Just bought one for 35p. I'm all good now haha. Thanks for the offer though, man!
Nice, it's a fantastic gun. Use it on all my sorties.
Just bought one for 35p. I'm all good now haha. Thanks for the offer though, man!
Nice, it's a fantastic gun. Use it on all my sorties.
Nice, it's a fantastic gun. Use it on all my sorties.
I tried playing this game when it first came out on PS4 and I liked it but I thought it was really confusing and stopped playing. I decided to give it another try this week and.... I'm having a blast! There is so much to see and do. It's incredible. This is everything Destiny was supposed to be. The Archwing: OMG! No words.
I tried playing this game when it first came out on PS4 and I liked it but I thought it was really confusing and stopped playing. I decided to give it another try this week and.... I'm having a blast! There is so much to see and do. It's incredible. This is everything Destiny was supposed to be. The Archwing: OMG! No words.
Honestly, I FUCKING HATE the Archwing missions. Hate the controls and the feel of it all.
Honestly, I FUCKING HATE the Archwing missions. Hate the controls and the feel of it all.
I actually like AW and think it has a lot of potential, but holy jeebus the missions get dull real fast. After one or two AW missions I have to quit Warframe for a while.
Finally farmed up enough Cryotic for that damn hammer. So much effort for mastery fodder...
Finally got a Trinity BP to drop, and on my birthday no less. Yay.
Now to farm Argon.
Finally got a Trinity BP to drop, and on my birthday no less. Yay.
Now to farm Argon.
Finally got a Trinity BP to drop, and on my birthday no less. Yay.
Now to farm Argon.
Belated invite sent!IGN: Warfaceframe
Okay PCGaf, I have a question. As someone who is thinking about getting Warframe on PC, how good is an AMD FX Series R9 360? As I am one who is not well versed in PC jargon (yet) a simple sucks, alright, good, or great will suffice. Thanks to whomever answers the question.![]()
Thanks dude!Belated invite sent!
Should look and run great!
WF runs nicely with nearly everything enabled on my 6 year old HD 5850 card in my desktop![]()
Been mulling over buying Nezha instead of farming her in sorties. Then again I have not tried them lol...
Been mulling over buying Nezha instead of farming her in sorties. Then again I have not tried them lol...
2 Its a dude
I have helm/chassis/systems, what do you need?
all~ haha like I said had not really tried for it at this point. Especially after moving to Japan.
Well if you're in the alliance and online I'll pop on now and toss them to you. If not, just add me as a friend. Gaf name and IGN are the same.
Awesome, I will add you this afternoon (Japan time) and we can try for a trade time. Going to be in Osaka from what I assume will be early Friday for you until early Sunday. So maybe can trade before/after.
Righto, I'll try to stick around all day Sunday. It's going to be -14 hours for you to my local time.
With that being primed, what will be vaulted?
So, that Vauban Prime trailer.
Man I might actually keep Vauban P, that guy is endgame Fashionframe.
Looks like we are blasting grineer faces in the next expansion
The War Within
Looks like we are blasting grineer faces in the next expansion
The War Within
For the sorties, do you guys solo it or pick up groups? What kind of build do you use, it seems when ever enemies get to around level 50 or so, I just hit a wall and cant kill anything.
Havent played since Melee 2.0, has the grind changed since then? My issue was newer weapons were only a little better but I was left with having to wait for special encounters to get my materials and it being quite hard to get new frames.
My only method of fun boiled down to just doing the horde mode thing, don't remember what they were called, the big white and gold areas?
Have they added any new enemy types or is it still grineer, zerg and robots? At least new enemies in those races like bigger enemies or sneaky enemies?