.

GRRM may have slipped on his side, but season 5 was all D&D.

Sean C

Good point. They wrote season 5 as the next to last season (i.e., before the agreement to do 8), right? Would explain all the bullshit shortcuts they took.
There's no way that some of the plot endings of Season 5, particularly in Meereen, were done with only two more seasons in mind.


Funny how despite taking so little from the books and changing so very much, GRRM still manages to be to blame for season 5 being a dud.

GRRM may have slipped on his side, but season 5 was all D&D.

Feast/Dance have serious problems, but they're mostly to do with bloat and lack of conclusion. The show actually did a really good job of eliminating those issues. The issues that were there are ones of their own creation for sure.


So we're 2 weeks out. Any predictions as to what all is going to happen in 6.1?

I was watching 5.1 and noticed Robin Arryn for one scene. I wonder if we'll see him again.


throwaway scene where Olly gets killed somewhere in the background just so the audience doesn't has to suffer this character anymore


I really hope the tower of the joy is the opening, I just want to see it, no matter how bad it is

I imagine the first scene is Jon Snow's dead body.

The Tower of Joy sequence is
part of Bran's vision, which means it must be part of Bran realizing Jon's parentage. I wonder if Jon will become aware of it this season.


So what's going on here?
Resurrection ritual in progress? Jon warged to Ghost? Do these people even know? Why do the others even want with Jon's body? Where Melisandre at?

I'm guessing they want to burn the body, kill the direwolf. Davos has orders from Melisandre to protect the body.


I'm guessing they want to burn the body, kill the direwolf. Davos has orders from Melisandre to protect the body.

Do the Night's Watch burn bodies when they aren't honoring the dead?

Like, wouldn't they rather cut Jon into little pieces and throw his remains off the wall?


I imagine the first scene is Jon Snow's dead body.

The Tower of Joy sequence is
part of Bran's vision, which means it must be part of Bran realizing Jon's parentage. I wonder if Jon will become aware of it this season.

I kind of hope that whoever it is they have playing Howland in the ToJ sequence rolls up after the Bastardbowl in old man makeup and just drops all the exposition on Jon in episode 10, rather than playing coy with it for another season or two.

Olly whips up a special batch of his mum's boiled potatoes and poisons Ramsay & his 20 Good Men.

Show canon is clear. NO ONE boils 'em like Olly's mum. The plot is doomed to fail because of Olly's shitty taters.


I kind of hope that whoever it is they have playing Howland in the ToJ sequence rolls up after the Bastardbowl in old man makeup and just drops all the exposition on Jon in episode 10, rather than playing coy with it for another season or two.

Weren't we saying it was High Sparrow at one point? But based on the footage, the High Sparrow is too old. Though this show hasn't really been consistent on time before, so I don't know.
Show canon is clear. NO ONE boils 'em like Olly's mum. The plot is doomed to fail because of Olly's shitty taters.

Useless bastard can't do anything right.

Weren't we saying it was High Sparrow at one point? But based on the footage, the High Sparrow is too old. Though this show hasn't really been consistent on time before, so I don't know.

This was a pretty notable theory for the books but it required some pretty severe tinfoil. The High Septon seems too cruel/indifferent to individuals suffering to be Howland Reed.


Weren't we saying it was High Sparrow at one point? But based on the footage, the High Sparrow is too old. Though this show hasn't really been consistent on time before, so I don't know.
Isn't howlend reed dead in the show?


Weren't we saying it was High Sparrow at one point? But based on the footage, the High Sparrow is too old. Though this show hasn't really been consistent on time before, so I don't know.
that's a complete whacko theory, which also says he is septon meribald


Perhaps Howland Reed doesn't exist in the show at all.

possible, we don't know if he is at all important, we have no idea how it will be revealed to westeros that jon is a targaryen or if anyone even cares.
heck, I still have no idea how his parentage could be of even the slightest importance, the targaryens have lost their claim.


of course that's how it works, otherwise dany would not need an army to take the throne

and tommen is still standing strong
of course that's how it works, otherwise dany would not need an army to take the throne
Medieval monarchies don't operate on strict legalism, force of arms and the charisma to convince others of your claims is always the basis for rule, not some strange system of rules that you are applying here. The Targaryens getting their crown usurped doesn't invalidate their claims if they can find the means to enforce them.
and tommen is still standing strong
Not a Baratheon and he doesn't have a long lease on life anyway, or a particularly commanding control of the 7 Kingdoms at this point.
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