If I was making the movie, I'd have the ending be Winslet and Elba meeting up with Liam Neeson from The Grey.
and Leonardo DiCarpio from The Reverent
If I was making the movie, I'd have the ending be Winslet and Elba meeting up with Liam Neeson from The Grey.
The Snowy Mountain Cinematic Universe?
If I was making the movie, I'd have the ending be Winslet and Elba meeting up with Liam Neeson from The Grey.
Gotta get the whole Everest cast in there.The Snowy Mountain Cinematic Universe?
B-G-E presents An American Liam in LondonDid Liam Neeson gain werewolf powers from that fight with the Alpha Male at the end of the film?
If so, the sequel can be Winslet trying to decide between him and Elba. Elba is better looking, but Wolf already showed us that women dig older men with Werewolf powers.
Anyone want to throw down their Blade Runner 2049 predictions now that we are a few days out and have a critical reception?
Ay MH do me a favor
Just nuke that last page from history
I'ma go from seeing nothing in August and Sept (reading the synopsis for Kingsman lost me entirely) to watchin' 2049 and The Mountain Between Us in the same weekend
Wait have I been tricked
Is it like one of those weird romance novel adaptations
oh what the fuck
bronson got worked
I mean I'm not going now!
Let us know how it is.
They wanted the Bronson bump.
I'm almost sad that we spoiled it now. You would have been in your seat all excited to see some sweet platonic survival action. Then
EDIT: Wait, your images are off. Doakes-from-Dexter-Surprise-Motherfucker.gif
Time for a new avatar tag for Bronson?You mean all this stuff?
Are people really gonna run to see Idris Elba and Kate Winslet stuck in the snow for a couple hours?
Are people really gonna run to see Idris Elba and Kate Winslet stuck in the snow for a couple hours?
Theres no full frontal Idris.Depends, do they show full frontal Idris or not?
The relationship looks mostly platonic in the trailers, so I don't think the AARP crowd will be scared off completely.If there's a steamy sex scene I'm 100% there.
Damn I got a triple whammy for trailers I'd never seen this week and The Mountain Between Us actually looked pretty decent. Thank You For Your Service looks like another dud for Miles Teller, and there was also this movie called Alpha with that Nightcrawler kid running around with a wolf in 10,000 BC or something.
I'll put my Blade Runner estimate at $65 million. Nothing's really out and those reviews are doing wonders for it.
Off-topic: Slayven I found these at a local Value Village. Educate me, did I make a mistake leaving them there?
Theres no full frontal Idris.
OR Winslet.
The relationship looks mostly platonic in the trailers, so I don't think the AARP crowd will be scared off completely.If there's a steamy sex scene I'm 100% there.
Anyone want to throw down their Blade Runner 2049 predictions now that we are a few days out and have a critical reception?
Depends, do you need something to burn for heat?
Not saying they are bad, just that if you paid more than 3 bucks for them you got ripped off
I'll just leave them there for some poor kid to stumble across just like the 90's intended.
Have we had any Christian movies that have featured nudity and/or steamy sex?
If Bronson wants to spend 100 minutes imagining himself as a blushing bride-to-be, stranded on a mountain with the ruggedly handsome Idris Elba, it's his god-given right as an American to do so.
There's no full frontal Idris.
OR Winslet.
I remember a while ago reading an article about Kate Winslet that somewhere in the first 2-3 paragraphs stated something along the lines of she has the most movies with nude scenes of any Academy Award nominated actress. Which I thought was funny.
Anyone want to throw down their Blade Runner 2049 predictions now that we are a few days out and have a critical reception?
This is good. So good.Homecoming about to to become the highest grossing spidey WW soon
You mean all this stuff?
Homecoming about to to become the highest grossing spidey WW soon
Seconded.Wkd BO 0929-100117 - Bronson Thought The Mountain Between Us was a Survival Thriller.
Blade Runner Villenuvile editionAnyone want to throw down their Blade Runner 2049 predictions now that we are a few days out and have a critical reception?
Really?=oHomecoming about to to become the highest grossing spidey WW soon
Exactly.I've done nothing!