Pardon my rather lengthy write-up, but I would appreciate to hear either agreement or tips on how to improve things or at least a positive outlook in regards to my issues.
I recently used a Samsung Galaxy S3 with Cyanogen Mod. I would have liked a better camera, and am rather fond of Windows 8 Metro interface on my tablet. I thought, hey, a Windows phone should be nice. In fact, having a whole eco system where I only have to log in and have everything set up and synchronized would be awesome.
But, now after 5 days with my Lumia 1020 and WP8.1, I dont think I like Windows Phone all that much. I guess I went into it with wrong expectations, chief among them that it would be much like Windows 8 Metro.
I thought with my Windows 8 Microsoft account the phone would automatically have everything set up for me. I expected the same level of integration as I have between different PCs that run Windows 8 desktop. Like in steam, no matter on what hardware I log myself in, it downloads my preferred settings and other things from the cloud. I expected more convergence than there is.
I am not a big app-user on Android, so naturally I thought I wouldnT be bothered by the lack of apps on WP. And truthfully, if the provided ones allowed me a bit of freedom and functionality I wouldnt miss the few apps I used much.
But thats the point. I miss functionality. I want to scrobble my recently played tracks to from within my audio player. I want my audio player to remember what it played last and resume from where it stopped playing last (granted, MixRadio appears to at least remember where I stopped playback last, but that Xbox Music which I guess would be the default music player? - doesnt seems
odd). And I really like to convenience of just plugging my headphones in and having music playback start without me touching anything else. AstroPlayer on Android does that. On WP? Nothing

It also seems that in order to skip a track forward/backward I have to use the screen and cant simply use one of the hardware buttons (i.e. long press on volume+/- to change track forward/backward).
I had a slight hope, that NFC tags might provide me a solution to this inconvenience. But no, WP only allows NFC tags to open up settings pages or some apps. But to actually change or do anything I still have to touch the screen. And, at least with the Nokia NFC Writer I can only write one open setting command per tag? That is cumbersome and much less functionality than I have read is possible on Android. Why cant I program an NFC tag to actually start playing music? Or turning off the WLAN, or turning it on, if it was turned off? I guess (After reading so) security concerns or something, but still
I dont care. I want convenience, not intricateness.
I knew about the limits of the Lumia 1020 camera (as in start up time) beforehand, what I did not realize was that the pro cam too does not remember my last settings or allow me to set up certain parameters within which the auto-settings shall work. As is it is again- rather cumbersome to do certain things I do, like photographing the information display of my car to keep track of fuel consumption/distance etc. At night time, the shutter speed automatically sets itself up to a level where I cant hold my hand steadily enough for the small text to be readable. Using flash is obviously no option because it just introduces a bunch of mirroring to the picture to make it illegible as well. So as far (and as of yet that was just once for 20 minutes) as I tried I have to use the pro-cam and set shutter time automatically to get something useful. Again
that is much more work than I had to do with my Android phone, where simply disabling the flash got me solid results.
And also, the charging cover for the 1020 feels bad. Especially the crease on the side is rather unappealing to the touch.

On that note: Why does my Lumia 1020 occasionally beep when its on the charging mat? Is it to tell me it now starts charging? Is it to tell me its already full of charge? Is it something else that has nothing to do with it lying on the charging mat?
Its possible that playing around a bit might help me find a solution to some things, but as of now, after 5 days Im rather disappointed and kind of consider going back to my SGS3.