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What "Legacy Collection" would you most like to see?


In terms of what I would personally love, a Xenosaga collection would be amazing.

In terms of what I would like and is slightly more likely, a Tales of Destiny collection is long overdue
I'll never understand why we never got this on consoles:


Even as is, it'd sell like gangbusters. Just look at MMLC, and its sequel. But if I were to have it my way:

Contra Arcade and NES
Super C Arcade and NES
Contra Force
Colorized Operation C from the European Konami GB Collection.
Contra Hard Corps
Contra 3 Alien Wars

(and their respective Probotector versions as well)

And for Castlevania:

Simon's Quest
Dracula's Curse
Super IV
Dracula X (both the PCE and SNES versions - for the latter, use the Vampire's Kiss name)
Castlevania Bloodlines (the uncut US versions)
Haunted Castle Arcade
The Colorized versions of Castlevania Adventure and Belmont's Revenge (from the European only Konami GB collection)
Castlevania Legends.

These alone, would be worth a $29.99 price tag. Hell, I STILL don't know why Contra NES hasn't been re-released yet, save for Contra 4


Virtua Fighter.
This, X collection, (don't care if you called it OP; I want it bad), Legends collection with Tron Bonne, Street Fighter collection, Capcom Vs collection, Tekken collection, Zero and ZX collection, Darkstalkers collection, Final Fight collection, Fatal Fury collection, King of Fighters collection, Samurai Shodown collection, MGS collection, Onimusha collection, Konami arcade beat em ups collection, a good Silent Hill collection, classic Resident Evil collection, Castlevania collection, Metroid collection, Shin Megami Tensei collection, Metal Slug collection, Crazy Taxi collection, Legacy of Kain collection, Powerstone collection, Shenmue collection, Yakuza collection, Breath of Fire collection, and Donkey Kong Country collection.

Just to name a few.
I will give up my first born child and my left testicle for a proper Silent Hill collection with the original four, Origins and Shattered Memories.

Too bad Konami is a company comprised of incompetent idiots.
Mega Man Legacy Collection 3

-Mega Man & Bass, Super Famicom (but in English like the GBA ver.)
-Mega Man Battle & Chase, PSX (already included in a previous US collection)
-Mega Man Power Battle, Arcade (same as above)
-Mega Man 2 The Power Fighters, Arcade (same as above; I think these names are right?)
-Mega Man V, Game Boy Color version


Ace Attorney Collection (main six games plus the Investigations games...plus Great Ace Attorney or Layton v Wright, if you want to get wishful) would be fantastic. Spread it around, given Ace Attorney has fans on multiple platforms.

Trails in the Sky Collection would be nice. Please, Falcom?

Ys is an obvious one...at least, once Ys 5 is remade. I love the Ys series so much.

Dragon Quest I-IX. (I don't even like IX, but they shouldn't just ignore it)

(Shin) Megami Tensei. I've never gotten a chance to play most of the older titles in the series and I really want to.


The Kojima VN Collection, with Snatcher and Policenauts.

And, my personal video game dream that will never come true:

The Sakura Wars I-V collection, all available dual audio.


Sega Saturn collection featuring Shining Force III and the Panzer Dragoon series. Guardian Heroes is so good, it deserves to be played by everyone and anyone, not just XBOX Arcade owners.

Lunar I and II that are from PS1/Saturn. Not the PSP version.


It's also criminal Viewtiful Joe hasn't seen the light of day outside of the PS2 and GC. Get them bad boys on a current console Capcom and maybe extend the olive branch to Kamiya if he's interested in a 3rd installment! Lemmeatem!

No More Heroes 1 and 2 probably deserve to get off the Wii as well together, especially if there's a new game in the series. Not talking about the PS3 remake either folks.
A competent Silent Hill collection, and not the HD debacle we got.
Tekken, just because I'm on the kick right now and want to try the older ones all on one system.


Suikoden, Breath of Fire, Shadow Hearts, Xenosaga.

Breath Of Fire, Xenosaga, and Shadow Hearts.

Shadow Hearts
Breath of Fire

Shadow Hearts

Shadow Hearts

Breath of Fire pls

Breath of Fire collection

I love you guys.


I'll use my post from the other thread to mention Ape Escape again, but barring that, I think it would be cool to have a legacy collection for Spyro or Ratchet and Clank's two trilogies. A Persona legacy collection with the first two games re-done slightly to match the style of 3, 4, and 5 would also be kinda neat.
Best of PS2 horror games.

-Silent Hill 2
-Silent Hill 3
-Silent Hill 4
-Fatal Frame
-Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly
-Fatal Frame III: The Tormented
-Rule of Rose
-Haunting Ground
-Clock Tower III
-Forbidden Siren
-Forbidden Siren 2
-Michigan Report From Hell
-Echo Night Beyond
-Obscure 2: The Aftermath
-Gregory Horror Show
-Resident Evil 4
-Resident Evil Code: Veronica X

Or a collection of all the RE clones on PS1


Would love a Summon Night (including 1-4 localisations), Shadow Hearts or Suikoden collection. Or Ys, Wild Arms, Tales of, DQ, BoF, etc.

Just give me all the RPGs.


Onimusha would be nice.

And a Captain Tsubasa collection is my beg (that no one cares about).

Oh and a Maximo collection too would be awesome.
In a perfect world, an Ivalice collection.

FFT with new HD sprites, the slowdown bullshit fixed, etc.
FFTA 1 and 2 with some sort of update to make them playable on a single big screen.
Vagrant Story just bumped to a 4K resolution would frankly be amazing. Anything else is just gravy.
FF12 IJZS on PS4 (which we're getting in Zodiac Age)
FF12: RW.

But hell, even just what we're getting in Zodiac Age is better than I'd hoped for initially.


Will forever complain about no Motorstorm Collection even Wipeout got one before it but another I want to try out is the Armored core series.

Zelda and Mario Galaxy collections sound great too.
I'd love a Lost Kingdoms or portable Castlevania collection, just to have them on modern hardware. My dream announcement would be the Super Star Wars games being bundled with brand new games for the missing four saga films.
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