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Won't have to talk my friends into COD this year


Gold Member


Gold Member
Oof. Thats a harsh permanent ban is it not? Console warrior and Gamepass shill? For every one of him there are another 20 console warriors and Gamepass haters, shitting up Xbox/MS threads everywhere. What’s the difference? Cull them all!

Most people who get permabanned have a history of the behavior that got them there. Starting a thread to immediately console war looks especially pathetic.


Oof. Thats a harsh permanent ban is it not? Console warrior and Gamepass shill? For every one of him there are another 20 console warriors and Gamepass haters, shitting up Xbox/MS threads everywhere. What’s the difference? Cull them all!
Sure.! Lets start... post here the ones you recommend for ban and their respective posts that made you want to ban them.
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Gold Member
Which did remind me. I subbed for a month of GamePass yesterday. Kids wanted to play something, but apparently the hundreds of games on Xbox, PS5, Switch and PC that I had didn’t do it for them.

So I subbed for a month so they could check out “Little Kitty in a Big City” (surprisingly decent indie puzzle game), Lego Racing and something else. They clicked and they were happy. No idea why in the world the other couple hundred or more kids friendly games that I have were not enough, but hey, it is what it is.


Every year we have a big fight amongst my gaming friends on whether or not to get the new fresh dog turd. There are 5 of us and every year 1 or 2 of these mooks puts up a stink about spending the money on the new fresh dog turd if it's "too slimey" that year or whatever.

It's been a struggle for us for decades to get all of us to commit to the same dog and same turds to play until we discovered Turdpass. Now when one of us finds a new turd, we know that we all have access to it and the group is almost always willing to dedicate and hour or 2 to trying out a new turd. Free 2 play turds and Turdpass has kept this group of 40ish year old turd lovers with imaginary wives and retarded kids together playing turds together 2-4 times a week. LOVE that it now applies to F.D.T!

I know you PS guys don't play turds with friends and prefer to play interactive movies like Last of Us (amazing game and show btw), God of War, and Spider Man, but for those of us who turd as a means of spending quality virtual time with imaginary friends, you can't beat Turdpass. Thank you Phil! THANK YOU for keeping me and my friends together.
Oof. Thats a harsh permanent ban is it not? Console warrior and Gamepass shill? For every one of him there are another 20 console warriors and Gamepass haters, shitting up Xbox/MS threads everywhere. What’s the difference? Cull them all!

Put away your sword and shield, this isn't it.


Gold Member
Daily Story Time with Hybrid Birth

The Fall of Slimy Snake

Now the slimy serpent was more crafty than any of the forum members that the Lord EviLore EviLore had made. He said to NeoGaf ,

“Did EviLore really say, you must not be a console warrior in NeoGaf’?”

A forum member said to the serpent, “We may post about anything we want in Neogaf. but EviLore did say, You must not console war in NeoGaf or you will be banned.

“You will not certainly be banned ” the
slimy serpent said to the forum dweller. “For EviLore knows that when you console war your eyes will be opened, and you will be like EviLore, knowing good and evil.”

When the forum dwellers saw that console warring was good for likes and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining LOLs they posted some console warring posts. .

Then the eyes of the forum dwellers were opened, and they realized they were fools so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

Then the forum dwellers heard the sound of EviLore as he was walking in NeoGaf in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord EviLore among the memes of NeoGaf.

But the Lord EviLore called to the forum dwellers “Where are you?”

They answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I am a fool"

And he said, “Who told you that you were a fool? Have you posted console warring posts that I commanded you not to?

The forum dwellers said "We have posted console warning posts and we shilled for game pass.

Then the Lord EviLore said to the forum dwellers “What is this you have done?”

They said, “The serpent deceived me, and I posted.

So the Lord EviLore said to Slimy Snake

“Because you have done this,

“Cursed are you above all mods
and all forum dwellers!
You will crawl on your belly
and you will never post at NeoGaf again
For all the days of your life.
And I will ban you with an everlasting ban."
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Gold Member
Oof. Thats a harsh permanent ban is it not? Console warrior and Gamepass shill? For every one of him there are another 20 console warriors and Gamepass haters, shitting up Xbox/MS threads everywhere. What’s the difference? Cull them all!
I’m tired of the console warriors on GAF, but you’re right, there’s a bunch even on this thread that are console warriors for SNY. There’s been a huge influx of kids on here, but if mods started cracking down, there would be 5 members left.

That being said, as someone who is always calling for bans, a permanent ban is a bit harsh. I vote 6 weeks, max.


Hey Tyler it's Sneakysnake, just borrowing my friend's account real quick (but you can delete it, he doesn't care). Firstly, cute thing you did there with the ban message. Secondly, just for clarification are you seriously okay with the way NeoGaf is right now? There will be a Playing COD with Gamepass Bros | OT thread by the end of the year (if there isn't one already). Is the site's moral grotesqueity supposed to be your revenge against the "console Warriors" who scorned you? Good grief. No offense but be honest, if you heard of someone else doing that, wouldn't you think that it's the most pathetic and predicatble thing ever?


Hey Tyler it's Sneakysnake, just borrowing my friend's account real quick (but you can delete it, he doesn't care). Firstly, cute thing you did there with the ban message. Secondly, just for clarification are you seriously okay with the way NeoGaf is right now? There will be a Playing COD with Gamepass Bros | OT thread by the end of the year (if there isn't one already). Is the site's moral grotesqueity supposed to be your revenge against the "console Warriors" who scorned you? Good grief. No offense but be honest, if you heard of someone else doing that, wouldn't you think that it's the most pathetic and predicatble thing ever?


Gold Member
Hey Tyler it's Sneakysnake, just borrowing my friend's account real quick (but you can delete it, he doesn't care). Firstly, cute thing you did there with the ban message. Secondly, just for clarification are you seriously okay with the way NeoGaf is right now? There will be a Playing COD with Gamepass Bros | OT thread by the end of the year (if there isn't one already). Is the site's moral grotesqueity supposed to be your revenge against the "console Warriors" who scorned you? Good grief. No offense but be honest, if you heard of someone else doing that, wouldn't you think that it's the most pathetic and predicatble thing ever?
Will Ferrell Goodbye GIF by filmeditor


for those of us who game as a means of spending quality virtual time with friends, you can't beat gamepass.
Odd way to spell CS2, which is cheaper than gamepass and let's me spend quality time with my friends. And it doesn't even make me harass people that prefer to play on PS or, mind you, single player games on any platform (which I also play, lol).

Oh, and also:
Pouring Discovery Channel GIF by Discovery
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