Xbox reveals it had to ‘trust’ Sony with pre-release Series X/S consoles for MLB


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Sarah Bond, head of game creator experience and ecosystem at Xbox, told Axios Microsoft had been attempting to get MLB The Show on its consoles for years before an agreement was finally reached.

While working with MLB on the multiplatform arcade-style RBI Baseball franchise, Bond said “The Show always came up. We always said, ‘We love this game. It would be a huge opportunity to bring it to Xbox.'”

To get the game running on its then-unreleased Xbox Series X/S consoles, Microsoft had to send the hardware to PlayStation’s development team.

“It was a real, real sign of industry trust,” Bond told Axios.

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Pretty sure they weren't sent there sans some sort of "no idustrial espionage" agreement that would have been pretty watertight.

So not sure how much they actually trusted them🤣

Spidey Fan

Mean while their fans are preparing for their holy war. The fanboys war, the ultimate war, which no one can survive.

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With Baseball it doesn't make sense to keep it exclusive, I feel like everyone wins in this scenario.


Yes because i'm sure both Sony and Microsoft could in no way of seen devkits any other way, when every studio already had them.

You know, i used to think that way, because it seems completely “obvious” that given the chance, a competitor will steal something from competition for its own benefit.
Turn out that professional experience demonstrated me the contrary. Cant go into details, but in a previous job due to an error from a third party, critical data from company A got available to company B, its biggest competitor.
Company B acknowledge the situation and they inform A about it.
Legal consequences of doing the wrong thing are scary enough to not do it in any circumstqnce.
Hey it would be great to get this game on Xbox in one breath then hey let’s buy this publisher and keep these games off the other guys hardware 🥴

It's business. In business deals are made. A deal wasn't made to keep games off playstation, a deal was made to bring even more high quality games to Xbox Game Pass day one, and in so doing, bolster the exclusive Xbox first party games lineup. The deal was entirely about Xbox and Bethesda with nothing to do with Playstation.

Zenimax and Bethesda chose Microsoft and Xbox. They chose Microsoft and Xbox because they trust them, because of their history, and because Microsoft was willing to showcase just how big a bet they're willing to make on enabling Bethesda and all their creative teams to do what they do better. It's simple. Same reason Insomniac chose Sony. Same reason Naughty Dog chose Sony.

And I already know what people will say, "but those studios were largely exclusively making games for Playstation for many years, so it's not the same" but I disagree. A game developer turned publisher with multiple game studios under their belt, and that makes games for multiple platforms is to me no different from an independent game studio that doesn't have as many game studios in their organization. It also isn't like Insomniac never made an exclusive game for Xbox before, they did it with Sunset Overdrive. If Naughty Dog weren't purchased by Sony they might have eventually worked with Xbox on an exclusive deal toto. I didn't bother to look to see if they ever did or not.

In the same way it can be said that Sony helped Insomniac and Naughty Dog raise their level as a game studio, and helped provide an opportunity put them both in a better space, the same can be said for Bethesda when they worked with Microsoft to bring Morrowind to Xbox at a time they weren't even sure a game like that would be received well on a console. Xbox put in the work to develop that relationship for years. The current situation is a result of Microsoft getting it right over those years.


Gold Member
With Baseball it doesn't make sense to keep it exclusive, I feel like everyone wins in this scenario.
Microsoft owns the High Heat IP that they did nothing with other than vault it to help out EA. They could’ve easily purchased a first party license like Sony had and made their own baseball game, but when the best is already out there and established, better to convince the MLB to dangle the 3rd party license lockdown carrot to Sony when it was time for license renewal.

Win/win for gamers and all parties involved in the end.
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I thought we already had this news?

It's really not a big deal, they likely sent it way after both consoles were finalised. So many people are acting like Sony found secrets to put in the already finalised PS5.


Wouldn’t MS have had access to Sony dev kits through their studios? Seems like a non story - your name would be absolute mud in the industry if you leaked anything.

That stopped people from leaking before how exactly?

The issue in this case is not about actual "leaking" but giving off specs etc. that could help the competition out.
It's also something very hard to prove. Like if Sony's development team leaked the specs to R&D that was then still working on the PS5, how do you even prove that as MS?
That's where the "trust" comes in. You are dependent on the other party keeping their word in this situation.
It's business. In business deals are made. A deal wasn't made to keep games off playstation, a deal was made to bring even more high quality games to Xbox Game Pass day one, and in so doing, bolster the exclusive Xbox first party games lineup. The deal was entirely about Xbox and Bethesda with nothing to do with Playstation.

Zenimax and Bethesda chose Microsoft and Xbox. They chose Microsoft and Xbox because they trust them, because of their history, and because Microsoft was willing to showcase just how big a bet they're willing to make on enabling Bethesda and all their creative teams to do what they do better. It's simple. Same reason Insomniac chose Sony. Same reason Naughty Dog chose Sony.

And I already know what people will say, "but those studios were largely exclusively making games for Playstation for many years, so it's not the same" but I disagree. A game developer turned publisher with multiple game studios under their belt, and that makes games for multiple platforms is to me no different from an independent game studio that doesn't have as many game studios in their organization. It also isn't like Insomniac never made an exclusive game for Xbox before, they did it with Sunset Overdrive. If Naughty Dog weren't purchased by Sony they might have eventually worked with Xbox on an exclusive deal toto. I didn't bother to look to see if they ever did or not.

In the same way it can be said that Sony helped Insomniac and Naughty Dog raise their level as a game studio, and helped provide an opportunity put them both in a better space, the same can be said for Bethesda when they worked with Microsoft to bring Morrowind to Xbox at a time they weren't even sure a game like that would be received well on a console. Xbox put in the work to develop that relationship for years. The current situation is a result of Microsoft getting it right over those years.
They could have cut a deal to bring Bethesda games to GP day one without buying them, this does nothing to bring more games to xbox users they already would have had access to every single Bethesda game, bolstering your exclusive line up by taking multiplatform games and making them exclusive is a bit of a lazy way out and the only reason Xbox can do that is because of all the money that's brought in outside of their division. That being said if Bethesda was looking to be acquired which seems to be the case and Sony wasn't willing or able to meet their price it's better that MS picked them up than say apple, google or amazon who may have taken their games away from consoles as well and ended up making them streaming only titles or mobile games. At the end of the day this deal was bad for the industry, Xbox fans like it because they see it as something being taken away from PlayStation players but this kind of consolidation sucks and people who keep wanting MS or others to buy more publishers need to sit back and realize that that means long term.

Just one last small thing to add, insomniac had no real success away from Sony, they are a developer who own no valuable IP so comparing them with Bethesda who is also a publisher with many studios that also owns several highly successful multiplatform IP's is like comparing apples to bowling balls.


It's business. In business deals are made. A deal wasn't made to keep games off playstation, a deal was made to bring even more high quality games to Xbox Game Pass day one, and in so doing, bolster the exclusive Xbox first party games lineup. The deal was entirely about Xbox and Bethesda with nothing to do with Playstation.

Zenimax and Bethesda chose Microsoft and Xbox. They chose Microsoft and Xbox because they trust them, because of their history, and because Microsoft was willing to showcase just how big a bet they're willing to make on enabling Bethesda and all their creative teams to do what they do better. It's simple. Same reason Insomniac chose Sony. Same reason Naughty Dog chose Sony.

And I already know what people will say, "but those studios were largely exclusively making games for Playstation for many years, so it's not the same" but I disagree. A game developer turned publisher with multiple game studios under their belt, and that makes games for multiple platforms is to me no different from an independent game studio that doesn't have as many game studios in their organization. It also isn't like Insomniac never made an exclusive game for Xbox before, they did it with Sunset Overdrive. If Naughty Dog weren't purchased by Sony they might have eventually worked with Xbox on an exclusive deal toto. I didn't bother to look to see if they ever did or not.

In the same way it can be said that Sony helped Insomniac and Naughty Dog raise their level as a game studio, and helped provide an opportunity put them both in a better space, the same can be said for Bethesda when they worked with Microsoft to bring Morrowind to Xbox at a time they weren't even sure a game like that would be received well on a console. Xbox put in the work to develop that relationship for years. The current situation is a result of Microsoft getting it right over those years.
Yeah, we get it, acquisitions and exclusives are good when it's your team and bad when it's the other team. You as an Xbox gamer got NOTHING out of it, those games were all going to come out for Xbox anyway. All the Playstation only people got fucked because of this. There's nothing to gain for Starfield being an Xbox exclusive if you already owned an Xbox, zero. The game won't be better for it.

There's a big difference between a company paying for a game that otherwise wouldn't exist and literally taking games away from another company.

I own every fucking console out there. What is this deal bringing me exactly? What should I celebrate it? I didn't celebrate Sony buying Insomniac or any other studio. It doesn't matter as long as they make good games. Stop celebrating taking shit away from others. It will eventually happen to you too and you won't be happy.
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