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Was RDR2 the biggest disappointment of 2019?


*2018 ;)

Some of the parts of the game were incredible, but others felt poor and outdated. The mission system is a great example, they shouldn't be so separate from the rest of the game and you shouldn't get a game over screen when you don't follow the route the devs planned for you (like leave the designated mission area). The shooting mechanics were also deeply flawed at least on the consoles.


Gold Member
I love RDR2 even with its controls, I'm like 85% done with story mode but dipping into Online and yeah while the controls take a bit of getting used to the whole game as a package is still excellent for me. Bought it twice on PS4 and PC as well, and having a great time.


I’m in chapter 4 of red dead. Not sure how it could be considered a disappointment. It’s slow and the animations really slow things down movement wise but it’s a pretty interesting story and some of the side missions are awesome.
See your next sentence after the bolded.

What you pass off as nothing is a bigger deal than your positives.
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The game was meant to be languid and it achieves that in spades. I loved my time with it; it’s not something to rush through, you have to take your time. The controls did suck but then again all Rockstar games control badly so there is no revelation there.


Can’t Git Gud
I would volunteer to have a prostate exam than have to sit through Death Stranding again.
I've finished both and Death Stranding was much more enjoyable to me. Story was more interesting and the gameplay too.
RDR2 is just mostly the same boring mission design and forced slow walking. The best thing about RDR2 was Arthur Morgan and few other characters.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
No, it's a great game. Shitty controls sink most games, RDR2 is so go that the controls hurt it, but didn't kill it.


Story sucks
Laced with sjw history revisionism
Slow and boring "immersive" Gameplay
Rigid Mission structure that punishes out of the box problem solving,
Controlls that have been done better in the 90´s
Yeah its amazingly Detailed, but so what ?
They forgot to spend some Millions on Fun.


No, it was death stranding.
Also, tue only disappointing thing was, that it was not even native 4K on PS4 PRO.

Well, at least it was native 4K on Xbox one X


Darkness no more
Everything in the game is so slow and the controls are terrible. I gave up after around 8 hours because it plays really bad.

Dr. Claus

Story sucks
Laced with sjw history revisionism
Slow and boring "immersive" Gameplay
Rigid Mission structure that punishes out of the box problem solving,
Controlls that have been done better in the 90´s
Yeah its amazingly Detailed, but so what ?
They forgot to spend some Millions on Fun.

Fun is subjective. Given how well the game sold and the praises it has gotten since its initial release, millions of people clearly enjoy the game. Also, what "SJW History Revisionism"? I am all for calling out regressive mindsets, but you are reaching if you are trying to suggest RDR2 is "laced" with it.

"Slow and boring 'immersive' gameplay", "rigid missions structure that punishes out of the box problem solving", "stiff controls" - that is Rockstar's MO since GTA IV.


Gold Member
The first RDR was one of the best games of the previous generation. Perfectly paced with a fun gameplay loop, it was the definitive Western game.

So of course everyone was dying for a sequel. I think a lot wanted it even more than a new GTA.

Sure the game is gorgeous and the PC version scales so big it’ll be an engine showcase for years... but the game is just boring as shit.

The pacing of the first game was lost and replaced with slow and boring walking and talking between quest objectives. It’s just so boring to go from point A to B, why even bother? It seems like they wanted to slow down the game so you’re forced to look at the pretty environments they made instead of rushing through them.
Yeah, exactly, I wanted more balls to the wall blistering gameplay and rocket jumping in my cowboy sim. My favourite cowboy films consist of fast paced action and parkour..

The fuck am I reading here? "It was boring walking and talking"? Come the fuck on.. What else did cowboys do then? What in your mind do they do?

The game was great, a brilliant cowboy sim. I actually tire of reading this hot take shit.

It's fine if you dont like a game but to say the game is boring when it's pretty much a cowboy sim is just talking bollocks no matter how you say it.


I played the console version which was 2018 and I'd say not at all

Despite the slow pace and wonky controls, the game is top notch

The game is far from boring especially when everything starts building up


To me no.

The controls are hideous, honestly mario 64 controlled better with no one analogue stick. The mission structure is rubbish, you have a massive open world where you can approach any free roam object anyway you wish but a mission structure that makes uncharted feel like an open world RPG. An honour rating that shouldn’t be there, you are an outlaw FFS! A camp system that is completely useless after the 2nd chapter and an upgrade structure that felt like a last minute addition.

But the world, graphics the atmosphere and the story are amazing not many games are as immersive as RDR2 it is a rollercoaster of a game and shouldn’t be missed.
Fun is subjective. Given how well the game sold and the praises it has gotten since its initial release, millions of people clearly enjoy the game. Also, what "SJW History Revisionism"? I am all for calling out regressive mindsets, but you are reaching if you are trying to suggest RDR2 is "laced" with it.

"Slow and boring 'immersive' gameplay", "rigid missions structure that punishes out of the box problem solving", "stiff controls" - that is Rockstar's MO since GTA IV.
I wanna know too..what SJW history revisionism?


No, it destroyed any other game from 2018. The sheer scale of the game is unmatched and might be won't be matched ever, save for another rockstar game.


short answer: Yes

slightly longer answer: Yes, the game is absolute garbage. awful controls, awful mission design and extremely tedious bullshit inbetween


I bought day one on PS4.... I finished the whole game quite fast and quitted.

After the PC version was released it crossed my mind to buy it for PC.... But before buying, I decided to reinstall the PS4 version, to make sure I would replay it on PC..... yeah... I gave up quickly.... turns out I only cared to finish it once because of the story.... the gameplay was really boring.
I pre-ordered the game on PS4 two full years before release.

I played it for 3 weeks and then took it to CEX, exchanged for cash. Cost me £46 new, got £40 from the store for it.

Very disappointed, as RDR1 was one of my favourite games of the previous generation. I asked on here if I was just seeing it through rose-tinted glasses, but plenty said that RDR1 > RDR2.


I wanna know too..what SJW history revisionism?

Think there was a mission with women protesting about something. Dont think it makes RDR2 SJW in my book.

The controls are hideous, honestly mario 64 controlled better with no one analogue stick. The mission structure is rubbish, you have a massive open world where you can approach any free roam object anyway you wish but a mission structure that makes uncharted feel like an open world RPG. An honour rating that shouldn’t be there, you are an outlaw FFS! A camp system that is completely useless after the 2nd chapter and an upgrade structure that felt like a last minute addition.

But the world, graphics the atmosphere and the story are amazing not many games are as immersive as RDR2 it is a rollercoaster of a game and shouldn’t be missed.

Agree with most of this, just the it shouldnt be missed bit. It can be missed tbh. R needs to up their gameplay stakes in their games.


A big problem for me with westerns as games is the number of weapons is rather limited given the period making the combat always feel the same throughout.
I laughed when Rockstar was sweeping the 2018 VGA's and managed to lose out to God of War for Game of The Year. It was just a huge upset that I wasn't expecting. That being said Rockstar had made promises prior to the initial release that they wouldn't put such a heavy emphasis on monetizing the multiplayer, and that they would support single player post-launch due to the overwhelming backlash from lack of post-launch support for single player in GTA5. They almost instantly broke their promise and we've not seen nor even heard rumor of single player DLC, but multiplayer continues to grow. So to get to my point and make a short answer longer than necessary, yes... RDR2 was a massive disappointment in 2019.

Ulysses 31

Fun is subjective. Given how well the game sold and the praises it has gotten since its initial release, millions of people clearly enjoy the game. Also, what "SJW History Revisionism"? I am all for calling out regressive mindsets, but you are reaching if you are trying to suggest RDR2 is "laced" with it.
Youtube removed the video, here's the bitchute version


See your next sentence after the bolded.

What you pass off as nothing is a bigger deal than your positives.

I don’t mind a slower burn of a story. We have games that are non stop go go go. The controls are tied to the animations which are purposely sluggish. This was my major complaint playing on Xbox. On PC it is a lot better and aiming is a lot easier.

But from a tech standpoint and story the game is phenomenal and far from a disappointment.
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Think there was a mission with women protesting about something. Dont think it makes RDR2 SJW in my book.

I agree ..thats not sjw worthy. The late 1890s was filled with womens rights movements. The politics that get thrown around these days...🙄

Ulysses 31

Think there was a mission with women protesting about something. Dont think it makes RDR2 SJW in my book.

I agree ..thats not sjw worthy. The late 1890s was filled with womens rights movements. The politics that get thrown around these days...🙄
The game does leave out "interesting" details like that why there where no black suffragettes and that some suffragettes were not above using violence.


I love the game. I don't find it terribly replayable, and the online experience is rather shite, but I consider my first time through the single-player game one of the finest gaming experiences I've ever had, and in my top 3 of all time. It's a far cry from a disappointment.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
When I was buying my 1X in addition to extra trade-in value on my OG One and PS4, Gamestop had a deal where you got $100 off a 1X if you bought RDR2 so in essence I got paid $45 to take it. I never would have even considered buying the game if they hadn't paid me to take it, I hate Rockstar games.

Was it a disappointment for me? No, it was just as boring, tedious & repetitious as I thought it would be, but in native 4k on the X it sure made a beautiful introduction to 4K gaming and as an animal lover I thought the horses were great.


it was very good compare to total dissapointments like Borderlands 3, Outher Worlds or even Death Stranding.
There's people that find it slow, cumbersome, and not enough shooty to talky ratio and dislike it for that.

There's people that say the slowness and clunkiness doesn't bother them so they find it good because they like the scenario, the characters, and and have an affinity for high production visuals in Rockstar open world games.

And then there's people like me who don't mind slowness and don't mind clunkiness to some degree but recognize the game to be the worst collection of terrible gameplay mechanics implemented in a modern high production game.

There isn't a single feature I couldn't pick apart in paragraphs for how amateurish and badly it is executed. That's how bad the game is. No one who has ever said the gameplay in RDR2 is good could ever explain why they think that while many have laid bare the games faults in almost every conceivable area in thread after thread.

Which is why for me it is the biggest disappointment of 2018, 2019, 2020 and so on until we can forget it happened. Unfortunately it was lauded with praise from critics and big sales so Rockstar will change nothing and probably triple down on gameplay implemented by unpaid interns as an afterthought to their stories and high production visuals.


Think there was a mission with women protesting about something. Dont think it makes RDR2 SJW in my book.

I agree ..thats not sjw worthy. The late 1890s was filled with womens rights movements. The politics that get thrown around these days...🙄

There was also a mission about a man dressed as a woman with a donkey made up to look like a zebra. I cracked up a few times at that mission.


The best game of 2019 for me, it's just too easy. Still waiting on those overhaul mods...
And on day #1. For shame OP.
Needs an increased bullet damage mod to make shootouts actually deadly & not as boring.
Rigid Mission structure that punishes out of the box problem solving,
This is the biggest problem for me in recent R* games and really brings them down BIG TIME. I enjoy being able to think about and come up with different approaches, otherwise I feel like I'm just 'going through the motions' and lose interest.
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Codes 208

More or less. I absolutely loved RDR1 but somehow this one felt bland. Like they focused a bit too much on the smaller details than, you know, actual fucking gameplay.

also the online is still utter shit. How there’s still no private lobbies is an absolute mystery to me.


Playing it at the moment. Deep into chapter 2. For the most part, I'm enjoying it (production valves are fantastic), but there's an inordinate amount of low tier busywork in the game and getting jumped by about 5 O'Driscolls seemingly every time I leave the camp is getting increasingly tedious (out in the open with nowhere to find cover generally results in a quick death and a reload back to the camp). I'm always of the view that Developers need to respect players time as free time is a commodity for all of us, and unfortunately, Rockstar is poor at understanding that (ironic really given all the rumours circulating around their alleged slave labour work practices). It's fine to have the mission introduction take place at the camp, but the mission proper should start at the first objective. Not require me to shlep for 5 - 10 minutes across the map every time if I fail it. Yeah I know get gud, but whatever.


I know people will get their panties in a bunch but yes to me the game was boring in terms of how slow the story felt, everything else is perfect, the world is amazing, it felt real and that's what Rockstar excels at, but the game also felt empty too. I couldn't finish it. I'm still on Chapter 2. (The starting point)


There's people that find it slow, cumbersome, and not enough shooty to talky ratio and dislike it for that.

There's people that say the slowness and clunkiness doesn't bother them so they find it good because they like the scenario, the characters, and and have an affinity for high production visuals in Rockstar open world games.

And then there's people like me who don't mind slowness and don't mind clunkiness to some degree but recognize the game to be the worst collection of terrible gameplay mechanics implemented in a modern high production game.

There isn't a single feature I couldn't pick apart in paragraphs for how amateurish and badly it is executed. That's how bad the game is. No one who has ever said the gameplay in RDR2 is good could ever explain why they think that while many have laid bare the games faults in almost every conceivable area in thread after thread.

Which is why for me it is the biggest disappointment of 2018, 2019, 2020 and so on until we can forget it happened. Unfortunately it was lauded with praise from critics and big sales so Rockstar will change nothing and probably triple down on gameplay implemented by unpaid interns as an afterthought to their stories and high production visuals.

What do you think about Zelda botw and its 97 metacritics?

Fox Mulder

It’s a gorgeous game with a great open world. The deliberately slow pace and clunky controls is unsurprisingly a turn off for some people.

I got 100% in RDR but fell off RDR2 in a week or so. Every time I think about going back, I remember that I’ve likely forgot the controls and don’t want to even consider starting again to restart the story.
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RDR2 is one of the better games.
People who complain about controls played in 3rd person. It's supposed to be played in first person, controls work perfectly in fp mode.


Fun is subjective. Given how well the game sold and the praises it has gotten since its initial release, millions of people clearly enjoy the game. Also, what "SJW History Revisionism"? I am all for calling out regressive mindsets, but you are reaching if you are trying to suggest RDR2 is "laced" with it.

"Slow and boring 'immersive' gameplay", "rigid missions structure that punishes out of the box problem solving", "stiff controls" - that is Rockstar's MO since GTA IV.
Helping faminists, Helping native americans to fight back European invaders, listening to woman saying they want to vote, listening to a black guy saying Dutch treats him nice.
Go on a moral rampage for a black Merchant, who you dont know at all, because he gets robbed, deliver Gunman Justice.
And the next Second ?
Kill People by the dozend, Rob Trains, Caravans, Banks.
Sadie Adler, the Mary Sue who becomes a Killermachine in 4 Weeks, shits on everything a Man does, but when she uses Violence its Empowering.
Yeah, i said Laced, not Full of it, but its one of the Reasons im not gonna play that Game.
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