Women's March on Washington |OT| An intersectional march for all in 600+ cities

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Why couldn't this have happened before we gave Trump and the Republican Party control of the country? If nothing else this is just a practice run. Let's do this again when the midterm elections happen in 2018.
BS. If they did, why is he president? Even the Mormons fell in line

They fell right in line.

Republican voters always do. The Republican leadership didn't start it though. They opposed Trump throughout the primary, they opposed Trump throughout the general election and publicly called for him to end his campaign multiple times including after the pussy-grabbing incident. You can't revise history and pretend now that the Republicans actually liked and supported the guy, even now after he's won he's still saying whatever shit he wants.
My mom, in the car, mused about how she should have gone.
"Why didn't you?" I asked.
"Because I don't read the news. It's too depressing. I didn't know about the protest until this morning."
"Well, apathy like that is how this stuff happens."

I swear to God, she got an indignant tone and went "Not me".
Republican voters always do. The Republican leadership didn't start it though. They opposed Trump throughout the primary, they opposed Trump throughout the general election and publicly called for him to end his campaign multiple times including after the pussy-grabbing incident. You can't revise history and pretend now that the Republicans actually liked and supported the guy, even now after he's won he's still saying whatever shit he wants.

It doesn't matter if they liked him before the election. The fact is they supported him when it mattered most.


BS. If they did, why is he president? Even the Mormons fell in line

The radical conservatives came out in full-force. And I'm still utterly disgusted at how large that number truly was.

But I'm a Republican, and I've been embarrassed for the GOP for ages, but never more so than this year.

I proudly voted against this bigot, and pretty much any sensible moderate or sane Republican did the same.

... But there are a lot of people who, at the time, didn't vote for Trump because they liked him, but because they hated Hillary, and that "stand with your team" mindset, like a stupid football game where team loyalty is all that matters, consumes a large portion of Republicans.

But do know that I and millions of other Republicans loathe the orange bastard with a fiery passion.
Seeing not only photos from around the country, but also from parts of the world just warms the heart. What a good day to balance yesterday's doom and gloom.
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