This is AdiBags. It sorts your stuff automatically into categories and has a shortcut for vendoring greys.
Awesome, thanks
This is AdiBags. It sorts your stuff automatically into categories and has a shortcut for vendoring greys.
I mean, Ravenholdt Manor would have been cool too but
a) how would you get there easily, other than a portal (which isn't very rogue-like)?
b) Ravenholdt is already the main dude in the rogue class hall anyway
c) the sewers don't feel gross and scummy like people worried - they feel like some hidden, bustling, whimsical underworld. I love the dead adventurer on the docks, the goblin reclining on the gold pile, and all the other little details.
This is AdiBags. It sorts your stuff automatically into categories and has a shortcut for vendoring greys.
Well, a priest with halo should be behind the group so they shouldn't be in range to hit things ahead of the group with it. But also, divine star is just a better talent to use for 5 mans anyway, halo will be more useful in raidsHalo looks like it could be the Priest version of Barrage. Am I wrong? :/
Halo looks like it could be the Priest version of Barrage. Am I wrong? :/
Well, a priest with halo should be behind the group so they shouldn't be in range to hit things ahead of the group with it. But also, divine star is just a better talent to use for 5 mans anyway, halo will be more useful in raids
not even close.
Having played Legion extensively and following the leveling path a few times, I actually think it's pretty weak. Blizzard did a good job with the late game systems, but the path there is just beyond slight and forgettable. Highmountain is probably just the epitome of this, a completely one note zone with no interesting dynamics that does less with its repeated themes than we've seen in Warcraft before. Revisiting the Cataclysm zones for some of the Shaman quests really shed light on how bland the Legion zones are. Warlords of Draenor had an extreme number of problems, but the locations were much more diverse, dynamic, and interesting to explore.
I feel that Blizzard should be held to a higher accountability level with Legion's leveling zones. They are spartan, uninteresting, lacking diversity, and have such an insignificant soundtrack backing them up. Legion's leveling is getting a pass because it's quick and painless, but the complexity, scope, and ambition is completely absent.
Even if I feel that Gorgrond does not come together as a whole to deliver a very strong story, it does feel like a zone that hits the vibe right for exploring and adventuring. It is a really diverse zone that transitions between thick jungle, deep caves, rocky desert, and steaming hot springs. There is cool story stuff there, where you're teaming up with Rexxar to take on the Iron Horde as they exploit the resources of the land.
It also houses three very distinct dungeons and what is probably one of the best raids this game has ever seen. There are definitely Legion zones that I would consider a step down from it, even for all its inadequacies.
If you take Highmountain as a very general point of comparison, yeah, sure, the story flows better but what are the memorable quests and locations? Its feature is elevation, but it's actually a very flat zone when it comes to where players quest, as each hub plays out in a fairly unremarkable space. It's the "highest mountain" on Azeroth, but the ascension to the peak is just so dull compared to Kun-lai Summit. Even WoD's Nagrand felt like it made greater use of elevation with its climbs to peaks, and the hidden treasure locations that required glider runs to lower points.
The core of Warlords has really strong zones. Shadowmoon Valley, Spires of Arak, Frostfire Ridge are all great, with Nagrand ranking in as pretty good. Legion has four leveling zones and half of them are somewhere between not good and bad. As a whole it is the expansion that feels the least ambitious with its zone concepts and that's just a huge mark against it for me.
Suramar is one of my favorite zones of all time and I judge people that don't like it just a lil bit
I got lost in Highmountain trying to find my way to the peak for a profession quest. I had to legitimately explore a mountain top, and on my jaunt around the mountain I found treasures, scenarios and fought rares that all provided something meaningful and almost as rewarding as the vista that greeted me from the very peak of Highmountain.
I get declined as an 845 healer because I'm a monk and not a paladin so don't think too hard about it and try the next party, chances are they aren't breathing with their mouth.
LF Healer, no AST pst
Suramar is one of my favorite zones of all time and I judge people that don't like it just a lil bit
Whos fucking stupid idea was it to put a digsite at the Temple of a Thousand Lights in Azsuna. That person needs a good slap.
Suramar is one of my favorite zones of all time and I judge people that don't like it just a lil bit
While I know this feeling (Mining, Blacksmithing quests), I'm not too sure if you ever go near that area otherwise so that may be a big part in making the zone feel as leveled off as it does. I did Highmountain as my second zone on my DK purely because of this quest chain and it was the most suffering in the game thus far and is entirely why I dislike Highmountain as a zone. At the same time, it's a memorable experience entirely of being so lost and bewildered at how the hell do I scale this stupid mountain.
I don't even know how I eventually made it but I remember taking the time afterwards to try and scale down "properly" to see if it was meant to be that much of a struggle and laughing so hard at the clearly marked off path leading to the top that I somehow overlooked in my climb.
Also, Highmountain has that Murky quest so there's that.
We got Chimaeron tameable in WoD
Thok tameable in Legion
It's going to be 2 more expansions until Fenryr is tameable, huh?
Just give me the Sif looking wolf in Vale of the Eternal Blossoms.
Generally speaking, I would say that the alien nature of the Burning Crusade zones was pretty hit or miss. Hellfire Peninsula really did just feel like an extension of the Blasted Lands, and while I appreciate Zangarmarsh, it was a relief more than anything just to leave the hellish overpopulated PvP mess Blizzard made with Hellfire Peninsula during BC launch. Personally I probably got more out of finding the Zangaraa grotto in Talador with the base of operations Khadgar had set up there.While very beautiful--the WoW world art team seems like they are always on-point with some amazing work these days--Warlords zones felt dull and unimaginative compared to their more creative counter-parts from The Burning Crusade. It's more than just lacking the Twisting Nether as a skybox or having chunks of Outland floating off into space. They excised so many things that made Outland feel like a truly alien world. There is no comparable moment in Warlords to the first time you exit through that canyon and go from the desolate, wasted, ruins of Hellfire Peninsula and enter into the surreal and cerulean blue mushroom jungle of Zangarmarsh. In Warlords of Dreanor they made a very beautiful, pastoral, boring and entirely normal version of Outland. Which would have been fine if the quest design had been there to prop it up but that is arguably not the case with Warlords of Draenor.
I'm not really billing Draenor is some font of creativity, but they stretched themselves more than the Legion zones for me, which are mostly just Kalimdor 2.0. It feels disingenuous to me to write off the creativity of WoD when you had stuff like the really cool transition into Spires as you walk down the cliff with the beam disintegrating stuff from Skyreach, or you explore the really interesting draenei architecture.
Personally there is just nothing quite like this in Legion. I am sort of just at a loss as to how someone can criticize this aspect of WoD but enjoy Legion when it's so often just Night Elven ruins or traditional Tauren villages.
It is difficult for me to really find ire for fairly linear questing paths. That being said, Spires is fairly more freeform than I think is maybe recognized. The chain with the goblins on the southern end, the investigation into Admiral Taylor's garrison, and I think the revival of Terokk are independent chains that can be accessed at almost any time. Yes some of the paths are linear but you have a number of them to choose between.And, again, while being very beautiful, and being an interesting reimagining of the Arakkoa and their lore, Spires of Arak was one of the most heavily theme parked zones in WoD. There's very little in the way of exploring to do in Spires. So much of it is on rails. That's a complaint you can level at most of WoD's zones, heavily instanced and/or on-rails and with sections just partitioned off for awful end-game rep grinds/garrison campaign. You say that Gorgrond's landscape inspires exploration and adventuring and one of your screenshots is from The Pit. An area of the zone you could not explore while leveling and was the site of one of the many tedious garrison daily rep grinds. That entire northern-eastern chunk of Gorgrond is off-limits until you're at cap and doing the garrison campaign, garrison daily grinds or the start of Tanaan campaign to get your shipyard. The only thing there is to find is an unused but fully populated Laughing Skulls village nestled behind the Iron Docks and Blackrock Foundry just past the Grimrail Depot.
I feel like there is a fundamental misunderstanding of Warlords if this is the perception. The dynamic daily system is not an evolution of the vignette/treasure system from WoD, and is instead an evolution of the Apexis Dailies, simply broken up into bite sized chunks spread across the world and given more dynamic rewards instead of operating on a single currency. The vignette/treasure system in WoD was incredible for leveling. The only equivalent to this system is the almost insultingly strewn around treasure chests in Legion. WoD's version had loads of unique items packed around the zones or unique little stories that would happen almost organically. This is a level of exploration and in world puzzle solving that WoD had that is completely absent in Legion.The design elements that drive and reward exploration in WoD--the bonus objectives, the scenarios you can stumble across, the treasures, and the rares--feel like they were a beta for what's been implemented in Legion. In WoD treasures and rares were a neat idea that quickly become meaningless because they're mostly just pitiful amounts of garrison resources. Here's a couple of ogres guarding a massive treaure chest, what could be inside? Gold? Jewels? A cool weapon or piece of armor!? Nope, it's just 20 garrison resources. Sometimes you would get gear but more often than not, it's vendor trash and maybe a transmog at best. Rarely you would get a toy or a meaningful piece of gear. Pitiful amounts of garrison resources were what drove the rewards for exploring in Warlords. And often what you would fine would be effectively walled off areas you could not go into or just instances from fixed points of a campaign you had completed.
Man, I'm resto shaman main and I cannot do the damn withered training as ele. Dro is killing me, not the withered but ME. Ele is awful. 3 times I've died to him now.
You can tame that one (I've done it) but he loses the sword, so he looks the same as any other wolf like that.
Damm, how you make money with tailoring while my friend is becoming rich with leather stuff
How do you become rich with leather stuff? Im just selling the bare mats and while they make a few thousand its nothing crazy
Damm, how you make money with tailoring while my friend is becoming rich with leather stuff
New animations are something I didn't realize I wanted and needed. Now give us spell casting ones!
Doing the East side of Suramar is making me contemplate quitting this expansion. Who thought this kind of gameplay was a good idea?
Cast from staff plz.
The TBC trailer has so much of it already.
Selling the wrists probably still makes a good bit. I made 4k off one I sold just last night.
(btw where can I get your avatar in full?)
New animations are something I didn't realize I wanted and needed. Now give us spell casting ones!
Did the servers go down?
I just joined a group for the Stelleris thing in Suramar, I'm hung up casting slowfall, the wow website's not loading...
Did the servers go down?
I just joined a group for the Stelleris thing in Suramar, I'm hung up casting slowfall, the wow website's not loading...
Did the servers go down?
I just joined a group for the Stelleris thing in Suramar, I'm hung up casting slowfall, the wow website's not loading...