Does the coupon from Humble Bundle stack? Also could you use another once the first runs out?
I have a Warframe PC booster pack to give away from the recent Humble Bundle. It includes
75 Platinum, non-tradeable
7-Day Affinity Booster
7-Day Credit Booster
7-Day Resource Booster
I don't know what these things mean but somebody here can probably use it. Just PM me!
I meant to post this here and ended up posting it in a another Warframe thread.
edit: here's the post.
so I bought a pc with these specs for 800 bucks and I'm wondering if I can run this game at 1080p and 60fps maxed.
Intel i5-6600K Quad Core 3.5 GHz Processor (3.9GHz with Turbo) | 120MM Liquid Cooling | Z170 Motherboard for Overclocking
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 2GB Dedicated Gaming Video Card
8GB DDR4 Memory | 1TB 7200RPM Hard Drive
I'm specially curious on how it'll perform on demanding maps like odd/ods, void survival and draco, all with a full team.
I played the shit out of the ps4 version, but it's obvious that the poor console can't handle the game well, performance went to shit on those maps and it made me stop playing until I could get a good pc.
We should have held it back 100%. Sometimes we have an immovable deadline (almost always a marketing promotion) and it twists up our priorities. It shouldn't but it does. Our QA is not at fault and did their best given the unreasonable scope and time. Your rant is spot on and the only thing we can do now is make it right.
Sorry for the mess.![]()
also all those nullifiers (especially in those Axi fissures) are gonna annoy the fuck out of everyone
From the Steam stats page right now, there are 30,000 people in game, and that's just the ones running the Steam launcher. Good amount of people, I'd say. This may be the worst time to start fresh, unfortunately. You can have very tough alerts or invasions in the way of your progression, or not enough of them to fulfill junction unlocks. Right now, I don't think there's a way to click a node and just do the regular mission there, not the alert/invasion/syndicate/sortie that may be there.Decided to give this a go on the PC with the new patch. I was previously a Ps4 player, but am so bad at fps games with console controllers it always felt a chore (I literally couldn't use bow class weapons at all). The game feels a hell of a lot better than it did on the ps4, but I'm left with a number of questions:
1) is the PC community doing okay? The ps4 Thread seems to have a much higher number of players.
2) reading on the changes, seems like this isn't the best time to start playing fresh right now. I'm presuming my best bet is just to work towards unlocking all the planets as normal and doing the quests as they appear? Is there anything in particular I should be working towards or doing as a brand new player?
3) the games biggest problem as a new player isn't the confusing UI, the maps, etc. It's other players. As a new player doing the first post-tutorial missions on earth you end up being matched with high level players who complete the map in minutes. I'm left literally running through an empty level desperately chasing other players I can see far in the distance. This is a *really* bad experience for new players.
In terms of spending rl cash, is there anything that I should be prioritising if I wanted to spend money? I'm levelling up my little Excalibur frame, but are there any frames / weapons in particular I might consider?
Sorry to ask the same question again, but I'd like to join a clan. If there's a gaf clan than that'd be perfect, if not then can anyone recommend a good clan to join or at least one that I could get an invite to?
I love the game but it feels lonely right now without any clan, and with the new Void Fissure system, to farm for prime stuff it's better to coordinate with people than to play with randoms.
GAF does have a clan but i'm not sure if its full as yet.
IIRC you can pm Artistdude88 to send an invite (thats if he reinstalled WF)
Got the invite, thanks!Alright Error, I let Rapidx of the GB clan know. You should see the invite soon.
Any room for me back in the Clan ? It's svenminoda in game.
I got a promo code and tons of plat, so what the hell, after a year of break, I'm back in the game.
I missed you guys, Saav, Ucanseethis, Metalshade, MightKAC, Nox... Still playing ?
fans of endless missions are going apeshit in the official forums.
Personally I wasnt fan, it wasn't challenging to me IMO, it was just boring as fuck. specially when you were interested in a prime part that was part of rotacion c having sludge through that shit for 20 minutes only for the game to give you a shitty prime part you didn't need and then having to do another 20 minutes to get a chance at getting the part you want, just took the winds out of my sails. The grind was horrible imo.
the challenge came from enemies stats increasing as the grind went on, not because the game suddenly changed mechanics, basically bullets sponges became even bigger bullets sponges.
not everyone has time for that kind of grind.
I like the new relic system, it offers variety and with coordination you can get the part you want fairly easy without having to go through that dreadful grind.
but some people in those forums prefer the old movement system over parkour 2.0, so I guess there are all kinds of crazies there.
Oh? What changed? Part of the reason why I stopped playing is because of that grind became monotonous.
I'm also interested, what happened to endless survival ?
Any room for me back in the Clan ? It's svenminoda in game.
I got a promo code and tons of plat, so what the hell, after a year of break, I'm back in the game.
I missed you guys, Saav, Ucanseethis, Metalshade, MightKAC, Nox... Still playing ?
Inaros is ridiculously tanky. You can use a dog or a cat with him that have Armor Link and Health Link on them and they'll also be ridiculously tanky. You can give Inaros a dagger with Covert Lethality and he can also kill just about anything. You can put Rage on Inaros for near infinite energy, letting you use channeling and Life Strike almost constantly if you don't want to use his huge AOE blind to heal.I built Inaros a few days ago and I have fallen in love with the warframe. I love the unique mechanic of high hp, but no shields. At first I wondered how on earth it would work, as HP can't be replenished as easily as shields.
But boy have I found playing Inaros fun. Nothing is more fun than devouring a bursa or an eximus bombard, or some other usually nasty enemy. The bleedout mechanic is also really, really fun. I have only tried it vs lvl 20 enemies, but as long as you die in middle of a crowd (the place I usually die in anyway), I'll be able to resurrect by myself.
I don't have the damage abilities other frames have, but I love the pure tankiness & CC Inaros is capable of.
Also, Inaros is amazing in nightmare missions.
I haven't played since 2013 and I have random missions on the starmap unlocked. I'm just kind of randomly trying to clear all missions on a planet while farming for Rhino. Am I doing that right? just try to clear all planet objects while farming for the gear I want? I got the Frost pack with some platinum I for some reason had, so that is fun.
This game has improved a lot since I last played!
I haven't played since 2013 and I have random missions on the starmap unlocked. I'm just kind of randomly trying to clear all missions on a planet while farming for Rhino. Am I doing that right? just try to clear all planet objects while farming for the gear I want? I got the Frost pack with some platinum I for some reason had, so that is fun.
This game has improved a lot since I last played!
Got the Akstiletto Prime recently. By far my favorite dual wield secondary. Huge status chance, good crit chance, doesn't fire way too fast for its own good, and also sounds pretty great. Highly recommended. Gonna have to throw some forma on it to make it more awesome.
Inaros is ridiculously tanky. You can use a dog or a cat with him that have Armor Link and Health Link on them and they'll also be ridiculously tanky. You can give Inaros a dagger with Covert Lethality and he can also kill just about anything. You can put Rage on Inaros for near infinite energy, letting you use channeling and Life Strike almost constantly if you don't want to use his huge AOE blind to heal.
Cheers, thanks for the mod tips. I didn't even think of Rage + Life Strike. Looks like they'll be quite hard to farm, but that's Warframe for you![]()
Cheers, thanks for the mod tips. I didn't even think of Rage + Life Strike. Looks like they'll be quite hard to farm, but that's Warframe for you![]()
I dont know if this is the right place for this kind of thing but i have a 50 dollar code for currency in Warframe which i dont play. Its a steam code and i wanted to sell it to someone for paypal money. Any safe way i can do that?
Apologies, seeing as this is a PC OT and I had no luck in in the PS4 thread, but is there a clan or something for XBO? Just started playing this and really enjoying it, but not sure if I can get any of my friends list to play.
Thanks! I'll just have to make due for the time being.Well there at least used to be one. I found a gaf thread for warframe on xbox one, but it hasn't had any posts in over a year and a half so I'm pretty sure that clan is dead.
just hopped back into this game. got the four riders stance mod, can i get any good mods for loki for it?