The PC is great if you're a hobbyist. I'm not. Gaming's not my hobby; for me it's the latest and newest form of entertainment/art like movies, music, or books. I'm a perfectionist, so I usually would spend hours configuring, optimizing, and troubleshooting a PC game to get it performing at its best. With consoles, all of that stuff has already been done for you.
Imagine if you had to tinker with your hardware/software just to read a book without skipping any pages or watch a movie without any slowdown, and you had to do this for every new book/movie. This is what PC gaming was like for me. I'm a programmer, so I enjoy doing that stuff for work. But just to have fun or experience a creative work? Fuck no, I ain't going back.
Mind you, I haven't PC gamed since 2007, and I've heard things have gotten more hassle-free since then. Still, when you consider all the variables involved with so many different PCs, there's just too much chance of something performing unoptimally on your PC. And I'm too OCD to accept that.
Old-school games are another story. No problems there, since you know it's going to run near flawlessly on max settings.
Edit: I'm willing to give PC gaming another shot, but I need the PC to be portable, but still upgradeable. Preferably no bigger than a fat PS3. Any suggestions?