Slutty fashion models looked ridiculous.
Steven A. Smith should stick to being bad at sports journalism. Seriously, his jokes were offensive and not even close to funny.
Please kill Halo after Reach. Let it's awesome multiplayer die a dignified death.
Sony wand looks dumb. Looked dumb at E3. (Love my PS3).
Glad Uncharted 2 won GOTY though. Take Nolan North's balls out your mouth about everything else.
True Crime looked interesting. We'll see. The others blew.
Medal of Honor looks interesting. Too short to form an opinion.
Killzone 2 should have won an award for being Killzone 2.
Loved Force Unleashed. Didn't give into the hype of the first game so maybe that's why I enjoyed it more than most. Can't wait for #2.
Really pumped for Batman: AA 2 or whatever it'll be called. I'm hoping Rocksteady will take their time with it and not rush it. And make sure this ending/last boss fight is good.