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What was your favorite game released that year? 1992 edition. (56k)


Man, how are people keeping up with these threads?

Anyway, Sonic 2 is definitely my answer. The birth of gaming for me.
Damn, so many good games on that list.

BTW, that Link To The Past image isn't from the game. I don't know what it's from. Maybe a prototype? Fan game? That's not A Link To The Past.


I might be wrong, but I thought it was some sort of GAF inside joke for OPs/threads that have a lot of pictures. Slower internet connections may struggle with how fast they can load those pages.

Couple people asked for a heads up since their internet connections are slower, so I put 56k there. =P

I'm sure none of us have 56k -- I think -- but I know some people have slower DSL that takes a bit to load the pics.
Ah, I see. I haven't heard 56k in years so that tripped me up lol


I don't know... Top Gear, Mario Kart, Zelda, SOR2, Mario Paint, Sonic 2... That's insane!!

Well, my brother and I got our SNES that year along with TG, SMK, Zelda and Mario Paint.

My most played is Super Mario Kart so that would probably be my no.1 followed closely by Top Gear.
Easy one for this year.

Axelay was my definitive game for SNES, remains an all-time favorite and was also a revelation in graphics and audio.
starcon 2 is a genre-bender that holds up to this day. The premise of the game was masterfully executed, it's right up there with other timeless greats of the platform.

Right behind it are UU, U7, Dune 2, Might and Magic 4, and Star Trek: 25th Anniversary. Wolfenstein doesn't even make the varsity list for that year, it was just too basic of a game back then. It wasn't until DOOM 2 that the first-wave FPS genre felt fully baked.


I was too young to be playing any of them at the time of release, but I'd have a hard time picking between Loom, Wolf 3D and Sonic 2.

Based purely on hours played, it's probably Wolf. I can't imagine how many hours I put into that shareware episode.
Sonic 2 by a country mile and not even close. Second best Sonic game and one of the best platformers ever made.

Geez, this was an amazing year for games across the entire specturm.

My favorite that I had the most fun with was Sonic 2.

What's your first?

I'm curious as well! I'm guessing it may be the combo Sonic 3 + Knuckles since it originally was supposed to be one game.

Also, one thing that I've always wondered: why does Sonic 2 have the easiest bosses of the Genesis Sonics? So many of them can be jumped on immediately and killed. Emerald Hill? Barely anything to dodge or any skill. Chemical Plant? Jump on him immediately and he's gone in 4 seconds. Aquatic Ruins? Jump on the pillar and just kill him in 8 seconds. Hill Top? Jump on him immediately and just land in the lava and sacrifice your rings. He's gone in 3 seconds. Mystic Cave? Jump on him a bunch from below, then jump on him a few more times before he can go back in the rocks. Oil Ocean? Jump on him five times, stay below the platforms, and then jump on him three more times.

I feel like Casino Night, Metropolis, Wing Fortress and Death Egg are the only ones with some sort of challenge.
Zelda: LttP

Runner ups are
Streets Of Rage 2
Super Mario Kart

Also TMNT4 came out in 1991 and if you are going to include it in 1992 due to the US release being 1992 then you should also include TMNT3 from the NES as it is not only amazing but arguably superior to TMNT4 in many ways(aside from visuals). That would be my fav if we were including those.


Zelda: LTTP and Soul Blazer!

Both of which are my favorite games of all time. I really wish Soul Blazer would come to the VC some day. I have it on SNES of course, but be much nicer if I could just more easily play it anywhere. The music above all is prob my favorite of it. I have the soundtrack on my Spotify and listen to it all the time.
Also, one thing that I've always wondered: why does Sonic 2 have the easiest bosses of the Genesis Sonics? So many of them can be jumped on immediately and killed. Emerald Hill? Barely anything to dodge or any skill. Chemical Plant? Jump on him immediately and he's gone in 4 seconds. Aquatic Ruins? Jump on the pillar and just kill him in 8 seconds. Hill Top? Jump on him immediately and just land in the lava and sacrifice your rings. He's gone in 3 seconds. Mystic Cave? Jump on him a bunch from below, then jump on him a few more times before he can go back in the rocks. Oil Ocean? Jump on him five times, stay below the platforms, and then jump on him three more times.

I don't mind it because I feel like most people probably aren't going to bum rush the boss or do it right. When I did it as a kid, it felt like discovering a secret skill/trick. Plus, you do have to balance when you're bouncing on them or you'll fall off. At that point, boss challenge is how fast can you beat em.

I feel like Casino Night, Metropolis, Wing Fortress and Death Egg are the only ones with some sort of challenge.

Also, mecha Sonic (forget his real name) can be cheesed if you rush him too. When it first kicks off, you can land 2-4 hits on him and finish him off the first time he goes back and forth (my favorite was charging a spin dash so he died by charging into me rather than me charging into him).
I don't mind it because I feel like most people probably aren't going to bum rush the boss or do it right. When I did it as a kid, it felt like discovering a secret skill/trick. Plus, you do have to balance when you're bouncing on them or you'll fall off. At that point, boss challenge is how fast can you beat em.

Also, mecha Sonic (forget his real name) can be cheesed if you rush him too. When it first kicks off, you can land 2-4 hits on him and finish him off the first time he goes back and forth (my favorite was charging a spin dash so he died by charging into me rather than me charging into him).

Yeah, if you don't know what you're doing, his jumps and spikes will be random and kill you. But then you realize you can kill him before his second roll!

And the final boss can be hit 9 times or something before he blasts off. The only Genesis Sonic game I can think of where most of the bosses can be cheesed like that.
Is the image used to illustrate LttP from a prototype, pre-production copy, or a hack?

Someone answer this man.

I'm voting for Mortal Kombat, because it was my favorite game at the time. The street fighter lines started moving over to the MK cabs around this time, even though you could play as the SF bosses. I knew MK was a shittier game the second I tried to move Scorpion around, but it had secret fatalities and gobs of blood, and I was finally old enough to be decent at it.


Looking back at that list, what an absolutely incredible year this was for gaming. My picks for enriching my childhood:

Contra III
Dune II
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Lands of Lore
Laura Bow
Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes
NHL 93
Quest for Glory Remake
Street Fighter II (SNES)
Ultima VII
Ultima Underworld
Zelda Link to the Past
and not on your list, but also in 1992: Legend of Kyrandia, Wizardry VII

It blows my mind that we got all those games in the same year. Among those I would have to give the nod to Ultima VII for the incredible graphics, music, and the feeling of freedom, exploration, and danger it provided. It may be my favourite game ever, and changed my perspective on what gaming could be.

I also just finished replaying Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes with ScummVM. That game holds up very well, especially the pixel graphics. I feel it never got the attention it deserved at the time, perhaps due to being overshadowed by the rest of that year's all-time-great releases. I loved playing that game on a gloomy, rainy day.

Edit: Also added Wizardry VII to the list. That game sucked up a large chunk of 1992 and 1993 for me.


Street Fighter II was my favorite game this year. To this day it's still one of the most - if not the most - important games of my life.
Very honorable mentions to Zelda LTTP and Fate of Atlantis.


I think I'll have to go with Sonic 2 for the Genesis.
I remember getting a Genesis for my 5th Birthday along with Sonic Classic 3-in-1 and the Action Pak 6-in-1.

I played Sonic 2 and Mean Bean Machine so much more than anything else.

It was 95' by this point, so I was a bit late on these.


Contra III: The Alien Wars (SNES)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (PC)
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos (PC)
Mortal Kombat (Arcade)
NHLPA Hockey 93 (GEN, SNES)
Rampart (SNES)
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (GEN)
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (SNES)
Super Mario Kart (SNES)
Super Star Wars (SNES)
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel (PC)
Wolfenstein 3D (PC)
X-Men (Arcade)

Tried to whittle the list down. I definitely logged the most hours with SF II, NHL 93, Super Mario Kart, and Wolf 3D.

Contra III is awesome. Fate of Atlantis and SH: Serrated are two of the best point-and-clicks from that era. Lands of Lore is a classic RPG. MK and X-Men were kick-ass arcade games. Sonic 2 and Super SW were great. Rampart was Rampart.

If I had to pick a single favorite game, one that I could keep playing endlessly, it's Street Fighter II. If I had to pick one game I think provides the best 'sit down and play from start to finish' experience, it's Contra III. If I had to pick one game that I really love for a variety of reasons, it's Lands of Lore.


Neo Member

So much fun with friends.

I would have said Street Fighter II Turbo, and though the original arcade version came out in 1992, it's the SNES version that I have fond memories of, and that released in 1993.
These are my faves released that year. Its also worth noting I didn't play any of these in 1992
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
The Addams Family
Indiana Jones and the Fates of Atlantis
Star Trek: 25th Anniversary

(I was so shit at games back then I more or less had to use cheats to get through the PC games)

(what I did play in 92 was SMW with my new Snes aquired at Xmas, a bunch of Sega Master System games I rented and can't remember and some OG GB games like Terminator 2, Simpsons Escape from Camp Deadly and Supermarioland)


Super Mario Kart for me. Spent hours playing it with my brother, battle mode and co-op circuit mode.

Alone in the Dark comes in second.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Great memories playing Mario Kart with my dad as a kid, but LttP takes the cake for me. That game formed a large part of my childhood identity.


Such a difficult year...

It's a tie between Flashback and Streets of Rage 2

Edit : It would have been a 3 way tie if TloZ-ALttP hadn't been released on november 21st 1991 in Japan :p

Solid Raiden

Neo Member
Wow, I never realised how many of my fondest gaming memories from when I was a kid were from this year. Sonic 2, Street Fighter 2, X-Men, turtles in time, Mario kart, etc.
That said, A Link to the Past is the greatest game from this generation.
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