John Dunbar
correct about everything
What? It can't be, seriously...
if they are a character in the story, someone has thought they are jaqen. also a targaryen, possibly rhaegar.
What? It can't be, seriously...
I assume it's mainly an excuse to get Jaime out of King's landing so Euon can settle in properly.
Does anyone actually think Jaime is dead because that's kind of a dumb plot device they like to use a lot where they act like someone dies in the cliffhanger when you're "dude Jaime isn't gonna fucken drown."
you'd think bran would have learned his lesson when it comes to peeping on relatives fucking.
Well, seems to me that it's weird to you because your preferences are different.What a weirdly specific request for Game of Thrones. Like you want them to have intercourse, but to make sure none of it actually on camera.
What about Tyrion? How would he react?I'm not too particular about that part of it, I just want Jorah to be secretly watching when it happens. And crying. Then he spots Longclaw next to the bed. Cries some more.
I thought we weren't allowed to talk about the leaks at all.I've got some bad news, insiders have leaked the scenes ahead and I guess they're doing a sex scene with full penetration. It was a closed set, only the director, actors, and a select few fans who won the raffle.
No offense taken but why are incest and nudity in the same category? Two completely different things.No offence I find the idea of someone who's hoping for incest but is disgusted by even the slightest amount of nudity pretty weird.
Well, seems to me that it's weird to you because your preferences are different.
Intercourse =/= nudity. Just because they show the characters having sex doesn't mean they have to show both of the actors' entire bodies on screen. I say the same for the GW x Missandei scene in episode 2 and GW is my favorite character.
What about Tyrion? How would he react?
Interestingly enough, there's no word in High Valyrian for "gullible."I thought we weren't allowed to talk about the leaks at all.
if they are a character in the story, someone has thought they are jaqen. also a targaryen, possibly rhaegar.
What about Tyrion? How would he react?
What? It can't be, seriously...
btw how common knowledge is it for show only people that Rhaegar is Jon's father?
btw how common knowledge is it for show only people that Rhaegar is Jon's father?
btw how common knowledge is it for show only people that Rhaegar is Jon's father?
Speaking of the Freys, isn't it kind of absurd that the rest of the Kingdoms haven't made a bigger deal out of an entire house getting poisoned/wiped out in one night?
Did Jon's King in the North scene fall flat in comparison to Robb's for anyone else?
btw how common knowledge is it for show only people that Rhaegar is Jon's father?
Speaking of, I do so hope they show the tourney at Harrenhall through a Brann vision.
I'm shocked we haven't had one Bran Vision four episodes in. I need them flashbacks!
btw how common knowledge is it for show only people that Rhaegar is Jon's father?
Hey, remember when we thought Selmy was saved at the end of the fight only for him to show up dead at the start of the next episode? Good times.0% chance. Maybe less.
This thread filled with a not insignificant amount of up there own ass book readers, had at least 1/3 of them not understand that the gold made it to KL and the army attacked was the rear guard. Despite Tarly EXPLICITLY SAYING SO IN EPISODEAnyone paying a lick of attention knows, but there are people who haven't been paying any attention who probably don't.
Anyone paying a lick of attention knows, but there are people who haven't been paying any attention who probably don't.
Hey, remember when we thought Selmy was saved at the end of the fight only for him to show up dead at the start of the next episode? Good times.
Friend of mine pieced together that they were related but still thought Lyanna was raped. Didn't get the subtext from the books that she deliberately ran away with him.btw how common knowledge is it for show only people that Rhaegar is Jon's father?
That's not fair. Rhaegar hasn't really been mentioned since, what, season 5? When Selmy was talking about him? And they never made an explicit connection to Jon like they did with Lyanna. It's totally plausible for someone who watches but doesn't read theories to not know Jon's dad.
This thread filled with a not insignificant amount of up there own ass book readers, had at least 1/3 of them not understand that the gold made it to KL and the army attacked was the rear guard. Despite Tarly EXPLICITLY SAYING SO IN EPISODE
Never ever underestimate people's ability to not pay attention.
Show Varys is pointless, you need Aegon for Varys to mean anything.I watched episode 2 again yesterday and it sure does feel like Varys' explanation for his randomly shifting loyalties was pretty dumb. If Varys just wanted non-horrible assholes on the throne and to protect the smallfolk he could have just maneuvered to get Aerys killed without a gigantic fucking war being necessary and then just gotten Rhaegar on the Iron Throne. Sure, Robert would still be pissed about Lyanna, but I highly doubt the lords of Westeros would rally to his cause when his entire cause was based around "the prince swooped my girl."
I watched episode 2 again yesterday and it sure does feel like Varys' explanation for his randomly shifting loyalties was pretty dumb. If Varys just wanted non-horrible assholes on the throne and to protect the smallfolk he could have just maneuvered to get Aerys killed without a gigantic fucking war being necessary and then just gotten Rhaegar on the Iron Throne. Sure, Robert would still be pissed about Lyanna, but I highly doubt the lords of Westeros would rally to his cause when his entire cause was based around "the prince swooped my girl."
I watched episode 2 again yesterday and it sure does feel like Varys' explanation for his randomly shifting loyalties was pretty dumb. If Varys just wanted non-horrible assholes on the throne and to protect the smallfolk he could have just maneuvered to get Aerys killed without a gigantic fucking war being necessary and then just gotten Rhaegar on the Iron Throne. Sure, Robert would still be pissed about Lyanna, but I highly doubt the lords of Westeros would rally to his cause when his entire cause was based around "the prince swooped my girl."
I said this in the other thread: I think Tyrion is falling for Dany. The look of concern on his face when she was up in the sky seemed like one of love.Tyrion has no designs on Dany, I think he would say "that is interesting" if Jon and Dany hooked up, but little else. I mean, Jon is by far the best marriage candidate that is still around given that he's a good guy almost everyone else isn't.
Interestingly enough, there's no word in High Valyrian for "gullible."
But isn't he lonely nowThat pervert? He'd probably react by jerking it.
He's slept with half the whores in Westeros. No reason for him to get too jelly.
Tyrion doesn't really have an arc anymore, there's a reason most of Season 6 he was making jokes. Maybe he will develop one if they capture Jamie.
Tyrion doesn't really have an arc anymore, there's a reason most of Season 6 he was making jokes. Maybe he will develop one if they capture Jamie.
It's almost as if he left on a journey to meet Daenerys and no one wrote anything for him to do.
is that where he left off in the book?
is that where he left off in the book?
in the books he became a darker Tyrion (something the show Whitewashed), found another Targaryen and said he should go attacked Westeros, gets captured by Jorah, sold into slavery, meets another Dwarf, learns to care for her and signs himself into a mercenary group called the Second Sons (briefly mentioned in the show as under the command of Darrio).is that where he left off in the book?
You can re-read the books!Yea, in the custody of Mormont unless I am misremembering. Man, just thinking about the books, if Winds ever comes out I am going to have to read cliff notes first just to remember everything I've forgotten.
Thinking about it the scorpion shot at the dothraki should have gone through him and ripped him apart if it was capable of piercing Drogon.
Read AffC and ADWD as one book.Rereading the books is gonna be my deployment goal
I think he just used the mechanism to kill the Dothraki, not an actual arrow.
in the books he became a darker Tyrion (something the show Whitewashed), found another Targaryen and said he should go attacked Westeros, gets captured by Jorah, sold into slavery, meets another Dwarf, learns to care for her and signs himself into a mercenary group called the Second Sons (briefly mentioned in the show as under the command of Darrio).
You can re-read the books!