There have been several: 'what next for Nintendo' threads which have felt too general and open to have a decent discussion.
See for example:
And :
So I want to hone in on their fabled Blue Ocean strategy and ask what the next left field innovation that differentiates their offer will be.
The poll has some ideas but the purpose of the thread is to be as creative and innovative as possible so knock yourselves out!
See for example:

Nintendo asks what's next for the next innovation from Nintendo, I think the Nintendo Switch is the innovation to last for years.
Nintendo President recently said that they are looking for new ways to innovate, as they always do, but I think they should not continue to innovate because the Nintendo Switch is what makes them special. Where it's unique in its own way, I think they should keep the Switch lineup how they kept...
And :

So Where Does Nintendo Go From Here?
After the disappointing sales of the N64 and the poor sales of the Gamecube, Nintendo came to the conclusion that not only could they not compete when trying to aim for power, but also that their IPs alone could not push console sales. Ever since then they have been selling their consoles...
So I want to hone in on their fabled Blue Ocean strategy and ask what the next left field innovation that differentiates their offer will be.
The poll has some ideas but the purpose of the thread is to be as creative and innovative as possible so knock yourselves out!