Its not exactly a maw of Satanic horror story but it sticks in my mind.
When i was still a teenager my GF at the time had a bit of a complex about not being a "sack of potatoes" when having sex.
Thing is, she was so obsessed with this sack thing, when we had sex it was like my cock was a taser and she would just sort of randomly move as if she was getting an electric shock.
I asked her to do it doggy just so I didn't have to deal with her spazzy movements and all of a sudden there was this
tptptptptttfffffffftttt noise from her Vagina as she let out a massive fanny fart
I continued to thrust
Couldn't hold it together at that point and just burst out laughing, she didn't see the funny side. But looking back the sex with her was awful We were young so sex wasn't exactly mills & boon, but it was better than nothing at the time.
Along similar lines, I dated a girl for a couple of months who insisted on talking dirty all through sex, every time we had sex. At first it was kinda hot but after a few times it just got distracting. You can only hear "fuck that pussy" so many times before you get bored.
The same girl also had an intense phobia of orgasms. As in, she was 23 and had never had one. Not even while masturbating or playing with toys. She'd get herself right to the edge and then quit. Just stop. I'd go down on her and she'd stop me before she came. Odd girl.
I asked her about it one time and she said that it just sort of never happened when she was younger and playing around with herself and now she's afraid to cum. To be a bit more accurate, I think she was afraid that she would squirt if/when she did cum and she didn't want to do that. As far as I know she's still never had an orgasm.