Completely off topic but I figure you guys might have ideas.
What playable race's and classes/hero classes would you like to see in future expansions.
Vrykul playble and uncorrupted Orcs/Wildhammer Dwarves creation options.
Completely off topic but I figure you guys might have ideas.
What playable race's and classes/hero classes would you like to see in future expansions.
As someone who enjoyed almost every aspect of WoW since Vanilla... I have to get this off my chest.
The Broken isles are some of the absolute worst zones ever designed in MMO history. It's like someone took a WoW zone and crushed it like a can; compressing the areas between quest hubs into small corridors that overlap on top of each other. It's my only complaint so far... but damn, navigating these zones is frustrating as fuck.
As someone who enjoyed almost every aspect of WoW since Vanilla... I have to get this off my chest.
The Broken isles are some of the absolute worst zones ever designed in MMO history. It's like someone took a WoW zone and crushed it like a can; compressing the areas between quest hubs into small corridors that overlap on top of each other. It's my only complaint so far... but damn, navigating these zones is frustrating as fuck.
Completely off topic but I figure you guys might have ideas.
What playable race's and classes/hero classes would you like to see in future expansions.
How does one fail a 104% chance mission?
Edit: And now a 101% one.
If you don't hit the ilevel requirement.
Completely off topic but I figure you guys might have ideas.
What playable race's and classes/hero classes would you like to see in future expansions.
Completely off topic but I figure you guys might have ideas.
What playable race's and classes/hero classes would you like to see in future expansions.
Damn me.
I finally decide I'm boosting a Paladin, I have a lvl 60 Dwarf already for that.
But then I started to think do I want to play Horde instead?!
stupid mind.
I need to play an Ethereal.
So, loose justfication for toy nerfs.
Dancing around the Destroy mastery issue.
Not even addressing the Affliction ramp up issue.
Talking shit about Warlock "Tankiness" when we're suppose to be dps.
...kinda pointless.
As they say... "fake it til you make it". They don't really have anything *new* in them, shit just hits harder and faster. The only thing that really caught me off guard was the laser on the last boss in Black Rook Hold since it went so fast.
PUGing is like being in a car accident. Never admit fault.
It's kind of true actually. Just become the fucking villain, it's better. If no one else allegedly did anything wrong then neither did you! No good comes of admitting fault! Haha
I was talking to a friend about this the other day and I feel like my Orc Shaman would have wanted no part of her storyline.
She won't be Garrosh. They're setting her up for a redemption story.
Wouldn't blame anyone for rerolling Alliance atm
Tanaan was so horrific, so these feel great to me in comparison. Sarumar is such a huge upgrade.
To make the different areas of the game feel more connected. I think everyone has at least 1 dungeon quest in their order hall campaign.Aw, why did they put a mandatory dungeon in class hall campaigns? At least for DH it wants me to go into the vault of the wardens.
actually liking 2 specs on a class is...a conumdrum
Aw, why did they put a mandatory dungeon in class hall campaigns? At least for DH it wants me to go into the vault of the wardens.
Try being a druid who really enjoys all four!
Can anyone recommend a good UI pack that is pretty minimal and clean? Been looking around on WoWInterface and Curse, but nothing is really catching my eye. I see a ton using ElvUI, but that looks way too busy.
It worries me that one of the key things they identified in the Q&A about Warlocks is that we have a lot of health and can take dmg. So wtf is that supposed to do in raids, are we supposed to stand in the fire and pop sac pact because it gives us millions of health? If we're supposed to be tanky, give us a tank spec! Oh wait, you took away Metamorphosis and gave us nothing in return so guess that's out.
At least Pallies can play Holy or Prot. Warlocks have 3 DPS specs that are all varying degrees of ughhhhhhhhhhhhh
The Sylvanias storyline was quite disappointing for me. Vol'Jin's death is a tragic waste of a great character that deserved a lot more development in game (especially considering he was pretty much the last significant troll lore figure still alive). But I was willing to give the blatant fanservice move a chance, the cinematic made it seem like she was actually start to see herself as a member of the Horde and not just an ally of convenience to it.
And then it's right back to her trying to get immortality and make more undead? That has literally nothing to do with her taking up the mantle of warchief, they could have done that storyline even if Vol'jin were alive, it would make no difference.
Ive only done horde side, but even what little I see, Greymane at least has something of an arc, goals that make sense and are consistent with his role in the story, Sylvanas is just "For the Horde" for a split second and then right back to her usual scheming self.
Lor'Themar Theron and the Blood Elves legitimately seem to be closer to the "core" horde races than Sylvanas does, and that's even considering that he tried to secede in MoP due to Garrosh.
As a big horde guy, it was just disappointing. I like seeing the disparate races of the Horde come together, and so that's what I hoped to see with Sylvanas. Working together and doing everything for the greater good of the Horde, and instead it was just self serving shit like usual.
Yep. I liked Stormheim the zone a lot mechanically, but the Sylvanas storyline was hot garbage. Not only was it completely disjointed from the other cinematics in the game, it made absolutely no sense horde side. Firstly you get attacked by the alliance for no apparent reason, then Sylvanas vanishes, then she reappears and has you commit genocide against the good vyrkul and finally tries to enslave a being of pure light for her own immortality. I felt very uncomfortable doing the quests because to be frank - my character would not do this.
It's a real shit show to be frank, and one of the few bad points to the expansion. Like Garosh's schizophrenic storyline in cataclysm, it's as if different writers were writing different sections for her and they obviously weren't talking.
(I also honestly don't get her supposed motivation - my race cannot reproduce, so we need vyrkul to make more of us? So what? It's not as if anyone *enjoys* being forsaken, they go on about the curse constantly! Her motivation is *dumb*.
Yep. I liked Stormheim the zone a lot mechanically, but the Sylvanas storyline was hot garbage. Not only was it completely disjointed from the other cinematics in the game, it made absolutely no sense horde side. Firstly you get attacked by the alliance for no apparent reason, then Sylvanas vanishes, then she reappears and has you commit genocide against the good vyrkul and finally tries to enslave a being of pure light for her own immortality. I felt very uncomfortable doing the quests because to be frank - my character would not do this.
It's a real shit show to be frank, and one of the few bad points to the expansion. Like Garosh's schizophrenic storyline in cataclysm, it's as if different writers were writing different sections for her and they obviously weren't talking.
(I also honestly don't get her supposed motivation - my race cannot reproduce, so we need vyrkul to make more of us? So what? It's not as if anyone *enjoys* being forsaken, they go on about the curse constantly! Her motivation is *dumb*.
go do Tirisfal Glades sometime if you haven't. They don't like that they were slaughtered by Arthas and made into undead, so they're bitter, but they don't hate 'living' as it were, you're making it out as if the forsaken live in constant agony - that's patently false, they only hate that they were forcibly turned. The valkyr allow them both to renew their dead and to 'birth' new forsaken from those who have already died. It stops her civilization from being wiped out. Just because a horrible thing created them doesn't mean they want to stop existing now, that's never been the case.
I hope the Warcheif storyline ends with everyone finding out Vul'jin chose Sylvannas because 'the spirits told him' and she completely fucks everyone over and Vul'jin looks like the complete idiot that he is.
Burn in Troll hell
Pinning that on Vol'jin is ridiculous. That's entirely the fault of Blizzard's clumsy writing. "Uh, Vol'jin would never actually want Sylvanas to be Warchief, right? Spirits tell him to do it boom we're geniuses." Her sizeable fandom shares some of the blame too.
Should've been Baine or even Lor'Themar if they were determined to kill Vol'jin.
Again these are the first quests for the DK and DH. Those all have the required ilevel and everything is countered by default as it is the first quests.There are missions you can fail regardless of your success % if you don't counter certain abilities.
There is a little pop-up for the first time, but it's easy to miss. They should really show 0% in those cases.
Lor'Themar was in talks to join the Alliance. Baine is a literal nobody at best and a complete loser at worst. He shows no signs of leadership and is never even delegated remotely important tasks within the Horde. Sylvanas is the only logical choice and the events on the Broken Shore clearly speak to that.Pinning that on Vol'jin is ridiculous. That's entirely the fault of Blizzard's clumsy writing. "Uh, Vol'jin would never actually want Sylvanas to be Warchief, right? Spirits tell him to do it boom we're geniuses." Her sizeable fandom shares some of the blame too.
Should've been Baine or even Lor'Themar if they were determined to kill Vol'jin.
Not arguing one way or the other about the quality (I think ti's fine). She never orders you to commit genocide against anyone, she sends you after the Aegis of Aggramar which involves participating in the culture to get admitted to see odyn. The alliance wants to stop you because it's specifically the gilnean navy, and Genn has a personal vendetta with Sylvanas. Meanwhile, she is in secret pursuing the lantern to enslave the valkyrs (not the vrykuls), who are the only source she knows of of continuing the forsaken. This isn't a new plotline, this is literally what she's been workign on since Catalcysm. go do Tirisfal Glades sometime if you haven't. They don't like that they were slaughtered by Arthas and made into undead, so they're bitter, but they don't hate 'living' as it were, you're making it out as if the forsaken live in constant agony - that's patently false, they only hate that they were forcibly turned. The valkyr allow them both to renew their dead and to 'birth' new forsaken from those who have already died. It stops her civilization from being wiped out. Just because a horrible thing created them doesn't mean they want to stop existing now, that's never been the case.
TLDR: What you're saying is untrue or misunderstanding on your part every step of the way, and for Sylvanas NOT to do waht she did would've been out of character, not doing it.
Completely off topic but I figure you guys might have ideas.
What playable race's and classes/hero classes would you like to see in future expansions.
actually liking 2 specs on a class is...a conumdrum
I see you're familiar with Chris Metzen's work.Sylvanas is clearly being set up to become the Lich Queen in the upcoming Return to Northrend expansion. I see no other logical explanation.
/s... maybe?