I love detailed, environments. Give me clutter. Give me random machines, pipes and cables. I need random objects and trash thrown over other trash. Show me lived in offices and houses, instead of sterile rooms from an IKEA brochure.
I need this in my games:
Yeah, i know most game don't take place in a car factory but a lot of games have tech bases and futuristic environments that try to look like so, complete with random moving machinery. But the detail is never up there.
Real life is clutter and has detail beyond what most studios have the time/money to hand craft, even if modern systems have the power to render all that. But some games must have come closer than others. So what games have the most environmental detail/clutter nowadays?
I need this in my games:

Yeah, i know most game don't take place in a car factory but a lot of games have tech bases and futuristic environments that try to look like so, complete with random moving machinery. But the detail is never up there.
Real life is clutter and has detail beyond what most studios have the time/money to hand craft, even if modern systems have the power to render all that. But some games must have come closer than others. So what games have the most environmental detail/clutter nowadays?