Bitmap Frogs
Mr. Community

developer: Digital Extremes
publisher: self published
engine: Evolution Engine (in house)
platforms: switch, ps4, xbox, pc, stadia (cross save NO, cross play NO)
release: technically still in beta (date of first availability: march 2013)
genre: third person action game with extensive social features
In their moment of most need, facing bankruptcy and mass layoffs, DE as a hail Mary pursued their original Dark Sector concept. Having failed to secure publisher funding and struggling to even pay the bills DE decided to go solo and Kickstarted Warframe to much success. Since then, Warframe has reinvented itself several times redesigning key gameplay systems and adding new ones in what can only be described as a self improvement marathon. While originally a corridor shooter, Warframe nowadays offers to its players open-world style areas and space combat.

The original Dark Sector concept from early 2000s from which Warframe came to be.
Thank you

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