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Was RDR2 the biggest disappointment of 2019?


Literally amongst the top 10 games I have ever played, Ocarina, Mario 64, Metal Gear Solid included


No, but I thought it was hyped WAY too much. I thought it was quite boring at times, with tedious controls and pacing problems. Also, not at all innovative in gameplay and/or storytelling.. The game is praised, but I consider it a 7/10.


The nicest person on this forum
One thing for sure, I personally no longer have any interest in their games unless they decide to make a proper video game instead of tech piece. It felt like R* goal this with game was to show off their tech rather than make a proper video game.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I really enjoyed it on PS4 back in 2018. I think it might have been my game of the year that year. It's slow and deliberate for sure, but I didn't hate that at all. I do agree with you about the harsh failure conditions on some missions. That felt like old Assassin's Creed in some cases and I would rather do without it.

Helping faminists, Helping native americans to fight back European invaders, listening to woman saying they want to vote, listening to a black guy saying Dutch treats him nice.
Go on a moral rampage for a black Merchant, who you dont know at all, because he gets robbed, deliver Gunman Justice.
And the next Second ?
Kill People by the dozend, Rob Trains, Caravans, Banks.
Sadie Adler, the Mary Sue who becomes a Killermachine in 4 Weeks, shits on everything a Man does, but when she uses Violence its Empowering.
Yeah, i said Laced, not Full of it, but its one of the Reasons im not gonna play that Game.

This is some sad and bitter shit right here.
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What do you think about Zelda botw and its 97 metacritics?
I think BOTW is over rated and heavily flawed in many areas but controls well and the base gameplay can be enjoyable, challenging and rewarding. I would put it more at like an 8/10. Also don't find the games remotely relatable other than they both have a large open world.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
But you not saying i am wrong. :)

You are not wrong that those things exist in the game. I think it's sad and bitter that they bother you and you think they should be classified as "SJW history revisionism."
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You are not wrong that those things exist in the game. I think it's sad and bitter that they bother you and you think they should be classified as "SJW history revisionism."
And they are what then ?
Historical accurate ?
At best its an case of cognitive dissonance.
And quite honestly, im so fed up with the whole agenda pushing, i just dont care anymore, you put these realy stupid themes in your Games, intentional or not, im not buying.
Why being against lying and hypocrisy is sad, i dont know.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
And they are what then ?
Historical accurate ?
At best its an case of cognitive dissonance.
And quite honestly, im so fed up with the whole agenda pushing, i just dont care anymore, you put these realy stupid themes in your Games, intentional or not, im not buying.
Why being against lying and hypocrisy is sad, i dont know.

I don't believe the game ever claimed to be historically accurate, but none of the events you listed would be out of the question in 1899. Either way, it's a fictional America based on a historical time and place with all of Rockstar's usual absurdity and cynicism applied (although it is probably their most sincere game yet).

No idea what lying and hypocrisy you're talking about, but since you, by your own admission, have not even played the game, I'm going to assume you have no idea either.


boring missions, nonsensical story that turns into even more shit once the native americans come into the story and it turns into evil white man destroying indian land substory thts been told abot 5mllion times. missions are boring. gameplay sucks. rdr1 superior in every way.


I respect your opinion but i disagree. Yeah the controls are bad (KB/M gave me a much better xp tho than ps4 controller) and its slow in general but immersion in a phenomenal world is great which makes up for any bad in such way it deserves the great scores it took.
Haven’t played it yet, so I don’t know. Borderlands 3 would have to take that title for me. Good gunplay, repulsive...everything else.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
white man destroying indian land substory thts been told abot 5mllion times.

I mean, that's kind of part and parcel with the setting. I thought their "twist" on the conventional tale with the hot-headed son of the chief and Dutch playing both sides off of each other to take the heat off their gang's activity at least made it more interesting.


The nicest person on this forum
very long video but this is a pretty good very about the game and overall the engine used

This sums up entire issue of RDR2, R* just couldn't decide if they want to do open world, simulation or linear story driven game, they just stuck somewhere in between and none of the side done properly. Like I said before it feels like R* was more interested show us their impressive tech rather than think about actual game and how both mechanics and gameplay going to work properly.

Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier

Hmmm .. don't agree with that
Biggest disappointment!? I personally not fan of this game at all but most people enjoyed the game and got heigh praise by most reviewers, so I would say no.

Same here but I have played the game and it was almost perfect.. I really enjoyed everything in it .. these days you can't really rely in peoples desire cuz what ever you do they won't be satisfied for what you did

RDR 2 was a masterpiece at least it has a living world not just walking in a dead one for deliveries ... was it a Disappointment?

No sir


owns Galaxy Brain. Still shrink wrapped.
One of the best games I've ever played, in 40 years of gaming. The only criticism I would have is the hunting achievements are needlessly drawn out, by having animals that never seem to spawn where they should, even when following the official guide.

Agree, 35 year old here and loved everything about that game. The horses are so real.

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I had fun in RDR 2. Absolutely CANT say the same in any way shape or form about Gears of War 5 jesus fucking christ. By far and large this and RE 2 were my biggest disappointments
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The game did have so-so controls and the mission system is outdated and could have been much better, but it still is one of the greatest games ever made and the story is top notch, OP is clearly trolling.


The game did have so-so controls and the mission system is outdated and could have been much better, but it still is one of the greatest games ever made and the story is top notch, OP is clearly trolling.
It isn’t a must for OP to like what we like mate. Agreed on the mission system though. Taking a different route ends up in mission failure which was very stupid for an open world game..
For me personally? Yes
I absolutely loved Red Dead Redemption, it's one of my favorite games of all time. I was so excited for the sequel and it lands and bored the ever loving shit out of me. The terrible animations (not from e technical standpoint, but speed/response), the terrible 3rd chapter, and the fact that the game was at least 20 hours longer then it needed to be ruined it for me. Why does RDR need to be 40 hours? Same with God of War. Length does not equal quality.

It makes me sad that I couldn't bring myself to finish it as the story is supposed to be quite good overall. Probably gonna just watch the ending on YouTube.
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I would have bought RDR2 when it released but they choose to not release it on PC till too late. by then I didn't care anymore, and this game is nowhere like Grand theft auto. so they lost a sale because they decided to do console exclusivity. when it released on pc the hype was gone for me. I will play it someday but I got better games to look forward to.
The first RDR was one of the best games of the previous generation. Perfectly paced with a fun gameplay loop, it was the definitive Western game.

So of course everyone was dying for a sequel. I think a lot wanted it even more than a new GTA.

Sure the game is gorgeous and the PC version scales so big it’ll be an engine showcase for years... but the game is just boring as shit.

The pacing of the first game was lost and replaced with slow and boring walking and talking between quest objectives. It’s just so boring to go from point A to B, why even bother? It seems like they wanted to slow down the game so you’re forced to look at the pretty environments they made instead of rushing through them.
Sometimes I think some people are waiting for LSD, sex, crack and mushrooms once they play start.
Not a big fan of the game but hope 2020 comes with lower expectations


I loved RDR2. I was addicted to the hunting, crafting and card games. Very immersive game and I loved almost every minute of my time in it. I can also see that it may not be for everybody. I loved going back to the hideout and chilling with my fellow bandits. One of my few annoyances with the game was how the story events would force certain guns on you and remove stuff from your inventory. You would have to set everything up next time the world was open to you again and you had your horse. The ending was also depressing, but predictable. I enjoyed plenty of other games in 2019, but none more than RDR2.


I got the game the other day. I am currently playing in chapter 2 but this game... is amazing in so many ways. It is a big change for me in my current games since I have been playing CODMW, BF5, Apex Legends, gears 5, and etc lately.


I think how you approach it has a bit of an impact on your opinion of it - if you bang through the story, you might not get as much out of it compared to those willing to put more time into side-quests and just general exploration. It also might depend on how much of a fan you are of the location - the general real-world places it takes place in, are among my favourite I have visited (as a non-American) and literally the best parts of the game for me, were disappearing into the mountains and finding a cabin in the middle of nowhere, or camping out. The first time I realised the game remembered where you left footprints, blew my mind. Hurrying through the story means you miss atmospheric moments like that, if even they appeal in the first place to you.

Kagey K

I apprecaite what R* did with the western theme and think they hit a homerun with the series.
I did too. Sorry if the old West is too boring for you. It took days or weeks to go get shit from another town back then and the game feels accurate that way.

I can only imagine how ma y of you would have died from waiting, if you had existed in the time.


I would volunteer to have a prostate exam than have to sit through Death Stranding again.
You have a better chance to ejaculate from that then from playing death stranding.

But i take death stranding over rdr2 any day.
Worst gen for rockstar games by far. I dont count gta5 to this gen and having one ONE fucking game released all gen long is unheard off.
On top of it its not even that good.
Where is midnight club or bully or gta6 or my dream come true manhunt 3 or anything NEW??


Can’t Git Gud
Arthur Morgan and some other characters are great. Graphics and details are also great... but mission design, forced slow walking, the padding. I've finished the game on ps4 but despite having good gaming pc, I did not cared for it on pc. Maybe if someone modded cars or something into it :p


Helping faminists, Helping native americans to fight back European invaders, listening to woman saying they want to vote, listening to a black guy saying Dutch treats him nice.
Go on a moral rampage for a black Merchant, who you dont know at all, because he gets robbed, deliver Gunman Justice.
And the next Second ?
Kill People by the dozend, Rob Trains, Caravans, Banks.
Sadie Adler, the Mary Sue who becomes a Killermachine in 4 Weeks, shits on everything a Man does, but when she uses Violence its Empowering.
Yeah, i said Laced, not Full of it, but its one of the Reasons im not gonna play that Game.

You have the brain of a 3 year old child
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Absolutely, 110% my game of 2019. Loved the campaign. Absolutely ridiculous amounts of details lavished on the game world. Characters and story are just sublime.

Just started playing Online. It's great, apart from R*'s insistence in paywalling everything (I know the game has and will continue to receive sizeable updates, like GTA V Online, but the economy still annoys).


To each their own, but for me RDR2 was easily one of my top 3 games this gen. Easily. It felt like a proper sequel to RDR in every avenue. I went in thinking, "There's no way John can be topped", and by the end of it I loved Arthur more than John. There was exceptional writing, characters, gameplay, and music. Just like the previous game, but it somehow hit harder and felt even MORE memorable.

As I've mentioned before, there was one point where I was trying to do side quests along the main one and started burning out. But then I gave up on the side quests and it IMMEDIATELY picked up. So I think the only "large" issue I had with it was some of the pacing, well and I guess the finicky horse controls from time to time. But honestly they're the SMALLEST cons in an ocean of overwhelming pros.

By the end of the game I was an emotional mess, just like the last game if not more so. It was a memorable experience, and I loved the time I had with it. :messenger_heart:

That being said, man, I really don't understand how anyone could be like, "HURR DURR GAME IS ABSOLUTE SHIT", Jesus. Maybe it's not you cup of tea, and that's fine! But to call something of its quality "shit" is a bit much. 🤷‍♂️
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