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What "Legacy Collection" would you most like to see?

I'd love to see all the Metal Gear Solid games remade in Fox Engine for PC, MGS1 (Twin Snakes), MGS2, MGS3, MGS4, MGS5, Peace Walker, Portable Ops 1 and 2, all of them on one platform. Being able to play the entire series in 4K/60FPS+ would be incredible.


Castlevania's a good one. My pick would either be that or Mega Man X.

But I'd also buy:
Zelda HD collection
Never gonna happen since they make money on all those remakes


Konami x M2 collection series

Konami Vol. 1: Gradius
Gradius (AC)
Gradius II / Vulcan Venture (AC)
Gradius III (AC)
Gradius (NES)
Gradius II (NES)
Nemesis (MSX)
Nemesis 2 (MSX)
Nemesis 3: Eve of Destruction (MSX)
Gradius III (SNES)
Gradius (PCE)
Gradius II (PCE)
Gradius (X68k)
Gradius 90 Kai (X68k)
Nemesis (GB)
Nenesis II / Gradius: Interstellar Assault (GB)
Gradius ReBirth

Konami Vol. 2: Contra
Contra (AC)
Super Contra (AC)
Contra (NES)
Super C (NES)
Contra Force (NES)
Contra (MSX)
Contra III: The Alien Wars (SNES)
Contra: Hard Corps (MD)
Operation C (GB)
Contra: The Alien Wars (GB)
Contra ReBirth

Konami Vol. 3: Castlevania
Haunted Castle (AC)
Castlevania (NES)
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (NES)
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NES)
Vampire Killer (MSX)
Super Castlevania IV (SNES)
Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES)
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (PCE)
Castlevania: Bloodlines (MD)
Castlevania (X68k)
Castlevania: The Adventure (GB)
Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge (GB)
Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth

Konami Vol. 4: Salamander
Salamander (AC)
Life Force (AC)
Thunder Cross (AC)
Thunder Cross II (AC)
Salamander 2 (AC)
Xexex (AC)
Salamander / Life Force (NES)
Salamander (MSX)
Space Manbow (MSX)
Salamander (PCE)
Salamander (X68k)
Axelay (SNES)
Salamander ReBirth

Konami Vol. 5: Twinbee
Twinbee (AC)
Detana Twinbee / Bells & Whistles (AC)
Twinbee Yahoo / Magical Twinbee (AC)
Twinbee (NES)
Moero Twinbee / Stinger (NES)
Twinbee 3 (NES)
Twinbee (MSX)
Detana Twinbee (PCE)
Twinbee (X68k)
Detana Twinbee (X68k)
Pop'n Twinbee (SNES)
Pop' Twinbee: Rainbowbell Adventures
Pop'n Twinbee (GB)
Pop'n Twinbee ReBirth

Konami Vol. 5: Parodius
Parodius (AC)
Gokujou Parodius / Fantastic Journey (AC)
Sexy Parodius (AC)
Parodius: Tako Saves the Earth (MSX)
Parodius (NES)
Parodius: Non-Sense Fantasy (SNES)
Gokujou Parodius (SNES)
Jikkyo Oshaberi Parodius (SNES)
Parodius (PCE)
Parodius (X86k)
Parodius (GB)
Parodius ReBirth

Konami Vol. 7: Mystical Ninja
Mr. Goemon (AC)
Ganbare Goemon (NES)
Ganbare Goemon 2 (NES)
Ganbare Goemon (MSX)
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja (SNES)
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja 2 (SNES)
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja 3 (SNES)
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja 4 (SNES)
Mystical Ninja starring Goemon (GB) *1st action game, not the arpg
Mystical Ninja ReBirth starring Goemon

Konami Vol. 8: Metal Gear
Metal Gear (MSX)
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (MSX)
SD Snatcher (MSX)
Snatcher (MSX)
Metal Gear (NES)
Snake's Revenge (NES)
Snatcher (PCE)
Snatcher (MD)
Metal Gear: Ghost Babel ReBirth

Hudson Vol. 1: Star Soldier
Star Soldier (NES)
Starship Hector (NES)
Star Soldier (MSX)
Super Star Soldier (PCE)
Blazing Lazers (PCE)
Final Soldier (PCE)
Soldier Blade (PCE)
Star Parodier (PCE)
Star Soldier ReBirth

Hudson Vol. 2: Adventure Island
Adventure Island (NES)
Adventure Island II (NES)
Adventure Island III (NES)
Adventure Island IV (NES)
Adventure Island (MSX)
New Adventure Island (PCE)
Super Adventure Island (SNES)
Super Adventure Island II (SNES)
Adventure Island (GB)
Adventure Island II (GB)
Adventure Island ReBirth

Hudson Vol. 3: Bomberman
Bomberman (NES)
Bomberman II (NES)
Bomberman Special (MSX)
Bomberman (PCE)
Bomberman '93 (PCE)
Bomberman '94 (PCE)
Super Bomberman (SNES)
Super Bomberman 2 (SNES)
Super Bomberman 3 (SNES)
Super Bomberman 4 (SNES)
Mega Bomberman (MD)
Bomberboy / Atomic Punk (GB)
Bomberman GB (GB)
Bomberman GB 2 (GB)
Bomberman GB 3 (GB)
Bomberman ReBirth Online

Hudson Vol. 4: Bonk
Bonk's Adventure (PCE)
Bonk's Revenge (PCE)
Bonk III: Bonk's Big Adventure (PCE)
Air Zonk (PCE)
Super Air Zonk: Rocabilly Paradise (PCE)
Bonk's Adventure (NES)
Super Bonk (SNES)
Super Bonk 2 (SNES)
Bonk's Adventure (GB)
Bonk's Revenge (GB)
Bonk's ReBirth Revenge

Konami Vol. E: Tiny Toon Adventures
Tiny Toon Adventures (NES)
Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Trouble in Wackyland (NES)
Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Hidden Treasure (MD)
Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose (SNES)
Tiny Toon Adventures: Babs' Big Break (GB)
Tiny Toon Adventures: Montana's Movie Madness (GB)
Tiny Toon Adventures: Babs' Big ReBirth

Konami Vol. X: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (AC)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time (AC)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game (NES)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project (NES)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time (SNES)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist (MD)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Manhattan Project: Arcade ReBirth


It will never happen in a million years, but a Pokemon mainline collection.

Legacy collections:
4 - BW, BW2
Halo Trilogy + Reach and ODST (Bungie games, not broken MCC, w mod support like H1 PC)
Star Wars (A ton of great titles would work here)
Smash Bros w/ Online (Not Nintendo's AOL service)
Super Monkey Ball w/ Online
COD Zombies (Like this DLC pack, but standalone with the correct weapons and all maps)
Persona 3.

That game is desperately needing a definitive version. FES and Portable both have massive features exclusive to them. Bringing mechanics up to date with 4 Golden and 5's QoL changes would be fantastic too.

Bundle it with an easy port of 4 Golden if needed.
Layton (own all the games, but hey, why not)
Ace Attorney (with the unlocalized games)
Metal Gear Solid (all main series games on one platform)
Midway/Williams racing collection. Hydro Thunder, Arctic Thunder, Off-road Thunder, San Francisco Rush, Rush 2, Rush 2049, LA Rush, cruisin USA, Cruisin World, Cruisin Exotica. All with online multiplayer would be awesome.
Mostly all the ps1/ps2 era of games.

Zone of the Enders
DBZ budokai/budokai tenkaichi
Devil May Cry
Tony hawks pro skater


MGS on PC. I have the legacy collection for PS3 which is awesome, but would be something else to have them all running high resolutions and frame rate and the comfort of knowing it'll always be available.
I'd love to see all the Metal Gear Solid games remade in Fox Engine for PC, MGS1 (Twin Snakes), MGS2, MGS3, MGS4, MGS5, Peace Walker, Portable Ops 1 and 2, all of them on one platform. Being able to play the entire series in 4K/60FPS+ would be incredible.
I think you're missing the entire point of what a Legacy Collection even means.
Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection V2 (PlayStation 4/Xbox One) - all the HD versions from the last collection with new games getting a HD bump alongside previously released games this gen in the series packaged together.

+ Metal Gear Solid (PlayStation and PC only)
+ Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty [Substance version]
+ Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater [Subsistence version, which means both come with Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2]
+ Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
+ Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
+ Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
+ Metal Gear Rising

Mass Effect - The Shepard Trilogy (PlayStation 4/Xbox One)

+ Mass Effect 1 (Plus all DLC)
+ Mass Effect 2 (Plus all DLC)
+ Mass Effect 3 (Plus all DLC)

The Orange Box 2 (PlayStation 4/Xbox One/PC) - All the games Valve has put out since the first Orange Box with updates for the PC version to make them look a bit more fancy and bringing them up to standard on PS4 and Xbox One.

+ Left 4 Dead
+ Left 4 Dead 2
+ Portal: Still Alive (The original Portal plus new puzzles released in 2008 on Xbox 360)
+ Portal 2
+ Team Fortress 2 (All updates and content currently on PC now on PS4 and XB1 considering The Orange Box 1 version of TF2 on console is hacked to fuck)
+ Bonus: Half-Life 2 plus Episodes One and Two (To shut everyone the fuck up)

SSX Collection (PlayStation 4/Xbox One/PC)

+ SSX Tricky
+ SSX3
+ SSX 2012

Burnout: Takedown Paradise Collection (PlayStation 4/Xbox One/PC)

+ Burnout 3: Takedown (Keep the core gameplay as is, but remake the graphics and make sure to keep the same soundtrack)
+ Burnout Paradise (Just up-res it and have it contain all the DLC)
Castlevania with all of the console Classicvanias.

A Legacy collection with the following would be rad as all hell:
CV Bloodlines
CV Rondo of Blood

Considering how the only legit way of playing Bloodlines is with a Genesis and the original cart I'd say this collection is way more needed than a port form PS3 to PS4 of the MGS Collection.

And if Megaman Legacy 1 could have six games I dont see why Konami couldnt fit six Castlevanias.


Do it Konami.. Easy money.


Phantasy Star, the single-player series. We received one for GBA but it didn't include 4, which is the best one by far imo.

Just a rerelease of Arc the Lad Collection would be cool, but there were also a couple of releases after the PS1 collection.

Xenosaga would be my most wanted, I'd even be happy with straight ports that don't have any form of enhancements as I just want to replay the series.

Onimusha would be awesome, they have just abandoned the series at this point so a collection for contemporary platforms would be a good way to bring new fans in for a new main-series title.

Final Fantasy Tactics, including WotL, Advance, and A2. It would be awesome on Switch or 3DS.

Front Mission. We need more mecha SRPG goodness and I don't see us getting a new one following Evolved, which was a trainwreck despite its IP.

Others I would like to see are Wild Arms, Breath of Fire, Suikoden, Dot Hack (props to the other person who mentioned it!), Valkyrie Profile, Golden Sun, Camelot Mario Sports, Shadow Hearts, etc. Just a lot of JRPGs and SRPGs that I've missed because they were abandoned.

Perhaps instead of a Valkyrie Profile collection, a "Tri-Ace Best" collection would work that included Radiata Stories. I really like Radiata Stories.

I'd also like to see Zone of the Enders come to PS4/Xbone/PC but that's a pipe dream (not that the rest of these aren't, of course, but if I'm gonna dream I'm gonna dream big).

Edit: Grandia is another I didn't think of immediately, but there are enough titles to justify a collection imo. Also, a Mario RPG collection with the Mario and Luigi games, Paper Mario, Super Mario RPG, etc would be sick. Let's not forget about Earthbound/Mother, but we all know that isn't happening...
I've been wishing for a Sega Arcade Racing collection for years now. Some of them never even made it home.

Hong On
Daytona 2
Sega Rally
Scud Race/Super GT
Indy 500
Manx TT


Definitely on board with a Castlevania Legacy Collection.

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
Super Castlevania IV
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Definitely on board with a Castlevania Legacy Collection.

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
Super Castlevania IV
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Would love this, and with the netflix series coming out, could make sense!



edit: I believe this is the player guide collection on Amazon, but I'd like all 3 games to be bundled.


Ys Legacy Collection
Castlevania Legacy Collection
Capcom Fighting Legacy Collection
Final Fantasy Legacy Collection.

I'm sure there's more, but they're the ones that immediately come to mind.


Halo ....
Oh wait

Personally I'd love a Marvel vs Capcom series bundle for PC and newer consoles ranging from the roots (CotA) up until Ultimate Marvel 3. Yea I know Fightcade exists but this is different.

The Mother series and Contra are up there for me too.
Definitely on board with a Castlevania Legacy Collection.

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
Super Castlevania IV
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Why would you leave out the only Classicvania that has never been available to play in anything beyond its original platform? Im of course talking about the Genesis game CV Bloodlines. It has yet to be made available in any digital platform whatsoever. That game, more than any on your list, needs a port!


I know I'm alone and it won't ever happen (EA don't do trilogy remasters)


NFS: Hot pursuit 2
NFS: Underground 2
NFS: Most Wanted (Xbox 360 2005)

Realistic, but still not happening is Resitance trilogy for ps4 or pc.


Sega arcade collections would be great. Perhaps separated loosely by system boards. So we get the Sega System 16 collection and the Model 2 collection and so on.
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