Just ran my first Legion dungeon, Halls of Valor, it was the tail end of the artifact quest chain so it was insta-queue, even as a dps. We had a Resto Shaman that healed without their artifact (!), an int weapon (!!), and with no off-hand at all (!!!), needless to say the run was interesting. Didn't think to check the Shaman's gear until the last boss and by that point the dungeon was almost over anyways. I think the tanks used Soul Stone 3 or 4 times. Am I ever glad Warlocks are tank-y as fuck and can basically heal themselves.
Almost wrapped up Stormheim, my first Legion zone, and then I will go to the zone I apparently should have gone to in the first place, Azsuna, as an engineer and warlock. Although I might grab the treasure map and Stormheim treasures first since I'll hit Honored with the Valarjar shortly.
I really like how the zone and zone dungeon are connected by the over-arching plot of the expansion.
Also as a Horde player, fuck Sylvanas.