Women's March on Washington |OT| An intersectional march for all in 600+ cities

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Today was my first major public protest in 22 years. The last one I attended was in Ottawa in 1995 when Quebec was threatening to separate from Canada right before the referendum vote. It was worth it to hear Jean Chretien speak in person and rally the nation.

Today was equally as important... except on a much larger scale as people stood up across the globe against the prospective tyranny that the Trump administration is poised to unleash upon the citizenry of the United States and the rest of the world. Today, we answered in the name of equality for all. And we will not stop answering.

Time for some pics of the march in Toronto...





Also, because I understand a lot of you weren't able to march in support today, here's a quick video that gives you a sense of what it was like to be in the middle of one...

Experience the March as if You Were There

Tolerance is not something that can be swept under the rug or dismissed as fake news by the denier in chief. It is here and it will be forced upon him one way or another.
There is a world of Wendy Testaburgers out there poised to kick Eric Cartman's ass.



Just got home from marching in Madison. Genuinely one of the most impressive moments of my entire life, never have I been around so many people, all of whom were kind, upbeat, and respectful. Registered to volunteer with Planned Parenthood and had several people take a picture of me with my Pikachu hat and sign. Truly wonderful day, which for the first time since November 9th, has made me believe that we may come out of this okay, if this populist momentum can continue and be funneled into electoral change in 2018.


I just want to say I'm so proud of the people who have been taking part in this, and I'm sorry I haven't been able to do so myself.

I have to admit I've been in a dark place recently, and it's been hard for me to stay hopeful. But seeing stuff like this... It's just beautiful.


im fine with the march and rallys but when you bring little kids into it and try to force your own agenda on them thats kind of messed up. Im not a trump supporter or hillary supporter mind you.

I have a 3yr old and cant fathom having him hold a sign up. Im sure most of these kids were just told by the parent to hold this while they have no idea wtf for.

Just my 2 cents, glad to see people get together for a cause, lets just hope they continue doing it and not just go back to their daily lives after this weekend is over.

like the old saying goes, Practice what you preach.
They are out there, just smaller or getting less coverage compared to DC, Seattle, London, Paris and Austin.

There are some in Sydney, Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul, Singapore, Rio, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Tel-Aviv, Beirut...everywhere.

Sydney -


Cape Town -


New Delhi -


Nairobi -


Tel Aviv -


Bangkok -


You get the idea.

;_; these are bringing a tear to my eye. im at a loss of words
What is with this pressing need to assert that these protesters have no intelligence, staying power, or plan?

And why does every movement that makes people uncomfortable have to get compared to Occupy?
What is with this pressing need to assert that these protesters have no intelligence, staying power, or plan?

And why does every movement that makes people uncomfortable have to get compared to Occupy?
I get what they're saying, but you hurt a movements message if people keep saying this.


He measures in centimeters
im fine with the march and rallys but when you bring little kids into it and try to force your own agenda on them thats kind of messed up. Im not a trump supporter or hillary supporter mind you.

I have a 3yr old and cant fathom having him hold a sign up. Im sure most of these kids were just told by the parent to hold this while they have no idea wtf for.

Just my 2 cents, glad to see people get together for a cause, lets just hope they continue doing it and not just go back to their daily lives after this weekend is over.

like the old saying goes, Practice what you preach.

Yes, having three year olds holding signs advocating human rights is truly pushing an unreasonable agenda.
im fine with the march and rallys but when you bring little kids into it and try to force your own agenda on them thats kind of messed up. Im not a trump supporter or hillary supporter mind you.

I have a 3yr old and cant fathom having him hold a sign up. Im sure most of these kids were just told by the parent to hold this while they have no idea wtf for.

Just my 2 cents, glad to see people get together for a cause, lets just hope they continue doing it and not just go back to their daily lives after this weekend is over.

like the old saying goes, Practice what you preach.

I disagree.

Maybe there are trying to teach their children a lesson. To stand up to bigotry, racism, sexism etc.

What better way to teach them then by a peaceful protest?

Being at a huge peaceful protest will leave a lasting positive impression on a child, I would think.
im fine with the march and rallys but when you bring little kids into it and try to force your own agenda on them thats kind of messed up. Im not a trump supporter or hillary supporter mind you.

I have a 3yr old and cant fathom having him hold a sign up. Im sure most of these kids were just told by the parent to hold this while they have no idea wtf for.

Just my 2 cents, glad to see people get together for a cause, lets just hope they continue doing it and not just go back to their daily lives after this weekend is over.

like the old saying goes, Practice what you preach.

I agree, but have no problem with a kid holding a sign saying "all are created equal." That's hardly an "agenda." Now, specific political or more aggressive signs - absolutely.
im fine with the march and rallys but when you bring little kids into it and try to force your own agenda on them thats kind of messed up. Im not a trump supporter or hillary supporter mind you.

I have a 3yr old and cant fathom having him hold a sign up. Im sure most of these kids were just told by the parent to hold this while they have no idea wtf for.

Just my 2 cents, glad to see people get together for a cause, lets just hope they continue doing it and not just go back to their daily lives after this weekend is over.

like the old saying goes, Practice what you preach.

Treating people equally should not be considered a "forced agenda".


I agree, but have no problem with a kid holding a sign saying "all are created equal." That's hardly an "agenda." Now, specific political or more aggressive signs - absolutely.

I agree,but ive seen signs saying alot of "political" stuff too is why i made the comment.

Just think its weird personally (politcal stuff)


For you.
im fine with the march and rallys but when you bring little kids into it and try to force your own agenda on them thats kind of messed up. Im not a trump supporter or hillary supporter mind you.

I have a 3yr old and cant fathom having him hold a sign up. Im sure most of these kids were just told by the parent to hold this while they have no idea wtf for.

Just my 2 cents, glad to see people get together for a cause, lets just hope they continue doing it and not just go back to their daily lives after this weekend is over.

like the old saying goes, Practice what you preach.

The principle of all people being equal is not a motherfucking "agenda". It's the very basis of a decent human.


An estimated 2800 in Denton, Texas! I know it's not as big as some of y'alls marches, but it's nice to see such a turnout in the very conservative burbs of DFW.

Denton Square

Me, in the orange

Right on, Beeks. I'd seen pictures from Dallas and fort Worth, but not Denton. Great photos.



Counter Point: It's literally his first day in office. This is just getting started. Today was important because it demonstrates two key facts;
1. Trump has no mandate and does not represent the will of the people.
2. Those who oppose Trump are not alone and have not been beaten.​
What comes next is absolutely important (and to be clear I'm not attacking you for bringing up a very good point), but the first thing you have to do in a fight like this is stand back up after you've been knocked down. I can't speak for everyone, but I feel like I've been down since Election Day and needed something like today to restore a measure of hope and defiance in place of despair.

Whatever comes next, today was a goddamn good day and we haven't had one of those in far too long.


My fellow GAFers: the march in DC was friggen awesome.

I'm hearing conflicting stories about crowd numbers.

It was absolutely massive in size regardless. Felt unreal.
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