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What pissed you most about E3 and SGF this year?

For those who say E3 this year crap, why?

  • All the shows by different companies did not appeal to me.

    Votes: 33 27.3%
  • I actually liked E3 this year.

    Votes: 27 22.3%
  • Sony was not there.

    Votes: 45 37.2%
  • I was expecting more announcements for major games like MGS, FFXVI, METROID, etc.

    Votes: 39 32.2%
  • So much SJW stuff.

    Votes: 36 29.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 9 7.4%

  • Total voters


I keep seeing people referring to this year’s E3 as one of the most disappointing shows. What made it so for you?
Other than MS, the other shows were very underwhelming

Still way better than last year's Sommer Games Mess
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Koch Media Stream was the worst stream i've ever seen, if anyone remembers. Absolutely no games shown.
Maybe next year will be better for Koch Media but this year, no.
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The only thing that annoyed me was the Take 2 stream. I expect that at GDC, but not E3.

The worst part is that Youtubers who made funny E3 recap videoes, like Dunkey and Scott The Woz, didn't have the balls to even mention that it happened.
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Because it become an unimportant and dead show.
Nothing happened.

Companies doesn’t take E3 serious anymore… so why should the viewers do?
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We only had one somewhat acceptable show, Nintendo's. Everything else was just bad.

The E3 format is clearly a dieing one.


I don't hype myself up for anything anymore so nothing in any of them pissed me off, only thing i tend to watch for are nintendo annoucements as nintendo like to be super tight lipped till last minute so some of the stuff this year was a surprise like warioware getting a version for switch but in general for 3rd party stuff especially stuff released in japan i tend to already know about it as i browse a lot of the makers websites and other forums and news info so on. a lot of stuff thats coming out in next few months never got mentioned at e3 as it going to be stuck in japan.


I enjoyed it. I was expecting more announcements, but it was still leagues better than the Summer Games Fest garbage of last year.


It didn't piss me off per se, it was just disappointing. It felt pretty damn lackluster. But I was at least prepared for it.

I just think it was easy for people to build expectations with E3 going away and then returning. Some people expected some big punches, but they weren't there.


There were no big announcement of anything. If all the games shown were in some video before E3 I would not have known or cared about any of them. It was like I was being advertised to instead of waiting on a surprise big announcement or rumour.
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It was better than nothing, I still liked it. Prefer it to be on a stage in front of a live audience. It's a special vibe like that and it's fun even if it's bad.

Most annoying thing is covid screwing everything up. Hope it can get back to normal in future years. Would be nice if Sony would return too.


Watched the Ms conference only and they delivered, good enough for me since I don't have a playstation nor I plan to get one, Nintendo isn't even a possibility either


What pissed me off the most is that, according to some here, somehow Sony won E3 by not showing up and by having the mass hysteria Abandoned thread.
Then yesterday happened.


No big announcements, often not even mid range announcements that would be good = absolute waste of time of a show.


Last couple years (at least) its been nothing but several months of fake hype and astroturfing leading to a sterile, bland and boring show. They should go back to making it fun for people who have fun in real life again. Couldn't hurt.


I was watching the streams and wondering "am I out of touch with gaming?"
Actually it is the gaming industry who is getting out of touch with gamers... E3 felt like a deadline where every company had to rush to put something even if it wasn't meaningful.
E3 used to be fun simply because it was where so many titles were announced and it really felt like companies were competing against each other there but it just feels like it's all been left behind now, like there are better ways for the companies to push their wares. Even the first party have or are leaving it behind, Nintendo even waited until all the noise you get around E3 to die down before they announced the new Switch hardware. It just seems to be a lot of money for very little in return.
It used to be a joke that Ouya set up their stall in the E3 car park without permission but now it somehow feels like everybody is doing exactly the same thing.
Next year could be a little better, not because of the games but I am really hoping that by next year the Geoff Keighley vs E3 thing will have started to become interesting and there will be some sort of live Geoff Keighley vs E3 Andy Kaufman style wrestling match.

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
Show times. I really wish they did not have them during my working hours. Why not prime time instead of early morning afternoon?


No more additions to the BC list.
Therefore, Microsoft failed.

Speaking strictly for my own gaming needs.


The microsoft show was good. Everything else I didn't care for. Bummer that Sony was not there


Nothing really pissed me off, as at the moment Sony said they won't be there it was obvious is going to be shit.

Elden Ring was huge tho, it was the only dope moment and main thing to take away from the SGF/E3. There were some cool announcement here and there but nothing as that level of Elden Ring.
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Breath of the Wild 2 still has no full reveal trailer, title or release date.
No Xenoblade X DE or Xenoblade 3.
Age of Empires IV, which once upon a time would have been my most anticipated game looks mobile tier.
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Microsoft was fine since it had some titles I like and Summer Games Fest was also fine for the same reason. But all in all, these digital showcases (Square Enix) completely miss the point of why Nintendo Directs are good imo and what the audience wants.


Sony being non existent. However, I get it. Better to have developers developing the game than to take time away to produce a trailer with a due date.


I was only in it for the Xbox conference as the others were gonna be slim pickings or uninteresting to begin with. I was satisfied with the Xbox conference.

Elden Ring was dope too


Gold Member
No Sony meant no battle of the titans. E3 was a shadow of it's former self without full participation from the big 3. Nintendo opting for direct was a chink in the armor. Sony stepping down just crushed half of the excitement of the event.

Having Xbox and Sony show their stuff back to back was always the real draw of E3. It's like watching the championship game of your favorite sport. What would the Superbowl be if one team decided not to show up?


I thought it was the weakest E3 ever content wise across the board, but that was expected. 2020 royally fucked 2021.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
I was hoping to see Metroid Prime 4 in some shape or form.

A little teaser would have made me happy. So far we only got the title, and it's not even a final one yet. Very sad about that.


I'll be honest, I think for the most part I'm finally outgrowing gaming, or at least I'm not the target market anymore for the direction the hobby is headed. I didn't like the never ending CG trailers with no gameplay, but that's nothing new. I don't like the focus towards games as a service, I don't like the focus on forcing gamers into a "gaming community" with each new game. The purpose seems to be to gather data through social media and direct marketing without having to do ads, which doesn't benefit me as a user at all. I don't like the devaluation of ownership with stuff like Gamepass (though I admit it's a great deal). I don't like the consolidation of developers to a few huge publishers. I don't like the fact that the "A/AA" market is completely dead - it's just Indies and AAA. I don't like the forced politics in gaming as a community and in games themselves (please skip me with the "BuT GaMeS hAvE aLwAyS bEeN pOLiTiCaL" crap, you know what I mean.)

Overall, I will still play games that strike my fancy, but I am pretty much over the idea of naming this as one of my primary hobbies, and that's ok. I had a lot of fun for a long time, and it was a great hobby during the time when it was mostly the geek crowd (not the $$$ "Geek™ " crowd). I just can't see the hobby getting better anymore, and I've been proven time and time again that it has no bottom floor with getting worse. E3 was just a window to that concept.
A lot of companies didn't seem to have anything to announce or show off, but they scheduled streams anyway and filled them with nonsense.


In order:

- Lack of big exciting announcements
- What little non-indie studios had to announce was often done with CGI teasers
- Another year of just getting/buying 1 game for Switch, and this time it was announced years ago and it isn't even a Nintendo game(SMTV)
- Square brought too much CHAOS and too little of everything else.
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