First you get really drunk so you can't feel pain, then you get punched in the face. You are now the drunken master
in game of course
Just ran my first Legion dungeon, Halls of Valor, it was the tail end of the artifact quest chain so it was insta-queue, even as a dps. We had a Resto Shaman that healed without their artifact (!), an int weapon (!!), and with no off-hand at all (!!!), needless to say the run was interesting. Didn't think to check the Shaman's gear until the last boss and by that point the dungeon was almost over anyways. I think the tanks used Soul Stone 3 or 4 times. Am I ever glad Warlocks are tank-y as fuck and can basically heal themselves.
Almost wrapped up Stormheim, my first Legion zone, and then I will go to the zone I apparently should have gone to in the first place, Azsuna, as an engineer and warlock. Although I might grab the treasure map and Stormheim treasures first since I'll hit Honored with the Valarjar shortly.
I really like how the zone and zone dungeon are connected by the over-arching plot of the expansion.
Also as a Horde player, fuck Sylvanas.
You take that back or else.
I finished the Stormheim storyline today and I liked it. I didn't like how Genn ruined it all for Sylvanas, but hopefully he'll follow Varian soon enough.
my monk is ilvl 598, basically just questing gear from 90 to 100, didnt do any invasions.
also I dont have a 2hander, I only had 2 ihanders from windwalker, so I cant even use blackout strike as brewmaster lol. That being said the artfact quest is going fine so far which is shocking.
is there a good mod to see how much staggered damage you have so you know when to clear it?
You take that back or else.
I finished the Stormheim storyline today and I liked it. I didn't like how Genn ruined it all for Sylvanas, but hopefully he'll follow Varian soon enough.
my monk is ilvl 598, basically just questing gear from 90 to 100, didnt do any invasions.
also I dont have a 2hander, I only had 2 ihanders from windwalker, so I cant even use blackout strike as brewmaster lol. That being said the artfact quest is going fine so far which is shocking.
is there a good mod to see how much staggered damage you have so you know when to clear it?
Nah, Sylvanas is going to go evil and we'll get to kill her in an upcoming patch or expansion. I look forward to that day.
If you have access to your order hall there's a vendor that sells weapons for every spec. She's near the hotel that's across from your order hall table.
No idea how to Brew but he still looks pretty awesome.
I thought Mythic may be rough, like tanks getting 3-shotted?
having a hard time wraping my head around this stagger / brew shit
Nah, Sylvanas is going to go evil and we'll get to kill her in an upcoming patch or expansion. I look forward to that day.
If you have access to your order hall there's a vendor that sells weapons for every spec. She's near the hotel that's across from your order hall table.
having a hard time wraping my head around this stagger / brew shit
Effects like mist and certain spell effects drag down my FPS. Particulary annoying when I'm tanking and large packs of trash mobs are spamming shit. Otherwise my FPS is perfect.
Particle density is already at low, what other graphical setting should I tone down???
This quest was much easier than I expected it to be.
Token price keeps dropping. It's at 32k now.
That's strange to me, wouldn't it trend upwards with that new expansion gold boom?
Maybe professions need to get a foothold
That's strange to me, wouldn't it trend upwards with that new expansion gold boom?
Maybe professions need to get a foothold
how does I quest fox?!
The beta is still up...?
My followers/champions are all around 775 iLvl and I feel like in doing it wrong
Also they still seem to "gain levels" with XP even though they are all 110 - but I don't see any change that occurs from them doing so
Am I missing something with the Kirin Tor world quests? Just hit 110 and opened world quests yesterday, but I've only been able to find one Kirin Tor. Are they hidden or not marked or just rare or something?
Skullflower. It's a custom ElvUI setup that's very minimalist.
How do I copy my Skullflower setup for alts? I configured it for my main, but when I log on to any other character they are still using base ElvUI. Don't really want to set up individually for every character I got.
We already had an evil horde leader to kill. It's the Alliance's turn.
Final boss of Legion: Jaina, Avatar of Sargeras
I dont need no vendor weapons, I do it with my 598 1 hander damn it! :3
No idea how to Brew but he still looks pretty awesome.
having a hard time wraping my head around this stagger / brew shit
This quest was much easier than I expected it to be.
That's strange to me, wouldn't it trend upwards with that new expansion gold boom?
Maybe professions need to get a foothold
Do demon hunter have any bodyguards that is active with you at all times? Not just spawn and do an ability and then go away?
I've seen people with bodyguards that are always out.
Akama is also a permanent companion.