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Will you buy/renew your PS Plus membership now prices have increased.

Will you buy or renew your membership?

  • Yes. I don't care

  • Hell no

  • Not sure yet

  • I don't have PS Plus

Results are only viewable after voting.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
As per usual will just wait until they have a 20% off deal or whatever and the difference won't be especially noticeable.

Entirely unsurprised by the price hikes, given how much the prices of everything has increased drastically over the last couple of years. Once again, feels like that gamer's myopia where they don't see the connection between general inflation, pay for workers increasing in response to that inflation, and product cost to the end user reflecting that.

Not to mention the fact that I cannot think of any historic precedent for subscription costs on anything falling, like ever. So you should know which way the graph is going to trend regardless.


yes, but not because i don't care.

but because there isn't a fight here, these prices are all going to rise across gamut of sub services, yes beyond gaming even, this is just what happens when world economies are in the shitter and global leaders are clueless but want to put laws in place for you to be a flim/flom on a piece of paper instead of he/him.

this issue extends waaaaay further than grrrr arrogant sony, grrrr meanie microsoft.


I think I only use cloud saves when switching between gens, that said a USB would do the same job so I wouldn’t miss it if it were ever dropped.
In peoples' defence complaining about this being anti-competitive USB doesn't do the same job - or didn't in the past. IIRC there was a trophy/save file issue I had that only worked after I transferred the USB save to the console, then paid for PSN and then had to transfer the save file to cloud and resynced with the console, I also think that games like GT7 require secure storage through the cloud and the USB option won' restore in game funds.

It really is poor that PlayStation network has a monopoly on its own cloud storage solution for save files - say compared to buying a USB sticks from anywhere - and have then placed that feature behind a paywall. Even supporting google drive or one drive, etc for free would be better if they have to charge for providing the service themselves.
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Deleted member 848825

Unconfirmed Member
On Ps5 you can not copy save games to an usb.
I posted on the other thread. But my understanding is that you now can. Its captured under the full back up you can do to USB.


Gold Member
£60 a year just to play online now; and £120 for thin on the ground trials and an abysmal, half-arsed attempt at presenting the back catalogue..
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Gold Member
My Plus Premium just ran out, I haven't renewed and I've gotten rid of my PS5 for the time being (this entire extended cross-gen period of the same old crap has worn thin anyway; RnC was the only thing that attempted anything new or interesting.. and even some of the current gen exclusives aren't exactly tickling my pickle). I'll pick up a Pro next year if it comes out or a "slim" if it doesn't, I'll probs go second hand too as I'd very much like to rob them of the sale right now. I'll get essential plus if necessary.

My brother got rid of his too, don't think he even intends to come back at this point. This gen has been an absolute dud and the industry only inspires cynicism at this point.

I scoffed at people saying "arrogant Sony are back" over the last 3'ish years. But I think it's starting to become somewhat evident at this point (at least from the management angle). They have a considerable lead, they're getting carried away with prices again and they don't even show up to events anymore.
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I’ve bought during the Black Friday sale for years of extra I’m sure there will be sales in the future that drop it to/below the old price


Gold Member

And done.


"Yes. I don't care." is the closest to just "yes" - cause I do care, but I need online access to play my games with my friends.


I have premium for a year, I was thinking switching to essential since I don't really use the extra feature. Sony made my decision easy. So congrats Sony you went from +40$ to -40$
Doesn't essential give you access to a ton of games though? Not the 3 monthly ones but the gamepass style selection?
Essential does give you access to a bunch of monthly games if you were already a subscriber all those months back when said games were featured titles. It does not work retroactively. Differently from Xbox's approach (not Game Pass, but the older model), the moment your subscription runs out you lose access even to those claimed games. PS+ is a pretty shit deal because you, essentially, own nothing at all.
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I tend to play online gaming on pc and solo on PS5.
These new prices will take me out of ps+.
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Essential does give you access to a bunch of monthly games if you were already a subscriber all those months back when said games were featured titles. It does not work retroactively. Differently from Xbox's approach (not Game Pass, but the older model), the moment your subscription runs out you lose access even to those claimed games. PS+ is a pretty shit deal because you, essentially, own nothing at all.
Ahhhh, yea, you're absolutely right. I was thinking Essential was the 2nd tier. Sony did such an awful job with the category names. 😅

Ev1L AuRoN

I will, and I do care, but without it, my PS5 is just a paper weight. I play online a lot, also, the value of the PSN Deluxe to me still worth it.
From the official Sony blog post:

For current 12-month subscribers, this price increase will not take effect until your next renewal date that occurs on or after November 6. However, any membership changes you make on or after September 6, such as upgrades, downgrades or buying additional time, will update your plan reflecting the new prices.

So if anyone has a renewal in the next 2 months or so, you'll still get the old rates. You can also stack your sub now at the old pricing through September 6th.

As for me. I am honestly not sure yet. I've never once paid MSRP for Plus since I first got it in 2010. I'm currently stacked through March 2026, so I have like 30 months before I even have to pay again. It will depend on how much use I get out of it, and what kind of deals are periodically offered. I only paid $80 to upgrade my existing Essential sub to Premium when they had a deep upgrade sale, and I added another year of Premium for $80 awhile back. They're looking at a $160 MSRP going forward. I'm going to expect a bare minimum discount down to $120 to resub at the Premium tier, that's for sure. But I've got a long time yet before I need to make a serious decision.
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Posts like those are just cope posts. They can't imagine saying no to their favorite brands, regardless of cost. Just what corps are hoping for.
not true, if its within your means to afford it and you enjoy the service it's not coping/shilling.

That's a naive take.


No, I'm out...might even sell my PS5 after FFVII Rebirth. I've been pretty disappointed with Sony's exclusives this gen and haven't played any online multiplayer games on the console since launch...so I've been paying for PS+ for no real reason basically. Good time to cancel.


It’s >100$ CAD w taxes

Im not an online heavy gamer so it doesn’t affect me if I drop it. I have it pre-paid for another year but not renewing after

I’m gonna take that money I would have spent over several years and invest it into a gaming PC instead

I mean compare those prices to game pass ultimate - terrible
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Fuck no. PS Extra is the bargain bin of gaming subs. Year-old (or older) shit for, now, the price of two new games a year. Turned off auto-renew.


I think people would swallow it better if they put their first party games day and date in their top tier sub Atleast. The value for money factor is simply not there without that. and everybody thought MS were the ones that were gonna be aggressive with their subs……. Well look how that is turning out……Atleast MS put all their games on their service.

First that pointless PS screen controller thing….then their push into GAAS…. and now this. Somebody at Playstation needs to be fired. I’m not a PS owner but I doubt their fans asked for any of these things.

Deleted member 848825

Unconfirmed Member
But it's essentially backing up the entire ssd, right? So hundreds of gigabytes? Not really a solution if you want to backup daily or even once every few days.
So, it is part of the backup yes. But no, it doesnt have to be 100's of gigs. You can choose to solely back up the saved data and not what games or apps you have installed.

I'm just trying to ensure people know what is available to them if they decide not to resub and have the correct info.


Yeah I use it (and Gamepass) more so than buying new games. I’ll only buy 2/3 new games a year. The rest is all on demand for me, so will probably continue.
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Yeah I use it (and Gamepass) more so than buying new games. I’ll only buy 2/3 new games a year. The rest is all on demand for me, so will probably continue.
Based Copia avatar.

And yeah, to me that price hike would be justified if they put first party games in there. GP is probably cheaper than PS+ at this point, and we get tons of Day 1 games and first party.
This sounds really like they are pushing people to PC. Without any dedicated store they won't make billions out of their games on PC. They'll only make millions which is peanuts compared to what they make from their PS Store. Do they know that they'll make 0% from Fortnite and such 'free' games transactions happening on PC?

I don't understand their end game. This is what happens when accountants run a company.
I’ll probably end up canceling. I don’t play a lot of online games and the catalogue hasn’t really done it for me. It’s awesome that selection of first party titles but I’ve beat the ones I’m interested in at this point. I’ll end up reupping when I get the FFXIV urge again.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
I'm gonna downgrade from Premium to Extra. I might even go for the Essential. Not sure yet.
It's not that I cannot afford it, but that doesn't mean I think it's really worth it anymore.

Cannot believe Sony doing this without adding extra value to this service. Out of the blue and in a sneaky way.

They don't need to. They are SONY. At the end of the day you're going to stay in their ecosystem so they have no fear.


Ended PS+ years ago, and could be happier. I was upset with the direction of the ps4 and the treatment of my beloved vita and Japanese devs/publishers. Moved mostly just multiplayer gaming to pc, now I have superior m+k controls, mods, and free online. I'll never sub to ps+ again for sure, and I constantly feel more and more validated for that decision lol. Only thing I miss is physical games, but for multiplayer games that doesn't matter too much, and I could always pick up a used copy dirt cheap later if I feel like it really deserves to be in the collection.


everyone should cancel auto renewal. stop buying, when buying stops, jam ryan will say sorry.

There is no justification for the plain increase. Do not be the problem for rest of us!


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
You’re going to get disappointed. Many PS fans will gladly accept the price hike
I ditched Sony's platform long ago and don't plan on coming back. The games catalog is sub-par, the monthly games are complete horse manure and they simply can't justify the pricing.

Nah, I'm good with Gamepass which is:

A) A LOT cheaper (I pay 7 bucks a month for ultimate)
B) Usable on 2 platforms in stead of one

Yeah fuck Sony in the ass with their overly expensive "service". This coming from a long time Playstation user.
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I will, but only monthly and one or two months per year. The incentive to say subbed yearly disappeared completely now that the anual price is almost the same as monthly x 12.
The question comes in over a year for me, but yes.
The new price is still nowhere close to what I deem overpriced and I consider myself a cheapass gamer, ie I never payed full price ever. Premium also btw the most hated tier, which for me still has content that is worth its price.
Also might have payed eg 799 for a PS5 if that would have been the official price (ignoring the then much more appealing XSX for 499 of course). I don't buy from scalpers and have much patience so did not have to, but gaming is cheap compared to almost all other things in life. If 20 or even 50 a month is actually expensive for you, for a buffet no one can possibly eat, you better not buy a console at all. Hell, my internet costs me more than gaming itself, and I don't consider internet access as much value as gaming, despite it being the no1 necessity in digital times.


If you play online you're obligated to do so, does that mean I fall under the "I don't care" category? Kinda reductive.


Just cancelled my subscription. Its still valid until July 2024 though.
Same here.

Also crossposting this:
If you want to set an example, you can cancel your subscription right now.
The period already paid for remains activated, but this way Sony sees directly that people are cancelling based on their decision.

It's easy,

  • go to the app
  • click on PS Store (bottom centre)
  • then on the three horizontal lines at the top right
  • then subscription management

Here you can cancel the existing subscription with 2 clicks (and reactivate it if you change your mind).
Starship Troopers GIF

You’re going to get disappointed. Many PS fans will gladly accept the price hike
Yes this is true. Most auto-renewable subscription users will probably never know and therefore don't care.
That's why it's all the more important that we at least try to make Sony understand that its customers aren't happy with their decisions.
Cancelled auto-renewable subscriptions will be reflected in their internal numbers and statistics and hopefully cause concern.
Auto-renewable subscriptions mean future-proof money to plan with. The more people drop out, the less planning certainty and hopefully a reason to rethink.
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Gold Member
I just want everyone to know that Netflix was the first one to shoot this bullet. Everyone else following suit, all did this because Netflix did it first and succeeded. I knew it would eventually spread to game subscriptions but I didn't think it would happen this quickly.
Speaking of Netflix, my wife has been subbed for ages but we rarely watch it, she asked yesterday if we need it and I said to check whats on it 1st

We cancelled quicker than a dose of the runs. Right load of shite. It wont be missed :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Haven't subbed to PS Plus in long years.

No interest in multi player.

I want to choose which games I play.

Own the games. Get them physical at cheaper prices unless it's a must day 1.

Have to say even first party Sony titles are diverging from my interests too many cinematics and hand holding instead of more focus on better game play (Ragnarok looking at you)

Plus price hike and future focus on GaaS really not my thing.
"GAAS is cool because I don't have to get off my ass and swap a disc"
"I'm a minimalist and I don't like clutter - I want people to think I'm sophisticated when they see my consoles on top of $5k furniture and having game discs would ruin that aesthetic"
"I know that the corporate entities over at Sony and MS will do what's best for people like me when making decisions about said services"
"I'm in fucking denial"
retro games lemmings GIF
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