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Maybe I'm too slow, but can somebody explain the political agenda Rift Apart is pushing? Or is it because you play as Rivet?
The part where you have to recite the pirates saying: “Put women in respectable positions of power”. Came out of no where, felt incredibly forced and doesn’t belong in a R&C game. It left a bad taste in my mouth for the rest of the game. Playing as Rivet was fine. Though her character was the equivalent of a wet blanket.


Gold Member
Diablo 2
Played a little of this last night. Got my Druid to level 10 or so. It's a lot of fun and I like the pace. Need to look for a decent build though, I think.

My copy of Metaphor arrived this afternoon. Gonna play that tonight.

Mr Hyde

Finished Silent Hill 2. Outstanding remake by Bloober. They really hit it out of the park with this one. Faithfully recreated with modernized combat, this is a great way to experience Silent Hill 2. I'd say it's better than the original due to how well it plays and looks, which is no small feat considering the legendary status the original game has. The graphical quality is amazing and felt like a true next gen experience. It also runs at 60 fps in performance mode making for smooth gameplay. Great performances, especially by the VA of James Sunderland. He was phenomenal in this role and conveyed a lot of emotions that felt natural in a way the original didn't managed to do. Great to hear Yamaokas new musical arrangements too. Silent Hill isn't the same without him. I love these quality remakes we are getting this generation and it's all of my favorite games too. SH2, Dead Space, FF7, Demon's Souls and Resident Evil 4. The list keeps growing and I'm all for it.
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Played a couple of hours of Resident Evil on GOG, who has released the original trilogy in a bundle on their storefront. I've only played the console versions before on PS (original and DC) so it was interesting to see how the game fared in this new PC-release.

The first thing I want to address is that this version reinstates the uncensored, colored intro that was missing in both the original and the Directors Cut version (we here in the EU got a censored, black and white version instead). The cut scenes are also uncensored, with the most notable example being the famous shot of the first zombie appearance, where he bites off the head of Stars member Kenneth. Here in the uncensored version you get to see Kenneths decapitated head fall on the carpet where in the censored version it was left out. To my knowledge, this is the first time this has happened in any previously released version of RE, so right off the bat, GOG proves they are based as fuck.

Other improvements are the character models. They look great and are vastly improved. They don't look like choppy polygonal blocks anymore, which was common on Playstation back in the day, they look like actual real people, which helps with the immersion. The game runs at 1080p at 120hz which makes for super smooth gameplay. They have removed the use of ink ribbons so now you can save anytime you want. A blessing if you ask me. But the most important improvement of them all is that you can actually skip the door loading animation. Yep, one press of the button and you skip the whole loading sequence. This is fantastic as watching the door animation gets tedious as hell when you've played the game multiple times like I have.

I consider this version as superior. It's a great way to rediscover (or discover, if it's your first time) Resident Evil in all its 1996 glory. GOG is doing Lord's work preserving these classics and making small but pivotal adjustments to them so they feel modernized without losing their nostalgic charm.
One of the best games of all time imo. Perfect survival horror gameplay with micromanaging and gave the genre the metroidvania level design that it's known for in current times. Capcom cooked hard with that game. The tank controls add to the tension of gameplay. Every step and decision is crucial


So I'm 20hrs into the Dead Space Remake on hard and reached Chapter 7, very good game but I have some problems with it. It relies way too much on anti gravity sections and couple that with those fast as fuck necromorphs and very dark level design(seriously some sections in the game are dark as hell, I know it's survival horror but that seem like artificially increased difficulty to me) and camera disorientation due to anti gravity, you have huge problems when it comes to precision in aiming and shooting.

I had to lower the difficulty during that Leviathan Boss fight to proceed for example. Another thing is the Story regarding the origins of the Necromorphs. I know that the USG Ishimura found an alien artifact that they call the "The Marker" but the mechanics regarding it are confusing. So the marker makes people go insane and start killing other individuals to prepare Bodies for the Necromorphs to take over with the creature called the Infector, but what I don't get is in order to transform into a Necromorph, the marker needs an Infector, but exactly how did the Infector creature came to be? What did create it? It's implied that the marker apparently already transforms corpses into an infector, so despite that, why didn't every corpse just transform into Infectors? Does the Marker just select a corpse as infector? Anyway despite that a give it a strong 8/10 so far



I'll lead by saying that I've seen many people compare it to Gothic but I never played those games so I dunno. I am enjoying it though. Wander around the world talking to people and doing their quests, going off the beaten path to see what's out there, getting killed by stuff I have no business fighting. The game seems to care more about your gear than stats but you do need the stats to use gear. Like, putting 5 points into strength doesn't do a whole lot, but that sword with 10 more damage is quite noticeable. I'm not sure I'd say the game is hard but it can be unforgiving.
One of the best games of all time imo. Perfect survival horror gameplay with micromanaging and gave the genre the metroidvania level design that it's known for in current times. Capcom cooked hard with that game. The tank controls add to the tension of gameplay. Every step and decision is crucial

Capcom just may be the goats of game devs. They've had amazing, genre leading games in every decade. Except for maybe sports, rpg, and cinematic story driven games. Certainly the gods of Arcade gaming.
The part where you have to recite the pirates saying: “Put women in respectable positions of power”. Came out of no where, felt incredibly forced and doesn’t belong in a R&C game. It left a bad taste in my mouth for the rest of the game. Playing as Rivet was fine. Though her character was the equivalent of a wet blanket.

Nothing's safe from the woke clowns at Insomniac
Series X

Darksiders 2 Remaster
- One of my favorite games of all time. The puzzles, combat, music and epic scale of world and massive structures are combined into one incredible game that really resonates with me.

Starfield - I'm playing Shattered Space and then hopefully I will finish the game shortly after that. Another game that has become one of my all time favorites. I really focus on exploration (the Constellation kiosk missions) and combined with the dynamic time of day and planet movement, etc. along with the excellent combat and jetpack on low gravity planets all together make it really hit a sweet spot that no other game really can.

Forza Motorsport - The atmosphere in this game is best in class! The RTAO lighting is incredible and along with dynamic time of day/weather just make this an immersive experience like no other racing game. The racing and handling are both sublime! The A.I. Drivatars are dynamic, fun and challenging.

Battlefield 2042 - I'm a Battlefield Whore and have been ever since Bad Company 2 ...and 2042 is actually my favorite of them all. I still am impressed with the epic scale and size that create such awesome atmosphere and gameplay.

Halo Infinite multiplayer - I've been playing Halo multiplayer regularly since the first game 23 years ago and still love it as much as ever!


Total War Pharaoh
- I absolutely LOVE this game just like all the other Total War games. They are one of the reasons I got into PC gaming. Warhammer 3 is next!

Homeworld 3 - I'm loving this game as well. This and Sins of a Solar Empire 2 (which I'm playing next) are also games that persuaded me into PC gaming

Frozen Synapse - I was addicted to this game many years ago on iPad. Such a cool and unique game that I believe is sort of the precursor to Breach & Clear and Door Kickers.

Forza has RTAO on Series X?


Finished the Shattered Space DLC for Starfield last night. Mostly liked it, but defintiely won’t win over anyone who didn’t like the base game. As I said in the OT this morning, it’s basically a 5th faction quest line and I’d rank it third behind Crimson Skies and UC Vanguard and as better than Freestart Rangers and Ryujin Industries.

Just played through the Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons remake in one sitting just now (never played the orginal, or if I did not much of it back in the day. That was a fantastic game!

Not sure what I’ll play next. Probably give the Dead Space remake another go on Gamepass. Wasn’t in the mood for that kind of game when I tried it earlier in the year, but maybe I’ll get into it now that it’s spooky season.
Still playing Broken Sword Reforged and 6 hours in.
What can i say i love it and it reminds me why i love Adventure Point n Click so much. Still have to play Thimbleweed Park so that may be my next Adventure i will play.
Thanks for reminding me of this game. Somehow it didn't get on my wishlist. I'm not sure I'll buy right now with Metaphor in the disc drive and Ys Nordics on the way, but I'll buy as soon as I see any sort of discount.

Forza has RTAO on Series X?



Capcom just may be the goats of game devs. They've had amazing, genre leading games in every decade. Except for maybe sports, rpg, and cinematic story driven games. Certainly the gods of Arcade gaming.
Honestly it's amazing how long Capcom have been one of the goats in the game. They had some bad years, especially during the early 2010s(crapcom anyone?) but they certainly got their mojo back since 2017 with RE7 release. One of the few Companies I'm very glad that they exist ❤️


I randomly decided to try vanquish. I went through it. The problem is I went through it too easy. I set it to normal, and it seemed like I was dying a lot, but by the end of the game I realized that normal mode was pretty weak.

So I tried hard for a bit and it's bringing out the gameplay more. But this was pretty long for an action game and I don't want to do it again. Maybe I'll pick it up for a bit again. Idk.

Aesthetically, it kinda sucks, too. Everything but the gameplay is boring. There's worse things than good gameplay carrying a game, though.

I don't know if I mentioned in here already but I played through RoboCop over the last few weeks. Damn it looks good. Too much shooting. There are actually not a ton of shootouts, it could have been less. The game is largely waking around and talking to people. If you are a fan of the movies, that part is great.

In the firefights, you're RoboCop, so you body everyone. That's good, but there was a little much of slowly moving through an area bursting heads with the best gun. The default RoboCop gun. :/ A little less would have been more, there.


Gold Member
Just played through the Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons remake in one sitting just now (never played the orginal, or if I did not much of it back in the day. That was a fantastic game!

Yeah, I'm playing through that myself right now. I'm really liking it. I wish there were more games like this - short, linear, consistently interesting. I try to get into the big open-world games but I just can't; it feels like I'm wasting my time with all the scattered, mundane tasks, the endless minutiae related to clothing/armor/skills/loot/etc., the stories that take forever to get rolling...

Anyway, I'm enjoying the remake. It's been a long time since I played it, so most of it feels fresh. It's a cool little game with a unique mechanic (controlling each character with a separate thumbstick).


Gold Member
Persona 3 Reload on PC/Steam Deck. Fuuka has only just joined and I've started spending time with characters to watch DVD or cook.

Elden Ring DLC. Just beat the big dog boss in the Belurat castle? area. Fuck the enemies there! I ended up running past most of them towards the end lol. Now to go over the bridge where someone is shooting at me.

Have been thinking about buying the Diablo IV expansion. I stopped playing the game once I beat the story. I think I'm lvl 55.
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Just got of the Karma The Dark World demo on steam. Man do i love games like that. I like these narrative driven games where you have no idea whats going on and how its going to end. Excellent graphics, a game made with passion.

And about 11 hours in Silent Hill 2. Got out the Hospital and the streets section to the History building. What a game. GOTY. Spotted some T&A posters in the garage. Weird i'm glad to see those in these MoDeRn times. Good on them for keeping it realistic.


Gold Member
Metaphor ReFantazio
Oh my. Got my copy last night and sunk around 6-7 hours into it so far. It's bloody fantastic, isn't it?

Diablo 2
Leveled up my Druid a bit more. Going into the monastery to fight Andariel or whatever her name is. Is it normal to always be out of mana? Should I be chugging mana potions?

Parasite Eve
I love the simplicity of this game. Story, characters, music, and gameplay are all fantastic too. Actually think I like this more than PE2.


Amnesia: The Bunker
I'm not scared of the monster any more. In fact, it's sort of become annoying..! I'm going to continue to play the game, but the novelty has sadly worn off.

Flight of the Amazon Queen
Finished it. I last played it back in 1995, on the Amiga..!


Having fun playing Mech Warrior 5 : Clans with its complex mech controls from inside the mech's cockpit. I am using my DCS' Thrustmaster Flight Stick and Throttle setup. I want to use my Flight Rudders too but the game does not seem to recognize my Flight Rudders, Dang!

Recorded my intro mission gameplay:

A new Front Mission game like this with complex mecha controls from inside the cockpit would be awesome!
Retrorealms’ Halloween and Ash vs. Evil Dead came out. I’m playing the Halloween game using Laurie Strode. Buying both games bundled also includes the DLC characters so it’s like $10 savings. You can use any character in either game, so that’s kinda cool. It’s old school tough when it comes to save points, though. I think you have to beat a stage for it to save progress. I wish games would ditch this archaic bullshit.

Powerwash Simulator continues. I bought one sprayer upgrade and one nozzle upgrade early on. I guess it’s helping.


Amnesia : The Bunker (updated)
Well, I got hit by a very, very nasty bug that corrupted my save file, and I've had to start again from the beginning (lost 7 hours of play). With a bit of glancing at a walkthrough, I managed to get back to where I was in the space of just two hours, but I'm pretty annoyed by that. I'm going to be backing up my save regularly from now (PS4 copy to USB).

If you happen to play this game, be aware that it's still a bit unstable, and is prone to crashes. This happened most often to me when I was killed; seems the game saves some data upon your death, which can mess up. A shame, for sure. To try to mitigate this further, I'm going pause and reload my save at any point I get killed, to head off the save system.


I just put horizon fw back in. I've been wanting to play it for a few weeks. This continues a pattern that started with the first game. I was super excited for that game. I got it day one, and it turned out to be great. I probably did like 50 hours. I put it down when I was feeling signs of burnout. This is how I deal with these big open world games.

Every once in a long while I'd feel drawn back to the game and when I did play, I would be on it for several hours and always having a good time. It's an open world game and has that repetitiveness though, so I don't think it's a problem to put it down again till I'm feeling it again.

So that pattern continued to completing frozen wilds right before forbidden West came out, and continued from there. Odd thing is, when I am away from the game, I think of it as good but not great. But when I put it back in, it feels great. Almost like there's something off with my mental picture of the game. I put it in last night, and saw that there was 73 hours on the clock. Clue number one. I am not going to spend that kind of time in a game unless I'm having a pretty good time.

Start messing around to get my bearings, and got into the menus because I know those are a bit of a pain to get used to. Over the next hour I opened the menu a lot because I was noticing things I hadn't before. I was noticing there are things I had not even engaged with because I didn't have to. I really have not explored the mechanics of this game. Like the weapon skills. I did not ever know how to toggle them. I think it's really weird that I never noticed it but I was obviously missing skills that were second by default.

More than that - The simple act of killing wildlife for the rare drops. I'm always getting stuck on an an upgrade because I need a squirrel knuckle or some nonsense. Then I spend half an hour out in the yonder trying to catch a squirrel. I could have been picking those up as I go the whole time. Then there's the tinkerer skill, then there's the meta on the armor - I didn't really notice how the higher rank armors are so much harder to upgrade. Seriously I was aggressively not caring about all this equipment and skill upgrading.

It's not all my fault, though. I can just sleepwalk through all of those mechanics and beat the game with basic stuff so you can make an argument it may as well not even be there. At very least is less important than if you had to use it all. This maybe explains why I tried the first game on hard and found it was just dragging out fights, but I would still progress. So it still was not bringing out the mechanics.

I'm going to play more in a bit because now I'm really interested in using all these mechanics to put some variety in the game. I always liked the game but maybe after this visit I'll find it was better than I had thought. Better the game has sandboxy mechanics that you don't have to use than none at all so I'll give it a shot.


Gold Member
The Last of Us Part 1

I just got to “spring”. I haven’t played the game since its original launch on the PS3. Game looks great. Character movement is a little wonky, like moving backwards and trying to turn the camera seems “off” at times.

I never got around to finishing the second game. I remember getting to a large aquarium type place and then jumped off the game. Not the games fault, just how it is with me. Then I just kept it on the back burner. Then the PS5 launched and I was waiting for Sony to be Sony and release a remaster. And now I’m finally going to finish it.

Ace Combat 7

For some reason, the PS5 remote play quality has been shit the last two weeks, so I’ve only been able to play my Xbox library while at work. Today I’m going to start Ace Combat 7.


The last few days I've played nothing but:

Tales of Arise - PS4 - nearly done the Beyond the Dawn DLC. The main story is fine but the side quests are boring. Almost done.
Stellar Blade - PS5 - doing some cleanup on my first run before I hit the last area. Trying to get the platinum in only 2 playthroughs. Great game (the OST SLAPS!).


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Around 55 hours into Metaphor: Refantazio.

Love the music, story, characters, combat and job system. They've made a great job with this game and the only complains I have are the graphics/art direction at times, and that the game's kinda easy, although I was expecting the later since it's the same devs as the Persona games and 5 wasn't hard in any way either.

So far if I'd have to rate it I'll give it a 9. Mainline SMT is still the king for me, but Metaphor already feels better than any Persona game I've played and would love to see more of it in the future.


Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection (a.k.a. Zwei 2)

The last Falcom game in English on Steam that I haven't completed (bar Trails through Daybreak, which I'm waiting on Daybreak 2 for, and Ys X, which comes out later this week). It sure is a sequel to Zwei 1. UI is much more friendly than its predecessor though. In particular, all the shit you can pick up is better tracked. Definitely wordier game, as was the tendency of their games at the time (and now). Gameplay is about as simplistic as Zwei 1 with a little extra flexibility. It's easy to see why we didn't get a Zwei 3.

Not that far in at the moment. Some of the dungeon obstacles lead me to believe I'll get to access to a wider array of abilities, which could be fun.


Will try again to beat Raven in hard mode boss rush in Stellar blade this week, and afterwards continue with Silent Hill 2 remake, and some Metaphor farming for stats building and side quest.
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Gold Member
World of Warcraft
Haven't played since the first patch of Dragonflight. Started a human paladin and I'm level twenty eight. Really enjoying it and I'm going to grab the latest expansion when I get paid. Those follower dungeons are kinda cool.

Silent Hill 2 Remake
Done the prison. Probably the scariest bit of the game.


Playing Resident Evil 2 Remake for the first time. Just finished Leon so will now start playing Claire. Really impressed by the game. Zombies have never been something that has particularly scared me but the opening hours in the police station were really tense. Towards the end when in the sewers and the Nest that dread definitely reduces but a fun ride (feels like that's the case of all RE games I've played).


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
There is an onslaught of stuff I need to get through.
First world problems / feelsgoodman.gif

Currently: Playing Metaphor
Next: Either AW2 DLC, Black Ops 6 campaign
Future: Ys X is about to release then Dragon Age and Life is Strange within a matter of days.


Beat: Tales of Arise (PS4) - finished the DLC, all trophies done. My fourth-most played PS game, according to the profile time tracker on PS5.
Playing: Stellar Blade (PS5) - about to start the final mission. Planning to do NG+ right after to get the platinum.
Next: Trials of Mana (PS4) - looking forward to starting this one after I beat Stellar Blade.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Sword of the Vagrant.

Picked this up on sale a while back for $2 expecting trash. Turns out its surprisingly awesome. Its basically a low budget Dragon's Crown. Combat is pretty simple but functional. 1st hour didnt blow me away but seemed solid enough for the low price. Then suddenly I noticed its a whole lot darker than I expected. Then suddenly the story was pretty good. Then a good boss fight. Then I unlocked a travel spot and the list of blank travel spots to get is massive, so the game seems huge. If you find it on sale and like lower budget stuff its literally a must buy for the price.


hemo memo

You can't die before your death
FF7R, Chapter 11. If I let it, this game will be a time sink. 48 hours in, and I didn't even come close to finishing all the world intel.


Still playing Sea of Stars. I really like it and I guess I'm relatively close to the end, but there is no way I am going to do all the optional stuff to get the true ending.

Played a little of Indika. I love it when the games get political. So far I am enjoying it.
Kind of glad Donut County got back on GP, because I never bought it and now spent 20 minutes to pick up the missing achievements. I love indies like this.
Inscryption simply isn't for me.
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Moderated wildly
Starfield has completely sucked me back in after completing Warhammer Space Marine 1 and Octopath traveller II

I have games stacked up that I am wanting to start so I think i'll just mainline the story in Starfield now im done with the DLC....But I keep getting distracted.

Ill bomb through the COD campaign this weekend I imagine.
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