Again I will never understand the comparison between MM and BR. The former is like an adrenaline fueled ride from start to end while for the latter, I haven't personally seen it but if it is slow paced, there is no comparison here.Try to reverse engineer the process that went into the budgeting of the movie. We have pretty boy Ryan Gosling who's coming off the biggest movie of his career in La-La land. Harrison Ford who's latest movie is him reprising one of his two iconic role which grossed 2 billion. One of the best director in the world willing to work on big ambitious projects by Hollywood standards and a respected IP known for a timeless classic so it should perform decently if we put the effort into it (another MM Fury Road).
Gosling was cast in 2015, and the film shot before La La Land even opened.
ThisWorse than the first. I don't see it appealing to more people than its predecessor.
Which was my real point. The budget they gave the movie was insane. lol
It's not insane when you look at how Warner Brothers operate. This is a studio that has always taken risks and will keep doing so. Blade Runner 2049 is a superb risk that will backfire, but them be the breaks lol.King Arthur was a bomb of epic proportions and WB has already moved on.
IT will become the most profitable movie compared to it's small budget after Wolf Warrior 2. Wonder Woman is this close to passing Spider Man worlwide gross for biggest origin SH movie. Dunkirk is another movie which vastly over delivered as some insiders probably expected the movie to break even or lose money. Lego Batman and Kong: Skull island performed well.
It's probably a banner year for WB and BR 2049 falling short of expectations is not the end of the world. Who remember that King Arthur is the biggest bomb of the year? Justice League should turn a generous profit thx to more Gal Gadot magic lol.
Gosling being a big shot Hollywood star is a hoax that has been proven right many times. Nothing on his acting but dude can't seriously lift a whole movie on his own. Ford is an old fart now who got lucky with a revival of Star Wars after a long time.
If you expected BR to make big bucks just because it had Ford coming off from Star Wars then you can apply the same logic to almost any movie from actors that worked in Star Wars TFA. One of them is in Pacific Rim Uprising although I doubt it will effect the box office.
Does anyone really care about Drive though? I think he was coasting off The Notebook until La La Land.I would hope execs were smart enough to realize there was no real nostalgia to see Ford reprise that role, certainly not anywhere close to the level of seeing him mumble-growl lines as Han Solo.
I always assume most Gosling roles over the past few years were due to Drive.
The Circle had Emma Watson, John Boyega, Tom Hanks, and Karen Gillan and no one cared about that lol. 2017 audiences are savages. We watching Get Out and IT now.
Its not from WB though. The production was handled by Alcon Entertainment (financed by Alcon and Columbia/Sony), WB handles the distribution side domestically, thats all really.
Now that we have a trailer, what are people seeing for Pacific Rim Uprising?
It's more or less the same scenario as the original since it was distributed by WB and produced by various companies. Doesn't change that WB is a studio willing to take risks lol. I always hear that WB are super director friendly and willing to support people who they are fans of. Didn't Kubrick get a lifetime contract with WB after 2001 where he could do whatever the fuck he wanted?
Honestly, where did Blade Runner's budget go. It doesn't look that expensive. Maybe its understated art design is deceiving.
I still want to see that movie because of the cast, especially if Tom Hanks is in a villain role. Dude has bored me for years.
Please no one go in that Nelly thread, we can't lose any more BO GAF members
The Circle is one of the worst films I've seen this year. Watch Captain Phillips if you want an incredible Hanks performance.I still want to see that movie because of the cast, especially if Tom Hanks is in a villain role. Dude has bored me for years.
I still need to check that show out lol.That streak will continue. That Black Mirror episode with Bryce Dallas Howard did a better take on the pitfalls of social media.
I almost always avoid threads like these, there is simply nothing to discuss and having a bunch of men tell their opinions on rape is incredibly annoying (yes I know men can get raped to).lol screw em.
Check yourself before you wreck yourself as I always say. Hopefully some of them come back without the shitty posts and unfunny jokes in every thread, assuming they return.
The Circle is one of the worst films I've seen this year. Watch Captain Phillips if you want an incredible Hanks performance.
Compared to the rest of Sony's recent output, it sticks out. This kind of movie seems more in character for WB.i love how people keep associating Blade Runner to WB even though it's apparently more Sony's show
Slayven looks forward to explaining why the Thunderbolts aren't a Suicide Squad rip off about 400 times.
Unless they are going with the Millar/Ellis version. Which was a Suicide Squad rip off.
Great films that bomba'd:
Blade Runner
Ghost in the Shell
Or maybe audiences don't like films that end with them sitting in their seat felling empty and hollow. It's pretty ballsy to release a movie like that and expect commercial success of any sort, even ignoring the budget.
This shit is depressing. Blade Runner 2049 is far and away the best film to come out this year. Though I suppose it's not too shocking that it underperformed at the box office, like the original did.
Now that we have a trailer, what are people seeing for Pacific Rim Uprising?
Or maybe audiences don't like films that end with them sitting in their seat felling empty and hollow.
Oh god, will IW be able to have that tagline with how many are in it
We are also fast approaching a reality where everyone in Movie 43 will have had a part in a comic book movie.
I feel empty and hollow after most superhero movies. Wonder Woman was dope at least.
It was aiight, but overhyped. Same as Logan, just "okay-very good" tier, not great.I feel empty and hollow after most superhero movies. Wonder Woman was dope at least.
It was aiight, but overhyped. Same as Logan, just "okay-very good" tier, not great.
I feel empty and hollow after most superhero movies. Wonder Woman was dope at least.
I think "cape" movies are inherently limited by how ridiculous they are, and how they must appeal to a wide sector of the population. I dunno man, I've lost all taste for them recently, they're at best disposable entertainment that I forget about the next day. Even TDK has grown in de-appreciation for me.
This is the best movie based on a comic book/graphic novel
BP not being all white everything makes it more fresh than most of the MCU already.Black Panther will surprise people. You've got a great director working with a stellar cast. And like with Wonder Woman, it's looking like they're letting it be standalone within the larger shared universe.
And again like Wonder Woman, it's funny to think we'll get two Black Panther appearances in one year across the solo movie and the big team up. Only about three months apart for T'Challa, I think.
Honestly, where did Blade Runner's budget go. It doesn't look that expensive. Maybe its understated art design is deceiving.
Power Rangers tier, if it's lucky.
Black Panther will surprise people. You've got a great director working with a stellar cast. And like with Wonder Woman, it's looking like they're letting it be standalone within the larger shared universe.
And again like Wonder Woman, it's funny to think we'll get two Black Panther appearances in one year across the solo movie and the big team up. Only about three months apart for T'Challa, I think.