How will Steam be on TVs elaborate.
console-like isn't a console.
There are levels to this that I think you're downplaying. Economies of scale in which are impossible to compete with where even a 50 dollar difference is significant.
Valve doesn't make enough games themselves nor do they have the experience in making hardware to become a serious competitor in that market. They don't have the relationships with retail.
Simply having access to multiplatform games isn't enough, see Microsoft on that.
PC gamers don't want consoles and they don't want a console-like experience just like they don't want a handheld like experience, hence why the Steam deck has sold so poorly.
And console gamers don't want to pay a premium to Valve for less than what they're getting now....
*How will Steam be on TVs?”
Same way consoles are on TVs. Through devices plugged into TVs, PC apps, cloud streaming devices and smart apps for cloud, remote play functionalities.
It’s like you’re in a bubble and refuse to see what’s happening outside. Steam is going to be everywhere. Baby steps but it’s happening. Go look at the logos Valve recently created where they have different variations of SteamOS and Steam powered and Steam included texts. They’re doing what we thought Microsoft, and with more controversy possibly Sony, would be doing. Be everywhere. And they’re doing it first.
Regarding console-like devices, I think you need to try a docked Steam Deck. It is very much just like a console. When sitting in the UI you would struggle to tell them apart. The difference is essentially just that you also have the option to exit that UI and go out to a Linux PC desktop. But you don’t have to do that.
As said I used a Steam Deck that way at first and that was the reason I built a living room PC. Because it felt like a console. But I used a Windows PC and booted it into regular Steam’s big picture mode instead of going with SteamOS, essentially because I wanted less trouble using Gamepass.
Finally, you talk about PC gamers being this way and console gamers being that way.
As you should know by now I was console-only. Until I wasn’t anymore. The move to PC was as smooth as ever. Expensive, oh yes. But still smooth. The cost is the real problem, but when SteamOS goes wide in reach I think we’ll see several cheaper smaller console-like devices pop up on the market.