So, yeah Spec-Ops looks sweet and Batman was a pleasant surprise. Medal of Honor looks like a total MW ripoff...AC130s, atvs instead of snowmobiles, night-vision, identical looking gunplay. I was really hoping they would go for a realistic tone for the game...O well. I'm probably judging it too early though, we'll see.
Best game won in the end ultimately...not that these awards hold any prestige(they way they determine winners is a clusterfuck...AC2 > UC2 in action-adventure, but UC2 wins goty?)...but for the mainstream they matter. Hopefully people watching the show saw UC2 and will pick it up, that's why I wanted it would win.
Better show than last year, but still crummy. I did have a few legit laughs though, last year(and year before) any laughs were just how bad it was.