"Thats not an invasion force. Thats an army!"
Such an odd line.
The last few characters ive just skipped the intro but decided to do Broken Shore again on my Mage. Seems that some stuff has been cut to make the trip to the Broken Isles shorter. After you return to the capital city and are summoned to Dalaran over Deadwind Pass you just talk to Khadgar and the teleportation happens immediately. The part where you go into Kara seems to have been removed completely.
You should do the orbs to make the Kosumoth WQ appear there. Unless that's the one you're referring to.
didnt even notice eye of azshara was a zone and not just a dungeon until I just had a WQ there. What a clusterfuck that was lol. I assume there will be a world boss there when they are live because otherwise its a bit of a pointless zone
Yeah they had mentioned that the Ulduar/Kara stuff would be prepatch only.
Its probably going to be something like Tanaan/Quel'danas/Molten Front/Timeless Isle.didnt even notice eye of azshara was a zone and not just a dungeon until I just had a WQ there. What a clusterfuck that was lol. I assume there will be a world boss there when they are live because otherwise its a bit of a pointless zone
I don't think any classes champions quite compare to Rogues. It's like a laundry list of famous and pretty visible characters with deep back stories; Garona, Vanessa VanCleef, Mathias Shaw, Valeera Sanguinar, Marin Noggenfogger, Lord Jaroch Ravenholdt. The only kind of throwaway character is Fleet Admiral Tethys, but even he is the leader of the Bloodsail Buccaneers. All the other classes seem to have 1-3 big names and a bunch of filler. I'd probably put DK's in second followed by Druids.
Everyone gets to see something of them through the hall campaign. It's the quest line from Khadgar that makes you go underwater to examine a meteorite crash.
i don't remember seeing them..maybe i just wasn't properly paying attention
[edit] mages get millhouse manastorm, who has an ability that makes missions longer
.... WHY
so I should be fine lvling a Priest as Disc damage wise right? I mean compared to other healers
so I should be fine lvling a Priest as Disc damage wise right? I mean compared to other healers
I don't think any classes champions quite compare to Rogues. It's like a laundry list of famous and pretty visible characters with deep back stories; Garona, Vanessa VanCleef, Mathias Shaw, Valeera Sanguinar, Marin Noggenfogger, Lord Jaroch Ravenholdt. The only kind of throwaway character is Fleet Admiral Tethys, but even he is the leader of the Bloodsail Buccaneers. All the other classes seem to have 1-3 big names and a bunch of filler. I'd probably put DK's in second followed by Druids.
so I should be fine lvling a Priest as Disc damage wise right? I mean compared to other healers
okay well clearly i wasn't paying attention during the class order quests because i missed thatvelen has apparently abandoned the light and is taking the exodar back to argus
i still don't see whereturalyon and alleria come into i though. they get mentioned but i don't recall anything more?
The party and the guild members melted into a jelly.
Personally I don't see what the big deal is. :^)
Based on the class trial I did I have to say that rogues have some of the best, if not the best, class related stuff. Great roster of characters, incredible class hall LOADED with detail, cool and meaningful artifacts, and an amazing new spec. They got a lot of love this time around.
My main is a warrior and while actually playing the class is as enjoyable as it has ever been, I really don't care for any of the class hall stuff, and the artifacts could have been much better. I'm not really into RP per se, but as an Orc warrior, I can't help but feel like "who cares" every time I go up to my golden Valhallan palace in the sky.
Anybody else who never really pvp'd find it somewhat enjoyable now? I love getting the new abilities as I level up. I really want the artifact skins! This is probably the most fun I've had pvping even though I was always a pve person.
Man, the Priest, DK, and Paladin mythic sets for tier 19 make me REALLY sad I can't raid like I did back in the day. The armors just look so goooooooood, it's crazy.
Monk, however, looks terrible. It's weird how almost every tier there is some class that winds up with a mythic sets that just looks some green quality leveling gear.... Seems like Monk especially has kind of an identity issue when it comes to set designs - never really a clear focus.
Man, the Priest, DK, and Paladin mythic sets for tier 19 make me REALLY sad I can't raid like I did back in the day. The armors just look so goooooooood, it's crazy.
Monk, however, looks terrible. It's weird how almost every tier there is some class that winds up with a mythic sets that just looks some green quality leveling gear.... Seems like Monk especially has kind of an identity issue when it comes to set designs - never really a clear focus.
Based on the class trial I did I have to say that rogues have some of the best, if not the best, class related stuff. Great roster of characters, incredible class hall LOADED with detail, cool and meaningful artifacts, and an amazing new spec. They got a lot of love this time around.
My main is a warrior and while actually playing the class is as enjoyable as it has ever been, I really don't care for any of the class hall stuff, and the artifacts could have been much better. I'm not really into RP per se, but as an Orc warrior, I can't help but feel like "who cares" every time I go up to my golden Valhallan palace in the sky.
getting real old gettin declined for mythic court / arcway when I have the ilvl they ask for. I cant imagine what its like for locks and palis if I cant get a group as a hunter
dat druid set tho <3
Druid Mythic 19 set. So. Good.
It's funny, the amount of complaining rogues did about their class hall when it got revealed that it turned out to be the best of all of them IMO. They even get some of the best champions.
getting real old gettin declined for mythic court / arcway when I have the ilvl they ask for. I cant imagine what its like for locks and palis if I cant get a group as a hunter
I mean, Ravenholdt Manor would have been cool too but
a) how would you get there easily, other than a portal (which isn't very rogue-like)?
b) Ravenholdt is already the main dude in the rogue class hall anyway
c) the sewers don't feel gross and scummy like people worried - they feel like some hidden, bustling, whimsical underworld. I love the dead adventurer on the docks, the goblin reclining on the gold pile, and all the other little details.
If a tank/healer lists a group, then there will be 30+ applicants for that group in just a minute or two. You're most likely getting declined because 3 of those 30 have a higher item level than yourself.
getting real old gettin declined for mythic court / arcway when I have the ilvl they ask for. I cant imagine what its like for locks and palis if I cant get a group as a hunter
Honestly there are certain mythics that I will not take hunters to simply because I don't want to deal with the inevitable barrage wipes. It is unfortunate because I'm sure plenty of hunters can use the ability just fine, but after 3 separate instances of me specifically telling hunters not to use barrage just to be safe and them doing so anyway I just can't justify taking one. Maybe I'd take one that has something like "I don't use barrage" in their comment hah. Was my favorite AoE ability on hunter in WoD, but man if legion dungeons are not friendly to this specific ability. Also, there continues to be a 1 in 3 chance that BM/Surv hunters have pet taunt on, which is so much more annoying with the much more deadly frontal cone attacks in legion dungeons. Glad marks generally doesn't use a pet at least...
But that actually reminds me, I really wish you had to apply to groups with the group finder as a specific spec, not just your class and the fact that you are DPS. Like, if there is a druid app to my group but I have 2 melee already, I would want him to be boomkin. But I can't see that from his app unless he puts it in his comment, and I could whisper him and wait for a response, or take 1 second to invite one of the many other apps.
Akama is a shitter. I wish Matron Mother Malevolence was our companion. She's my abuela.
But you can have her as a bodyguard...?
any trick to dark animus solo in ToT? I just get obliterated in seconds by all the mobs, I cant kill them fast enough.
25m solo, its been fine so far
I dont use barrage, im BM. I know you (or anyone) cant know that (well they can since I say im BM in the comment but still)
getting real old gettin declined for mythic court / arcway when I have the ilvl they ask for. I cant imagine what its like for locks and palis if I cant get a group as a hunter
A lot of people deride WoD for having too many Orcs but the whole "alternate universe" angle meant they could do whatever the fuck they wanted and I feel the zones themselves benefited from that. Legion, on the other hand, has the problem of "this is not-Azshara, this is not-Felwood, and this is not-Howling Fjord". Because they need to stay within the confines of Azeroth, they more or less have to recycle concepts. Even Suramar is more or less a retread of the Blood Elf story.
Hey, could someone tell me what backpack mod this is? It's literally the first backpack mod I've ever seen that looks like something I'd want to use.