
Update: PlayStation Responds To New Allegations Of Sexism And Misconduct In Lawsuit Filing
Sony asked a court to dismiss this lawsuit last month.

Update, 3/17/22:
Sony has responded to the latest allegations of sexism and misconduct filed in an ongoing lawsuit by eight more women that previously worked at the company.
This news comes by way of Axios, which reports that Sony Interactive Entertainment says it is taking these allegations seriously.
"To be sure, SIE takes the substance of the newly submitted declarations seriously," the company's lawyers write in a new court filing. "Although most are by former employees who no longer work at SIE, SIE either has addressed or will address the issues raised in them in due course, as SIE values its female employees and takes proactive steps to ensure they have every opportunity to thrive and be heard."
Despite this, Sony is still conceding to none of the legal accusations made against it, as noted by Axios, as the company is still seeking that a court dismisses the case, which is in the process of growing into a class-action lawsuit. For more about the lawsuit and updates on it since the start, read the original story below.

PlayStation acknowledges workplace misconduct allegations
But it's asking a court to dismiss a lawsuit claiming widespread issues
Sony says it takes recent misconduct allegations by eight current and former PlayStation workers “seriously” in a new legal filing, though it otherwise pushes back at a lawsuit claiming widespread gender discrimination at the gaming giant.
Why it matters: This was Sony’s first acknowledgment of the claims that were raised last week.
- In those declarations, women who have worked at PlayStation and Sony Online Entertainment provided scores of allegations regarding failures to promote women, indifferent or hostile human resources officials and demeaning comments.
- One mentioned a senior manager attempting to grope her; another recalled being told by a colleague that her wearing a skirt was distracting.
- Their declarations were meant to amplify former PlayStation security analyst Emma Majo’s November lawsuit alleging PlayStation has a systemic sexism problem.
- Majo is trying to broaden the suit into a class action on behalf of all women who’ve worked for PlayStation in the U.S.
- “Although most are by former employees who no longer work at SIE, SIE either has addressed or will address the issues raised in them in due course, as SIE values its female employees and takes proactive steps to ensure they have every opportunity to thrive and be heard.”
- Lawyers slammed her original filing, saying it was light on facts that Sony had systemic issues with gender discrimination in terms of pay and promotion, which are central to Majo’s claim.
- They say Majo’s newer filing, which accompanied the women’s declarations, doesn’t change that.
- Sony’s argument is that nothing offered yet shows there were policies or across-the-board imbalances impacting how women were treated at PlayStation.
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