Women's March on Washington |OT| An intersectional march for all in 600+ cities

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Holy shit.

Trump is straight up losing his shit and forcing people to issue statements about how "big" his inauguration was.

Yep, anyone thinking that his thin skin wouldn't be affected by this today was being overly optimistic.

HAHA! Thank you guys for being here, you lying dirty fucks!
Protests in all seven continents. Yes, all seven.



Ow wow. I facepalmed my way trough that press meeting.

And then it fucking scared the shit out of me. First press meet starts with a big attack on the press, boasting and lying bout the presidents popularity and diminishing the protests we saw today. That is a terrible way to start.
Just got back from the NYC march. I've never seen this many people happily assembled for one cause. The crowds stretched as far as I could see and covered all races, genders, ethnicities, and ages. It was a powerful, powerful event and I feel honored to have been a part of it.


Ow wow. I facepalmed my way trough that press meeting.

And then it fucking scared the shit out of me. First press meet starts with a big attack on the press, boasting and lying bout the presidents popularity and diminishing the protests we saw today. That is a terrible way to start.

Just about the ONLY thing CNN has been talking about for awhile now is him lying about the crowd size and him having called the IC Nazi's.



Omg, they wont drop it regarding number of supporters at the ceremony. Media are liars.. :O

edit: welps, that was over with quickly, and no comments on the march.

Why do they need a background with the white house on it and then TWO cardboard signs with the white house printed on them in addition to the podium? They are REALLY worried that people will forget they run this shit now lmao

Edit: Oh nm the two "cardboard" signs were screens :p


Awesome march!!!! I want to attend the one in Houston! We need to show the assholes that just took power that they're not unopposed!


I think I'm about to lose some friends on FB thanks to the status I just put up regarding the current protests and the whitehouse press conference

I'm so sad to see some of my friends turned out to be trump supporters..they are not bad people but the fact that they do not see the fear minorities are experiencing is baffling and something I just can't stand for, especially since I myself am a minority in this country.

I'm an international student and here's something that people might have already expected. Nationalistic/extremist political interests in my home country are using Trump as an example to rally people to their cause...it's absolutely frighting.

The world has gone positively fking mad
With all due respect, I haven't anything from Asia, Africa, or South America in this thread.

They are out there, just smaller or getting less coverage compared to DC, Seattle, London, Paris and Austin.

There are some in Sydney, Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul, Singapore, Rio, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Tel-Aviv, Beirut...everywhere.

Sydney -


Cape Town -


New Delhi -


Nairobi -


Tel Aviv -


Bangkok -


You get the idea.
Ditto. Was there for the 2011 Walker protests and was at the protest in Madison today. Protesting doesn't mean shit if you don't get your fucking ass to the voting booth every two years.

I'm not. I don't even have to look and I can tell you- a bunch of intellectually dishonest, hypocritical, hateful garbage.

People need to keep orangizing like this more often and definitely around local elections as well. People need to show up in massive numbers to town halls and and keep the pressure applied.


I think I just ruined my relationship with my family by letting them find out I'm pro-choice after they found out I went to the march in town. I love my family, and they knew I was liberal before, but apparently explicit support of pro-choice is too far. :-(


I think I'm about to lose some friends on FB thanks to the status I just put up regarding the current protests and the whitehouse press conference

I'm so sad to see some of my friends turned out to be trump supporters..they are not bad people but the fact that they do not see the fear minorities are experiencing is baffling and something I just can't stand for, especially since I myself am a minority in this country.

I'm an international student and here's something that people might have already expected. Nationalistic/extremist political interests in my home country are using Trump as an example to rally people to their cause...it's absolutely frighting.

The world has gone positively fking mad
Here's the thing...

A good friend is your friend despite your differences. That's what a real friend values, and a true friend challenges your beliefs and dares you hold yourself accountable to a higher standard.

It's the difference between a real friend and a fair-weather friend, who only can tolerate you if you fall in line with their group-think mentality.

I have friends who are Christian, Muslim, Atheist, gay, straight, male, female, African, Asian, young, old, conservative, liberal... because we value each other despite our differences and we can disagree and still show one another mutual respect and friendship.

... It's only the ignorant who cannot bare to be in the presence of someone who thinks or believes differently than themselves.
I think I just ruined my relationship with my family by letting them find out I'm pro-choice after they found out I went to the march in town. I love my family, and they knew I was liberal before, but apparently explicit support of pro-choice is too far. :-(

wow. its absolutely baffling that a position like "pro-choice" can be frowned upon that much. sorry :(
I think I just ruined my relationship with my family by letting them find out I'm pro-choice after they found out I went to the march in town. I love my family, and they knew I was liberal before, but apparently explicit support of pro-choice is too far. :-(

We're your family now.
I marched in San Antonio. Crowd was a bit smaller than I would have liked, but I know kf at least 2 civic groups that went to Austin, which makes sense. Whats thr best way to upload a few pics from my phone to this site.


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